MIT climatologist says global warming believers are a cult

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Planetary temperatures have risen on Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and even Venus. How did that happen?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I know how interested you are in that sort of thing, AssupLiar. But I wouldn't know. Ask LittleEva or BigAssSux what it was like.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I know how interested you are in that sort of thing, AssupLiar. But I wouldn't know. Ask LittleEva or BigAssSux what it was like. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That's right! Today was a work day and the local transients depend on your Glory Hole.
rioseco's Avatar
Where in Texas is the weather great right now?

It sucks here. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Its great for me.
Yes its cool, windy and wet but I will take that any day over hot.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's right! Today was a work day and the local transients depend on your Glory Hole. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Again with the lies. Please take out your homoerotic fantasies on someone else. LittleEva and BigAssSux seem to enjoy it. Try them.
LexusLover's Avatar
It is about climate shit for brains. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Speaking of "shit for brains" ... in his speech to the World aka "state of the union" he proclaimed "climate change" as your most serious enemy.

That is why this thread was started, right?

"YOUR MAN" in the People's House brought it up, ... or did you actually listen?

Were you "swooning at his every word" and not listening?
LexusLover's Avatar
Which has shit to do with shinola. Originally Posted by timpage
Like your HERO ... Obaminable.... you would rather talk about the "changing climate" than terrorism. He can't do anything about either, apparently.

Would you vote for him 3 times?
If climate change isn't careful, Obama will start droning it.
Has he turned off his AC in the summer yet? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
What do you set yours on?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Speaking of "shit for brains" ... in his speech to the World aka "state of the union" he proclaimed "climate change" as your most serious enemy.

That is why this thread was started, right?

"YOUR MAN" in the People's House brought it up, ... or did you actually listen? Unless you have moved to another country he is "your" man also.

Were you "swooning at his every word" and not listening? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Right, what did your piece contribute to the OP ?
Again with the lies. Please take out your homoerotic fantasies on someone else. LittleEva and BigAssSux seem to enjoy it. Try them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Take time from your busy day, and go fuck yourself troll.
11 Originally Posted by gnadfly
One moron +1ing another one.
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  • WTF
  • 01-23-2015, 07:37 AM

Scientists: Human activity has pushed Earth beyond four of nine ‘planetary boundaries’

At the rate things are going, the Earth in the coming decades could cease to be a “safe operating space” for human beings. That is the conclusion of a new paper published Thursday in the journal Science by 18 researchers trying to gauge the breaking points in the natural world.
The paper contends that we have already crossed four “planetary boundaries.” They are the extinction rate; deforestation; the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; and the flow of nitrogen and phosphorous (used on land as fertilizer) into the ocean.
“What the science has shown is that human activities — economic growth, technology, consumption — are destabilizing the global environment,” said Will Steffen, who holds appointments at the Australian National University and the Stockholm Resilience Center and is the lead author of the paper.
rioseco's Avatar

Scientists: Human activity has pushed Earth beyond four of nine ‘planetary boundaries’

At the rate things are going, the Earth in the coming decades could cease to be a “safe operating space” for human beings. That is the conclusion of a new paper published Thursday in the journal Science by 18 researchers trying to gauge the breaking points in the natural world.
The paper contends that we have already crossed four “planetary boundaries.” They are the extinction rate; deforestation; the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; and the flow of nitrogen and phosphorous (used on land as fertilizer) into the ocean.
“What the science has shown is that human activities — economic growth, technology, consumption — are destabilizing the global environment,” said Will Steffen, who holds appointments at the Australian National University and the Stockholm Resilience Center and is the lead author of the paper.
Originally Posted by WTF

The sky is falling,the sky is falling...........
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-23-2015, 11:21 AM
The sky is falling,the sky is falling........... Originally Posted by rioseco
Is that the ISIS terrorist sky?