"It's all in how you word it."

  • harry
  • 06-14-2017, 05:42 PM
I don't pay any attention to it. Personally I like the ebony ladies a lot as well as Latinas, white and Asian ladies too. As long as the pics are accurate and her reviews good, I will consider seeing her if I find her attractive.
txman123's Avatar
Sexy, great thread.

"We all know that girls often lie on their ads and say they are some ridiculous rainbow of races when really they are just __-(fill in the blank)."
No way! That just doesn't happen around here

I want to know how much this really matters to you clients when deciding whether or not to see a girl.'
Her race matters not. From my teen years, don't give a rat's ass or a flyin' fuck.

Her lying about her race, in and of itself, does not matter either. Hell, people lie (big or small) about their race all the time. The latest fad is for liberal white girls/women to self identify as black. Elizabeth Warren claimed to be largely American Indian.

"If you see a picture of a dark skinned (non-white) girl and think she is hot, does the fact that she put, "I am Dominican, Russian, Vietnamese, Bolivian, and French" make her more appealing than if she was just honest and put "I am black"?"

"Are you left with questions if she does not put her racial background in her ad text,"
"assuming that the picture will tell you all you need to know?"
Yes, I dont need to know much about race.

"I am very aware of the racial dynamic the US ... does race, or presumed race, supersede beauty and reputation in your decision making?"
Hell no.

One more from the past, I love all the ladies, 8 to 80; blind, crippled or crazy.

Editorial: I prefer dark skinned women. I think it probably has to do with my being fair skinned and (used to be) blonde.
I also prefer an average to athletic body. A sprinter as opposed to a distance runner, a softball player as opposed to a bicyclist.
But the "love 'em" all takes precedence.

And while I'm at it, physical beauty is pre-empted by personality, confidence and attitude; a zest for life in general.
gladius82's Avatar
Sometimes the term "mixed" is accurate....
The provider i reviewed on 2/7/2017 Lovely.Jasmine is mixed Asian and Black
Chung Tran's Avatar
Sometimes the term "mixed" is accurate....
The provider i reviewed on 2/7/2017 Lovely.Jasmine is mixed Asian and Black Originally Posted by gladius82
yes Sir, it is.. but like SEM suggested, many who post "mixed" are really just black, by any reasonable yardstick.. I like mixed girls, too, my only problem with them, is the damn statistics that I keep.. stats on every lady I have enjoyed, by age, race, etc..

it screws up my data collection, putting 1/2 in each of two columns.. but I do it.. you know.. for the "cause".
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-15-2017, 04:06 PM
I just call it black pussy, white pussy, latina pussy, if she's fat, I put that before the race.
it;s just marketing to the monger that are attracted to "exotic". most seasoned mongers only see black, white, brown, yellow..and pink.
I just call it black pussy, white pussy, latina pussy, if she's fat, I put that before the race. Originally Posted by BLM69
what about sideways?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-15-2017, 04:31 PM
what about sideways? Originally Posted by darkwader
You can add any description before the pussy, I like things simple in life
If I feel attraction makes no difference.

Finding a big ol dick when hot female is advertised is what bothers me
2short@desky's Avatar
To me race and sometimes heritage is very important. I must admit, I glide right over the AA chicks, feel virtually no arousal whatsoever, and am generally turned off completely by AA street slang. That said, I would look very closely at a black chick from Portuguese or Italian colonies. They do have an erotic look to me, the faces are more refined, and generally look similar in face structure to Europeans with smaller asses than the typical AA....but they are dark cinnamon. Toss in their foreign accent and geez, that's hot!

So when I see "mixed", the first thing I look at is the nose and the ass....just being honest here, and rule out mostly on that basis.
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 06-16-2017, 10:19 AM
We are all 'mixed'.
Just some are more mixed than others.
Racial background means nothing to me, but I do prefer ladies of hispanic heritage.
Attitude makes a good looking woman more beautiful. Ladies with great attitudes will get more business here.
So when I see "mixed", the first thing I look at is the nose and the ass....just being honest here, and rule out mostly on that basis. Originally Posted by 2short@desky
nose in the ass, that's how the canines do it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
nose in the ass, that's how the canines do it. Originally Posted by darkwader
I'm a Horndog, that's what I do to sniff out the black girls I choose for a session.
It makes no diff. to me, I see the pic and personality. Morgan you are as hot if you said Texas by way of California, as if you put Russia or Brazil
SEM, as said by a previous commentator, this is a great topic. Point blank, race matters because some of us not only make love to physical beauty but also to culture. Also, some people just have their own racial preferences, and this is probably a point of contention that hangs up a good amount of providers because they perceive that being a certain race will dictate the size and quality of the market they provide in. Everyone wants to be the big fish in the big pond and even be able to swim down some streams to access other big ponds. For example, this thinking may lead an American black woman to call herself ebony in some ads, mixed in other ads, and maybe even Peurto Rican in other ads. Providers with this mentality, however, are shooting themselves in the end because hobbyists will pick up on the dishonesty, insecurity, and low self esteem.

The best advice for providers is to state race (nationality as well as skin tone) and beauty type (e.g. brick house, amazon, petite spinner, body builder, long distance runner) as accurately and as prominently as possible for the following reasons:

-There are ponds for race and beauty type and you want to alert the entire pond of your presence. This is especially important if you’re constricted by operating in small ponds.

-Clients like it when you make their keyword search for race and beauty type easy, especially after they’ve encountered you and go home thinking that they found exactly what they were looking for. Making clients happy like that quickly reflects in reviews and promotes you to being a big fish in the pond.

This fish in the pond mentality is not a bad mentality for providers to have because being the big fish in a big pond is great, but also, being the big fish in a small pond is not necessarily a bad thing either because it may mean less competition, more steady work, and more prestige.

A more daring mentality, however, is that there is no pond, there are no boundaries. As I previously stated, culture equates to love for some clients. The providers who best serve these clients are the ones who take full and aggressive ownership of their own race and nationality as well as their beauty type. Providers who have the sophistication, creativity, positivity, self confidence, and personal refinement to invite clients outside of their typical preferences to experience a unique culture or type of woman can transcend the barriers of the ponds. It’s all about mentality.

I hope this reply helps.