Business slowing down?

KellyKiss's Avatar
Yes I’m been getting the same upload pic error message on oh2 also. I wasnt posting but now I post and just put that I’m having the error.
To me, price was never issue of seeing a provider unless it is really high close to $$$$$,
What I am really afraid of is that I go though all processes and getting disappointed. I have been disappointed and it is a terrible feeling. So I do not have any problem with providers whom went exta length for free but need to increase the price for whatever reason.

But I do have a problem with providers who increased price with same service just because other providers rightfully did so
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 11-01-2023, 12:31 PM
^you have no idea about the backlash we get if we don't raise our fees and fall in line with the other gate keepers.
I am talking about women giving you hell, that comes with any type of job in this world.
They think it's a competition, it's more than that in my opinion.
A woman that looks decent and has lower prices is shunned by others providers that have higher fees. I can write a book about workplace competition that is fueled by hate.
They know she will get more Business, end of story.
I spit out facts, not here say.
Men have the same judgement when it comes to underbidding jobs. It's frowned upon.
The best business strategy for women:

1. Lower your price below the current average rates of other women.
2. Give excellent service to every client and stop playing favorites. For example, I have encountered women who have 100-200 amazing positive reviews, and the reviews say they do DFK. When I meet those women, I will get one or two pecks on the lips, and the service is nowhere near as good as the reviews. My hygiene is good, according to most women, but my skin color is bad in Texas. That could be why is some cases.
3. Ask clients to give positive reviews AFTER you have given a truthful, genuine, and good experience.
4. Advertise once or twice a day, and use updated pictures.
5. Show zero attitude. Don't be a bitch. If a client asks a specific question, it's because you didn't provide a general answer in the advertisement. Clients shouldn't have to ask any questions other than the precise address when they are ready to meet.

When I recommend this business strategy to women, they get offended. That is because women operate on emotions rather than intellect. Quality vs quantity. You have to choose. Most women are choosing quality, but are they truly getting that quality? Why would a smart man go to a 400 per hour rate woman who gives the same level of service as other women who will do it for a lower price at 200, or risk being disappointed with a mediocre service at a higher price? Yes, you can get the rich guys who will pay you a 600 to 1000 rate with a Vegas mindset, but you will get less clients as a result. Women are too focused on the money and competing with the women who offer the highest rates rather than focusing on their own rates and strategies. The 2020 pandemic happened and everyone's mother is suddenly 300 or higher. I will repeat women in the 200 range. 300 and higher is a one time deal for me. You can't ALL be 300 plus.

Women will say on advertisements, "My time is valuable. Don't waste my time." I rarely go to women who say that. It's selfish and egotistical. Too much attitude. I click to the next ad. Women can't only think about their time. It's almost as if the men aren't wasting both their time and earned money to give to the women. The women in this industry can't survive without the men who give them money. Not unless they want to get an actual everyday normal job like all the other women out there. One of my favorite regulars I have seen for years is currently too far away, and she doesn't have enough money to stay in rooms anymore. Guys only went to her for BJs because of her size and the dumb male stigma behind it. She hasn't had s*x in months and would like to see me because I was one of her favorites who did every activity with her. That is one example. Women have absolutely nothing to lose and money to gain. Men have money to lose.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 11-01-2023, 02:33 PM
#5 If he gives me attitude I give it right back no matter what... Being a push over only encourages other A-holes.
I expect you to do the same if you was a business owner.
No person should emotionally abuse you or me or any business owner.
When you give someone a dose of their own medicine there will possibly be an attitude change. Maybe....
pmdelites's Avatar
1. just cos one uses a website to promote themselves does NOT mean you are restricted to use that site to show images of yourself. there are lot of free image hosting websites that allow X-rated photos. then just link to them in your posts.

