Alert on self, be cautious when contacting me from eccie

SweaterPuppies's Avatar
I would offer my comprehensive diagnosis of Wulfie, but I might get banned again.

Dr. Puppies
Im sure if you did it would be the smartest thing youve ever posted...
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Oh, it's you again...

Listen crazy lady, I decided to leave you alone because I can tell you're going through some personal issues, so I would prefer that you don't provoke me to link to that thread again.

Dr. Pups
Go for it Dear...
Moved this is not an alert, it is just another "look at me" thread, I will give you fair warning if you threaten any member of this site again you will be removed and you will not be allowed back
Boltfan's Avatar
Wow. Comical.

Always a good read when people throw rocks at hornets nests and are shocked when they get stung.
  • !VI!
  • 11-16-2014, 08:51 PM
Moved this is not an alert, it is just another "look at me" thread, I will give you fair warning if you threaten any member of this site again you will be removed and you will not be allowed back Originally Posted by surfindick

threaten, i have yet to directly threaten a member directly
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Moved this is not an alert, it is just another "look at me" thread, I will give you fair warning if you threaten any member of this site again you will be removed and you will not be allowed back Originally Posted by surfindick
Well hello surfindick, I love when you get all authoritative and bossy like this, I jizzed in my little panties!
Well hello surfindick, I love when you get all authoritative and bossy like this, I jizzed in my little panties! Originally Posted by SweaterPuppies
Little panties? Spinners make me hot!
oh hun i'm sorry let me break it down

GG = good game, it's a very coming gamer term showing the end of a match as a sign of respect

sweatheart you are lovely lol

i am who i am, and i am just saying GG, i do see your point but you seemed very judgemental as part of your showcase was contradicting

and mama you are only in your early 40's i would see you as a grandma either way Originally Posted by !VI!
Com'on, Wulf Princess, a wolf is a wolf, covering it with sheepskin won't change it a tiny bit.

Plus I do believe "wulf princess" sounds better than "!VI!" or virtually any other handle you can come up with. Heck, I don't even know how to pronounce "!VI!" lol.

Not trying to bash you, but it looks like plenty of hyenaes and vultures on this board are dead set to hunt you down no matter which handles you care to choose. May well just be true to yourself and put up a good fight, you may end up gaining more converts.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 11-17-2014, 12:40 AM
Little panties? Spinners make me hot! Originally Posted by surfindick
Lucas McCain's Avatar
threaten, i have yet to directly threaten a member directly Originally Posted by !VI!
Do you even know what "directly" means? You may want to leave that alone, Princess Vicious. And I'll leave it alone because I don't want you gone from here.....You're okay in my book. You just need to chill the fuck out and grow up and stop believing you're a bad ass superhero even though you may like to dress up as one.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Do you even know what "directly" means? You may want to leave that alone, Princess Vicious. And I'll leave it alone because I don't want you gone from here.....You're okay in my book. You just need to chill the fuck out and grow up and stop believing you're a bad ass superhero even though you may like to dress up as one. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
^^^That one might be the one to send this thing thermonuclear.

  • !VI!
  • 11-17-2014, 10:13 AM
I would offer my comprehensive diagnosis of Wulfie, but I might get banned again.

Dr. Puppies Originally Posted by SweaterPuppies

and unless you have a MA or PHD is psychology, i will happily let you know impersonating a doctor is a felony
Grace Preston's Avatar
and unless you have a MA or PHD is psychology, i will happily let you know impersonating a doctor is a felony Originally Posted by !VI!
Only if he/she attempts to actually work or treat someone as a doctor. I mean, Gene Simmons had ladies calling him Dr. Love back in the 80's.