Law enforcement is on here !

aznlvr11's Avatar
....... the actual only rules to that case there is they may not do anything that is illegal in order to get you to do something illegal ..... Originally Posted by Lucuyslove

if you believe that, i have some property to sell you. cops do illegal shit all the time to get an arrest. it may not stand up in court or may get dismissed, but by the time you get through the system, the damage is already done.
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
Entrapment hasnt pertained to undercover law enforcement since the 90s.. Early 90s in tx.. Plus alot of times you actually meet an informant a community seervice member they technically can say they arent law enforcement caus they legally carry no badge the actual cops are in the next ROOM
Entrapment hasnt pertained to undercover law enforcement since the 90s.. Early 90s in tx.. Plus alot of times you actually meet an informant a community seervice member they technically can say they arent law enforcement caus they legally carry no badge the actual cops are in the next ROOM Originally Posted by Lovelyxxxo
Never heard of informants used for a solicitation bust...seems a little odd...drug bust, yes...solicitation...don't know how that would play out
It is a common myth that entrapment laws don't exist. They do, they just don't work the way people think. In order to have a successful entrapment defense, one must prove the LEO induced them to commit a crime they would not otherwise commit. That basically they made it so tempting that they acted so far out of character and caved to the pressure.

An escort openly advertising her services will likely not be able to prove that she would not have accepted money for services. HOWEVER, if a desperate single mom working at a Walmart who had no prior arrests and agreed to an offer of $1000 for an "hour of fun" would likely win her case.
  • pxmcc
  • 01-23-2019, 02:07 AM
Never heard of informants used for a solicitation bust...seems a little odd...drug bust, yes...solicitation...don't know how that would play out Originally Posted by bb1961
actually a Confidential Informant (CI) is plausibly a super dangerous aspect of le for the hobby world.
here's a hypo:
2 blokes, one undercover vice and the other a CI, work as partners. The CI can do illegal shit to get "cred" in the community, same as with drugs. so he does fs sessions, writes reviews, gets p411 oks, develops references, the whole shebang. he develops a whole network of people in the hobby world. meantime, cases are being built. effing bad news..
boardman's Avatar
Please be careful dealing with jay0512 I asked him several times was he affiliated with law enforcement he ignored my question and admitted he was ladies be careful Originally Posted by M.delicious
Everyone else is right about the lying...and knowing that they monitor all of the SHMBs.

The curious part of the OP is that the guy "admitted he was". WTF?
actually a Confidential Informant (CI) is plausibly a super dangerous aspect of le for the hobby world.
here's a hypo:
2 blokes, one undercover vice and the other a CI, work as partners. The CI can do illegal shit to get "cred" in the community, same as with drugs. so he does fs sessions, writes reviews, gets p411 oks, develops references, the whole shebang. he develops a whole network of people in the hobby world. meantime, cases are being built. effing bad news.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
You said hypothetically...please post a link to an actual case.
Never seen it on TV or in you said hypothetical.
In law enforcement this expenditure isn't worth the misdemeanor conviction...the juice just isn't worth the squeeze.
This isn't the same thing as pimping and pandering cases.
  • pxmcc
  • 01-23-2019, 01:13 PM
You said hypothetically...please post a link to an actual case.
Never seen it on TV or in you said hypothetical.
In law enforcement this expenditure isn't worth the misdemeanor conviction...the juice just isn't worth the squeeze.
This isn't the same thing as pimping and pandering cases. Originally Posted by bb1961
there were actually either 2 uc vice officers or a vice and a CI on eccie. i called 'em both out. the vice jokingly said he was going to ip track my computer. i don't have time to go find the thread tho.
there were actually either 2 uc vice officers or a vice and a CI on eccie. i called 'em both out. the vice jokingly said he was going to ip track my computer. i don't have time to go find the thread tho. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Vice most likely...CI I highly doubt...a CI would have no propose on any hooker board...would make absolutely zero sense!!
So vice would go through an CI to build a solicitation case on a hooker board...ridiculous!!
Incidently , I have had sessions with L.E.
And 🤤 I will never forget this one experience when I was on Troothsayers before they became your reading this (you know who you are I need 500bfx points asap sexy..😘lol)
Anyway After a night of dancing with my date we decided to get a room to go shower and have a night cap with our goodbye. And while I was sitting in the room and he was in the shower he dropped his wallet in accident.
I um was so freaking relieved when he came out smiling and said gotta run thanks for the night out dancing.
Yes fucking way!
Those of you that know me know im brutally honest.
It was awesome..😈😉😗😂☺!!!
Oh the wallet had a shiny badge shining..������������
In Costa Mesa..yes.
Years ago
Lucuyslove's Avatar
Actually currently I have to clients from back home who are law enforcement related one is a district judge in a different County from where I'm from the other is a retired County Sheriff from another County however when I started seeing him he was still Sheriff in fact he is friends with a sheriff very good friends from the home town that I grew up it neither one of these gentlemen told me or inform me of their positions until after a few sessions wonderful men I have to say the one I found out was physically sick not that there could be anything done about it at that point but still ...
Just be careful, screen screen screen
cinderbella's Avatar
boardman's Avatar
Vice most likely...CI I highly doubt...a CI would have no propose on any hooker board...would make absolutely zero sense!!
So vice would go through an CI to build a solicitation case on a hooker board...ridiculous!! Originally Posted by bb1961
I don't know that it's totally ridiculous. I could see a CI doing the leg work without being asked just so he had something in his pocket if he needed it. Why not? He just needs some computer time and disposable income. If he has another gig he's trying to protect by having some alternative info that's a fairly easy, and fun, way of doing it. You're right though, it's not about misdemeanor solicitation. The busts we see are always about trafficking (or at least reported to be but I have doubts). Independents should be pretty safe if they stick to one thing. I wonder about those who share apartments, or travel and advertise together. Seems like there could be some additional charges if two ladies are working out of the same place. Could that be considered "organized"? Also possible/probable that if something is organized there could be other illegal activities taking place. That's where a simple misdemeanor quickly becomes a major story.

The point you made earlier about the expense of it is more relevant now than ever. Sly Turner is bucking it at every turn but Prop B has him backed into a corner. Resources aren't going to be nearly as plentiful. Vice will be focused on potentially high profile stuff that will get attention, front page articles and big sentences.