2. i just recently completed a survey on oh2 of red hot zone & daily ads. there were close to if not more than 100 providers advertising. there are over 300 dallas area providers on p411. lots more on tryst, etc.
it's not a shortage of providers; it's a shortage of providers that sone guys are willing to give money to in order to spend spend time with and hope it's deliteful.
in my case, less than 30% of those oh2 providers appeal to me - and that's before i have looked at their rates.

bottom line, there are plenty of providers out there. but it's kinda like the lottery - low probability of winning, but you gotta play the game to win.
pmdelites's Avatar
when i get some time, i will compare advertisers w/ reviews.
it's all limited data research, but it's hard evidence, not guesses and assumptions.
cinderbella's Avatar
I personally cannot upload new pics onto Ourhome2.

When I ask about it, admin is amazing about answering,
and trying to help, but I still cannot personally upload
any new pics, no matter what. Unfortunately, admin can
themselves copy and paste new pictures, but when I tried
to do so myself, nothing. I feel like the attitude there
is 'I can do it, here is how I did it'. But, if it were
in fact that easy for everyone else, more new pictures
would be posted.
Originally Posted by cinderbella

Edit: Pictures can once again be uploaded on OH2.
Hopefully within a week or so, the site will
be filled with new photos and plenty of seekers!

I take back what I said, just when I'm about to give up
on that site, admin saves the day and it's smooth as silk.
Unfortunately, I have zero patience waiting and complain
about it too much.
#5 If he gives me attitude I give it right back no matter what... Being a push over only encourages other A-holes.
I expect you to do the same if you was a business owner.
No person should emotionally abuse you or me or any business owner.
When you give someone a dose of their own medicine there will possibly be an attitude change. Maybe.... Originally Posted by Busty

It's amusing and fascinating how women take one scenario and change it into completely different specific and circumstantial situations. For my fifth strategic advice, I simply said provide all of the necessary information in the advertisement to prevent clients from asking many questions, and also be polite to new clients who come to you. The clients choose you. You don't choose the client.

You said, "#5 If he gives me attitude I give it right back no matter what... Being a push over only encourages other A-holes. I expect you to do the same if you was a business owner. No person should emotionally abuse you or me or any business owner."

When I read that, I interpret that as, "All clients are going to give me attitude in their first message. All men are going to emotionally abuse me." I think that comes from being personally abused by some men in whatever way it happened. Not every man is planning to emotionally abuse you or give you attitude. Especially in the first initial messages? You can't go around thinking with the mentality that every man is planning to harm you. I'm not saying you have to be 100% nice to someone who is mean in the initial meeting. I'm saying, at least be polite and show reverence in the initial meeting. If that person does get aggressive, then you can defend yourself. "If he gives me attitude I give it right back no matter what..." with a finger snap and head shake. Are you giving the client a reason to initially show attitude?

Most women discover I'm one of the most respectful clients they have met. It may be rare in your industry. Every woman I have met on these sites is surprised when they meet me. Some of them have called me an "old" soul in a young body. I don't even believe in age. It's part of the Matrix. I'm not the type to go around starting conflict.

You said, "Being a push over only encourages other A-holes." Here's the problem and contradiction with women in relation to that statement. Women like assholes. Women deliberately choose asshole men to be in relationships. Many of them ended up doing this lifestyle because they chose those type of men. Everyday average girls would never give me a chance or even look my way because they thought I was "too nice." I'm not nice. I merely show reverence, or respect, wherever I go. Especially to new people I don't know. They prefer to go for the bad boys, thugs, A-holes, and criminals. I've literally had discussions with women on here in person when I met them. I have talked to the women who told me they divorced their husbands. It usually has nothing to do with cheating. One woman told me she divorced her husband because he lost his job and he could no longer provide her the $100,000 salary lifestyle she was adjusted to. That is disloyalty and hypergamy at its finest. Subsequently, she ended up choosing another bad guy who treated her like trash. The guy ran over someone with a car, and he is in prison now. She was not drinking alcohol when she was with the ex-husband who was making over $100,000. She started drinking when she was with the bad boy. Today, she is basically an alcoholic. I'm not going to say her name. I tried to explain some things to her and give her advice. She would only hear herself talk and she was so confused on why she kept choosing the bad men who treat her like trash. It's like an addiction, and there is a science behind it that I could explain.

