Local Photographer

I'm not going to post my website here Elena.... I do mostly static imagery, buildings, food etc. I've done a wedding or two... but hey as a hobbiest I've always wanted to do erotic. I'm not going to look for trading services... I'm professional. If the lady isn't pleased then I can't charge her right?
I'm not going to post my website here . . . Originally Posted by dadee4you

Not trying to come off like a bitch (at least not intentionally THIS time - LOL), but she didn't ask you to post it (the information) in the open, she simply and politely asked you to PM her the information referencing (substantiating) your proclamation of being a paid professional photographer and to see your portfolio - possibly because she may have interest in hiring you . . .

I have a real estate investment in Omaha that I need some professional images of . . . Since you have indicated that you primarily do professional images of buildings, etc. and you don't have any experience in erotic photography, if you're interested in substantiating your legitimacy privately via PM I would be delighted to peruse your material and consider hiring you or your firm for the project.

I'd rather keep my hard earned money in (with) people that are active in this endeavor, as I (as yourself) also do not "trade for services" - it is established that I, and Elena too for that matter, are paid professionals. After proclaiming yourself to be one too (a paid professional) it shouldn't be a difficult decision for you to want to substantiate that fact, especially (in the present economy) when it could garner you additional clients / business.

- Jackie
Thank you Dadee for responding, but you must've not read my post correctly. I will assume that most of your answers would be no to my questions since you failed to answer them.

Jackie pretty much said what I was going to. Thanks doll. I still say that you're the only blonde chick I'd seduce.
Sorry ladies.. I'm a newbie here at eccie... Not sure how to PM.
kendra kayy's Avatar
Dadee, to PM someone, first click on the name above the avatar of the person you wish to message and it will bring down a list of options, to send a private message is the 2nd option.
Thanks for the PM Dadee, I'll look it over and get back with you.


- Jackie