Uh Oh! We've been type-cast!!

If it has Melissa Farley's name attached you can usually bet it's gonna be random crap strung together to sound more important than it is. Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine
If she doesn't want me to pay for sex, then perhaps she'll come over and fuck me for free.

I'm just sayin' ...
budman33's Avatar
well the study is bullshit except putting the envolope on the table is in itself illegal activity aint it? I know most of the ladies sites say $$ is exchanged for companionship only yadda yadda yadda, but that's legaleze.

But then again this site is strictly about fictional accounts of P4P

My donation is always in a whimsical B-day card, "Its not my fault I cant remember when her birthday is officer"...I'm a guy.