I brought up that little story because women like "A-holes." It's true. That's what they find attractive. Girls make the mistake of thinking I'm one of the "nice guys," which is what led me to this disappointing pathway. I'm single as always, I've never been married, I don't have children, I graduated with Bachelor's in 2018, and I'm starting a career. 90% to 95% of girls would never bother to look my way, and they would definitely go partying with the "A-holes" who treat them like trash. As for the attitude portion, I've had women give me attitude out of nowhere because they were having a "bad day." I either held off from seeing them, or I never saw them at all. They lost me as a potential client, they lost possible revenue, and they may receive negative reviews. I do give the best reviews ^___^.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 11-01-2023, 09:35 PM
5. Show zero attitude. Don't be a bitch. Originally Posted by dormGE
Straight out of the gate you made it a point to tell women to show zero attitude with a (.) at the end of the sentence. Then you translated an action to being a bitch by saying... Don't be a bitch.
Had you added a comma(,) the continuation of additional information would have explained better. It looks like you are implying, never have attitude no matter what. Since, men don't have a pussy they can't give advise. Now, if you are selling your butthole I will let you share advice because you in the same line of work.
I would never disrespect a man by telling him how to run his business if I am not in that field of work. There is a big difference in being the customer and being a business owner.

So you started the name calling descriptive writing and I followed in line by referencing certain people as>A-holes.
Same generalization, basically. Wasn't directly at men cause all business owners encounter>A-Holes

Since, I have a real world job that comment can apply to every job.

Never once did I say or imply that [all men] are emotionally abusive.

People will have attitudes if you waste their time, don't read, don't listen and so forth.
Guess that makes us all a Bitch.
A lot of providers have raised their prices so much that it's become financially risky for one to try to meet new ones.

Example, $500 on first time encounter that turned out bad didn't sting as bad as spending $1000 nowadays and having it turn out bad. Therefore, why risk the extra? IMO just continue with regulars or take chances on the fair price providers which a lot of times are 10x better than the ones asking the higher prices.
secondHandNews's Avatar
I know for a fact that the good providers that went beyond their expected services, in other words....they did more than being generous wasn't tipped extra for giving extra. Originally Posted by Busty
This might be a question for another thread but... What services do you believe are "extras" that should be tipped? I'm only on this board and P4, and, to the best of my knowledge, ads are not shown on either so I have no idea what services are expected from a particular provider. I could ask based on her profile or a review (if I find one), but if I understand correctly, that's generally frowned upon before getting to the appointment.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 11-01-2023, 11:39 PM
Gfe doesn't include full body sensual massages & Greek..yet I have known providers that went beyond regular services and was not tipped even when the hobbyist have asked> Do you give Greek or full body massages in the middle of the session. Been through this myself, with him knowing it's not inclusive with the the package he initially scheduled for.
A provider shouldn't have to remind him that's extra and a tip should be automatic since talking about money is frowned upon . Therefore she is taken advantage of.
Has nothing to do with confusion, most men read reviews & pull for more than the usual but won't tip for extra.
A lot of providers have raised their prices so much that it's become financially risky for one to try to meet new ones.

. Originally Posted by TXSUN55000
100% true. I don’t stray from my regulars because I don’t want to waste time on a gamble when I have a great thing with my regulars. Bird in the hand, if you will.
pmdelites's Avatar
"... A provider shouldn't have to remind him that's extra and a tip should be automatic since talking about money is frowned upon . Therefore she is taken advantage of. ..."

and *anyone* should *not* agree to something they dont want to do or do for free.
unless the "asker" is physically or emotionally abusing them or coercing them.
if you agree to it w/out asking for additional compensation, that's your choice.
and if the client wants some specific activities or extra time that was not known of/agreed to ahead of time, then they better be prepared to compensate the provider in some way shape or form.

after visiting a provider many times, i sometimes talk w/ her about non-hobby stuff after all was said & done, i'm dressed, and ready to go. if they need to send me on my way, they do. if they have time or no pressing business, they let me stay.
i've offered additional but often turned down. one provider, however, said she no longer will book appts w/ me cos i "stay too long." i'll own that but it was never extra time spent engaging in delites, just talking. guess she really charges by the minute. oh well ....