Shared Responsibility: Better Than Single-Payer

RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
I lived in the UK and I owned a home there for a few years in the 1980s. At that time, one topic of public debate was their health care system. At that time it was decided that 70 years of age was the cut-off for life-extending medical treatments. Beyond 70yo a person was expected to die gracefully 'with dignity'. Mike Jagger is 75.

Unless they have changed the healthcare system in the UK, at 75yo you would expect unlimited pain meds for 'care and comfort' only, but no heart surgery or organ transplants.
That is the LIBS..."medical lottery"
Picking the medical care winners and losers!!
I lived in the UK and I owned a home there for a few years in the 1980s. At that time, one topic of public debate was their health care system. At that time it was decided that 70 years of age was the cut-off for life-extending medical treatments. Beyond 70yo a person was expected to die gracefully 'with dignity'. Mike Jagger is 75.

Unless they have changed the healthcare system in the UK, at 75yo you would expect unlimited pain meds for 'care and comfort' only, but no heart surgery or organ transplants. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
I'm not in disagreement with some of it. My father had quadruple bypass surgery at 79 paid for by Medicare and his supplemental insurance. He spent 2 years recovering. He died the following year. I don't know why the govt approved the procedure. True, he paid into the system (not nearly what he took out). They also paid for a hip operation that "caused" his death.

I find it even more difficult to justify an organ transplant for a 75 yo.
We've discussed this before here and on the other boards:

The American Medical Association is the most powerful union in America.

The doctor's prescription pad is a basically a checkbook you can write to yourself. It won't get fixed until we can legally buy most prescription drugs over the mail internationally.

The AMA and drug companies are in cahoots with the Federal Govt. Remember Obama said twice on national TV that there was 200 BILLION dollars of Medicare fraud ANNUALLY. He later was advised to back that number down to 50 Billion.

Thanks for the article Dilbert. Originally Posted by gnadfly
It would be extremely dangerous to get [redacted] in the mail without the oversight of a medical doctor. The [redacted]s available today do some amazing shit because they are so strong and well thought out by the ethical pharmaceutical industry.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^^ Simple answer the AMA and Big Pharma is milking the system , as with most issues MONEY talks