Negative reviews...Ladies, how do you handle them?

Lana Warren's Avatar
Hmmmmmmm, let's see! I first would title my rebuttal thread in all CAPS! Then I would use bad grammar and punctuation and forget to use spell check! Next, I would call the gentleman every name in the book! Lastly, I would sit back and wait for my phone to ring!

Nah, I would take it with class and just move on!
  • Sami
  • 04-08-2011, 10:41 PM
When I first joined , first review said (Good Rub - mediocre tug - Sami from BP) Now when I first seen it I thought dam!
So I read it at bottom hes said (Recommendation: Yes)

1) I was very new .
2) I was on right track with rub..
3) My tug needed to be better at tug
4) He said yes , so I just needed more practice.

Now I have not had to deal with to much criticism, I know I can't make everyone happy. I will give it hell trying. And haven't had a no yet, I will probably get one next week. LOL

Now if it was real nasty I would have to go with IP'S Idea make a copy, wipe my azz with it. That's good one.

Nothing ever comes from arguing from behind this keyboard!
Hercules's Avatar
Come on let's get with reality here folks!

1st - She'd post alerts on the reviewer in every forum from here to Disney.

2nd - She'd try to blackball his ass with every provider she knows (and even those she hates).

3rd - She'd rally her knights to respond to said review and call him a stalker and post statistics about her bazillion good reviews..

4th - She'd put his email addy under spam, block his phone # and then yell and scream about how he's emailing and texting her constantly calling her bad names.

5th - She'd break out her vodoo doll of the reviewer and stick pins in his crotch.

She's go through aaaallll that instead of humbling herself and say "Dude. My bad. I had an off day. Let me make it up to you by fucking your brains out at a discounted rate".

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 04-09-2011, 05:54 AM
Well Hercules, the only thing I say to your answer is, it is to early to be laughing this hard..(CHUCKLING and SPILLING COFFEE)...

No really, maybe this is true if he is bashing her to death....But if he is
giving constructive criticism about her, then she can use it to her advantage as a learning tool.....
I hate drama so I know I wouldn't do A or B, I am thinking I would probably do C. HOPEFULLY I won't ever get a bad review but I am sure one day it's bound to happen. Til then, I have my fingers crossed Originally Posted by Alyssa Nicole
Alyssa, the day you get a bad review is the day that guy loses ALL CREDIBILITY...
~Tickle Me Elmo~
There is no reason to dispute a negative review as long as it is not done for the wrong reasons. If the man truly feels that I deserve a negative review that is true, then by all means I need to take it as constructive criticism. Negative comments will for sure hurt my feelings but they are not the end of the world and I would use them to better myself.

4 Years ago I retired from the hobby and was a provider for a few years before that. During that time and my current time as a provider I have never (knock on wood) had a "NO" review. There have been things mentioned that hurt my feeling (such as saying I would look better if I lost a few pounds) but I take that as something I need to work on, and I am.

Arguing a bad review only brings a negative light to the provider, unless of course the review is fake or done for revenge or something along those lines. Originally Posted by Ivy Chick

Very well said. I might add that when a bad or "no" recommendation review is posted, and the session did take place, yes, it is the OPINION of the reviewer, are there are 2 sides of the story, then there is mostly always the third side, which is what really actually happened. But, what many of the providers do not acknowledge or some even care about, is the fact that it is the hobbyist who pays the donation and he wants the session he wants. Now, if he does his homework and/or uses some diligence in seeking out a provider, he should have at least a good session. Also, given the fact that said hobbyist has clean hygiene, is respectful of the provider's time and boundaries and has the proper donation, the provider SHOULD give the guy a great session, there should be no YMMV crap, as that will cause a guy to write a bad review, and will not see her again, and she SHOULD have absolutely no one to blame but herself. Calling out/posting and alert thread on a hobbyist just for writing a bad/"no" recommendation review sheds a very bad light on said provider. To keep ladies from getting the bad reviews, they should not see a hobbyist at a time when they have even a remote chance of them not being able to do a great session, be it because they are having personal problems they cannot push to the side, they are tired from seeing multiple guys that day, lack of sleep the night before or whatever, or because they feel that the "connection" is just not there, however they determine that rationale. Sure, you lose whatever money that would have been, but, in the long run of provider reputations, it is better to no to see a guy/reschedule than a hobbyist be treated as if he were nothing but a wallet, and a provider "going through the motions" if even that.

