My original post not meant to be read as "give it away for free ladies". I understand why providers charge more for it and I am not questioning that. I've willingly and un-questioningly paid for that up-charge many times, including during the one occasion that Jessica and I met BCD.
The intent of my question was to understand why a provider would say in an advertisement that she "LOVES" Greek, and in the same breath require $100 more for it.
Again I'll state that Mocha has raised some good points in response to that question. Thank you Mocha.
Originally Posted by westtexasbrowser
Letting the gentlemen know I enjoy greek is pretty much telling them,
you can experience greek with me the right way. I enjoy it and all though
I do charge extra for it, you will be able to enjoy it that much more knowing
that your hard dick in my ass is feeling great to both of us. Greek is not
something everyone can enjoy but something most can stand... Being with
someone who doesn't pull when you thrust, need a break when your in your
groove or who doesn't say, sorry baby only the tip cause your too big... is
the best way to fuck a girl greek style. So just know when I say I enjoy greek
I am saying I will make greek as enjoyable for you as it is for me!
I can only speak for myself of course... Also the point earlier about needing
a lower volume plays a huge part as well... Greek is great but it wasn't meant
for as much play as our tight little wet pussies.
I understood your question earlier about if you love it why charge extra.
The "I love it" speaks about the experience you can enjoy with it but the fee
is based on the different type of experience you are getting with the service
you are seeking...