Southside inaugural lunch launch a success!

Little Monster's Avatar
That was a really good social. I hope the South Side events do become a norm, look especially forward to the Happy Hour. Thanks CK
I'm looking forward to attending the next one!
ffireman's Avatar
Had a very nice time woth theovely ladies that were there hope to see them again

Thanks CK for the arranging the luncheon.

It was great to meet some of the ladies in person.
FS_ITC's Avatar
Sorry I couldn't make it. Glad to see it was a succes! As always, thanks to CK!
My apologies, CK - RW obligations preempted my being able to go play and I wasn't able to RSVP in time.

I know, in advance, I am forgiven

Sorry I missed everyone and the chance to meet some new folks. Sorry for the lost opportunity to harass (haha) friends and smooch familiar faces

So glad to finally have some gatherings that are a bit closer to home!

Thanks CK

Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 04-21-2015, 10:42 PM
I regret that I could only be there in spirit. Glad to see this worked out since several folks had requested a southern exposure (sic).
Thanks to everyone who was at the meeting !!

It was grand not to fight MOPAC standstill traffic to attend a fine display of playing ladies, and seeing some gents that were looking at the display

Not that it matters to anyone else. THANK YOU CK. for having a SOUTH side place to go.and yes I can see the need in the future for more space.

Again Thanks to all who attended !!

Dog / 4.
Sorry I couldn't make to the South side of ATX on Tuesday, as usual there was a nice eccie lady who had me fully occupied on the North side.

Please continue these activities and I will strive to attend the next one on the South side of the Sex-Crazed Capital of Texas.
Thanks for hosting and putting on this event, ck. I hope to make it to the next one.
Hey CK thanks, hope to see you at the next one!
It was my first social and even though I live north, Ck made it easy and supportive for a first timer. I kept messaging him for details and he replied instantly. Once there, I was impressed with how well organized it was. It was very professional. Ck, was a total sweetheart and introduced me to everyone at the event. It was a pleasure meeting everyone. The ladies were all so sweet. All the tables were full and more people kept arriving. I had to leave due to "work" but can not wait to enjoy future socials.
ck1942's Avatar
Lady B, Thanks for the kudos, with an ***exception*** or two over the years, pert near 100 pct of attendees have always been very gracious and hospitable. That's what the social protocol requires; everyone with an invitation agrees to the rules.

Over the years we've usually had some additional "support" factors -- first time attendees can be assigned a "speed bump" more experienced person or persons to sit with them and help alleviate any anxiety or even shield them if necessary.

Looking forward, the Austin "On to Summer" schedule currently projects six events -- both north side and south side -- happy hours and lunches -- May into September.

*** exceptions usually are folks who are very anxious, or, and I totally agree with their perspective, spot someone from their RW and do a 180 speedy exit. Or, someone who cannot control their alcohol intake and are requested to depart before anything untoward happens.
Ollie Pop's Avatar
Glad to hear it went well, CK. Looking forward to next NATX luncheon.