To the OP statement on what a provider does about a negative review states alot about the provider.
Lana - that was a good one! And don't forget...Using every excuse in the book for why poor service was given! (Sorry, I love reading the rebuttal excuses, sometimes they are VERY creative!) LMAO

Fawn & Reese - OMG I just realized its April 12th...Oh what I would give to be a fly on the wall right Bedford. Mmmm Mmmmm!

TexRich's Avatar
ladies should consider getting their first bad review a rite of passage, ha ha.
Hobbyfun's Avatar
I guess I have been very lucky, I have been doing this for years and don't think I have ever had a Bad session. I have had session better and a lot better than others but even the not so good session I got off and that is the main thing we are here for.

I have gone into a session were we did not Click as well as I have with other providers, but that is going to happen from time to time, but I got off so how is that a bad session, you just have to remember that and find a different provider next time.

If you read the post of providers and the reviews then you can tell if it is going to be good are a so so session.
I read some of the reviews that have a no recommendation then go and read the providers post and other reviews and the one making the review and you can tell from them items what went wrong most of the time.

Most providers that have a bad attitude you will find that out in there post. Are if there post are filled with drama and other things if you look, and if you don't do the research then you have nobody but your self to blame.

Next thing men you can't go to a session thinking I am paying you so you have to do what I want. These ladies are NOT a piece of meat you can go in and paw at are show up dirty and smelly and think it is going to turn out good.

There is a few ladies on here I would love to see, they have a hot body and the activities are what I like and they have good to great reviews, but after reading some of there post I would never go see them because I don't feel we would click and they is no need in having a bad, to so so session.

As for the ladies I am surprised they don't tell more men no about having a session with them, what I have read here some of us guys are real dicks and if I was a provider no amount of money would make me want to have a session with some of us.

With all this being said there is a lot of providers I still want to have a session with I just don't have the time right now but I will make the time some how.

As for the reviews don't get nasty about it just state the facts as you see them and you reviews will have more meaning, also ladies if your have a session and aunt flo show up just before are even after the session starts let the guy know and to show how classy you are, tell him you will stop the session and refund his money are reduce the price and give him a bj but let him decide and I would bet most guys here would say that's OK give me a bj for now but give me a little extra time next session and you can keep the full price, but make the offer that will go a long long way.
Thank You, Ladies, that's exactly what I'll do. One in a year isn't too bad, right?
Fawn & Reese - OMG I just realized its April 12th...Oh what I would give to be a fly on the wall right Bedford. Mmmm Mmmmm! Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess

It was a great one
I'm with Hobbyfun...I have never had a bad review. I suppose if you treat gentlemen well, be punctual and all that other stuff...I'm just sayin'.

Thanks to all you guys who DIDN'T post the bad stuff! Especially Tony Patella for almost sending him through the window!
Lana Warren's Avatar
Thanks to all you guys who DIDN'T post the bad stuff! Especially Tony Patella for almost sending him through the window! Originally Posted by vnurse

Ok V, spill it! Tell us what the hell did you do to poor Tony!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 04-12-2011, 07:24 PM

Fawn & Reese - OMG I just realized its April 12th...Oh what I would give to be a fly on the wall right Bedford. Mmmm Mmmmm!

ItalianaPrincess Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
Girl, that damn fly on the wall would be dead from pure exhaustion just from watching...
BigPurdy's Avatar
I have my own V stories. Right Vicki?