Will you vote for a war on men, or sex work decriminalization?

Mr Peabody's Avatar
Good discussions!
I hope Jenns returns to tell me how I am personally at war with women, because like all old white guys I am clueless. But Mr. Peabody believes that people (and dogs) are capable of improving themselves.
LuvMuscle's Avatar
I am with chelseabean. So far Rubio is the top contender. Rand Paul will help to make the debates interesting but, unless he screws up, Rubio is the early favorite. I also think Kasich could be a contender as well for the repubs.
Or it could be Rick Perry. God love him for throwing his glasses in the ring. It's gonna be a long and tiresome election season; we're gonna need some comic relief. The only question remains who will play him on SNL? Gonna need some vintage Will Ferrel for that one. More cowbell, please.
I hope Jenns returns to tell me how I am personally at war with women, because like all old white guys I am clueless. But Mr. Peabody believes that people (and dogs) are capable of improving themselves. Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
Sorry to crush your dreams, but I'm not going to tell you that you are personally at war with women. I just had a big eye roll when you said "the war on women dogma is exaggerated" or whatever. It's OK, though, I usually roll my eyes at such thing several times a day, so I'm well practiced.

Let women write their own narratives, etc. etc.
I really do not care who gets elected. After years of watching politics I have come to realize one thing. None of them give a damn about you and me. They only care about one thing. Getting re-elected. It is a career and not a service to our country anymore. Get the power and make a fortune at the expense of the American people.

Now if one of them would promise to get term limits passed then I would vote for that person regardless of their beliefs on anything else. Maybe if they could not get re-elected then maybe they would do the right thing. Like maybe passing the fair or consumption tax. Overnight our economy would skyrocket. But that would mean giving up the power they all covet.

Term limits and consumption tax are really the only two issues we should be looking at. All the other subjects are just to get you to take your eyes off of what is really important. Think about it and you will realize how little they care about the working woman and man. (notice how I did not just say the working man) Tell me that they all don't lie just to get elected. All lies. And we are so stupid that we believe them.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
After reading some comments on the board this week it does appear that some males are waging their own personal war on women. I guess I just lead a sheltered life.