How a bunch of hagglers try to beat you down.

Plastic Man's Avatar
Plastic man please type in English so I can understand your posts. There is spell check and everything now a days. Originally Posted by Chloe
plastic mans ...pedistool ...aint has a checker er nothin
Plastic Man's Avatar
bringin people ...together be the new sexy

Steve_NYS's Avatar
I never complain about a provider's rates. I may not like what she's charging, and I may think she's overpriced, but I don't complain. There are plenty of providers at different price-points to keep me happy. If she is overpriced, she'll eventually adjust her rates and/or her services--and we've certainly seen examples of that happening.

I don't complain to a restaurant owner about his/her prices; I just go elsewhere if it's too expensive--but I may go to that restaurant occasionally as a treat. The same with a provider.

If a guy is complaining about a lady's rates, it's probably because she's offering something he's not getting from the other girls, but simply can't afford it. And that's not enough of a reason for a provider--or a restaurant owner or a hairdresser--to lower rates. I have my own clients, and my rate is my rate.
  • Chloe
  • 02-05-2017, 04:00 PM
I don't walk into a store in my neighborhood and haggle the price on my mouth wash or whatever it is let alone this business where legalities and safety is on the line.
  • Chloe
  • 02-05-2017, 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by JONBALLS
I am dealing with it lol
Mind control has two choices, are you the one being controlled or are you the controller? Do you own yourself, do you call your own shots or does a media say what you are supposed to do?
I say fuck the trolls who have mommy issues and take it out on me or any other lady here publicly hiding behind a computer with their words typing away. I say show me your face and let's talk as human beings.
Plastic Man's Avatar
I don't walk into a store in my neighborhood and haggle the price on my mouth wash or whatever it is let alone this business where legalities and safety is on the line. Originally Posted by Chloe
interestin the product ...ya mention outsa all the ...products in the world be mouth wash
  • Chloe
  • 02-05-2017, 04:46 PM
Interesting the products that I mentioned. Out of all the products in the world I mentioned mouthwash. Is that a correct interpretation of your post?
ben dover's Avatar
Here's my take on the whole meet and greet deal. I did one years ago and it was truly that.. there was no place to go to have "a private dance" Just food, drink, music and adults getting to know each other. These deals now are for one to make money for a host and provide private areas and like last night just a place with private areas and no concern for making a profit for the host. I'm positive it was a losing proposition for that host as a matter of fact.

Now that being said.. A lot of the guys attend these events to obviously meet the ladies but also hoping to strike a real deal for a private dance. Seeing as the ladies are already there the thought would be to discount their rate to just to generate income with no out of pocket costs. So in a way the whole setup would encourage deal making but...

As far as unprotected dances, it's very widespread here anyway so not a surprise it was being looked for there. As far as badgering to get a lower rate or BB is pure Bullshit. Your rate and menu should be asked and answered and that should be the end of it. If the gent doesn't like it he should move on. I've attended a lot of these event, never have had tried to get a session with any of the ladies, just chatted with everyone, made connections and saw some of the ladies at another time and place. Not saying that hooking up at these are a bad thing, just not my thing. BD
  • Chloe
  • 02-05-2017, 05:12 PM
I agree everyone is allowed and open to do as they wish. When a guy asks me that and then goes up in a room with another .,.,.Well ya know it's happening because that's what they asked for and didn't get it from me so they got it from another.

What am I supposed to say that what others do is fine ....Yes. I guess it's the incinuation that I will I guess it offends me even though I should know I'm in the same space even though they are strangers.
ben dover's Avatar
I agree, it's like high school all over again.
Guest072118's Avatar
You are letting it bother you. Everyone else is doing it is what a 12 year old says so tell them to go pound sand. LOL Carry on and mingle with the people not trying to raw dog on the cheap at a party.

Im with BD and only go to mingle if I go to one. Any M&G Ive been to is straight mingling with drinks/food at a bar/restaurant.

The lastest parties held in Rochester are not my thing so I don't attend them.
  • Chloe
  • 02-05-2017, 05:54 PM
Elle.....Thank you for your comments. I am allowing something to bother me, I am speaking up where no one has the guts to do so. I've been on this board since it was born. I've been silly, emotional, away etc... Now I get it and know pretty much everyone who posts here. I will speak up when it's needed. I'll keep my mouth shut when it's needed. I will take a hit on business if it means standing up for the guys or the gals.
I don't know any more or less than when yah started lol

they should replac you with captain obvious on the hotel commercials
Steve_NYS's Avatar
IMO, if you have repeats, that's all that matters, because they know. The others don't have a clue--and just want a deal.
Were you there? Idk handles just real life names and such.? Originally Posted by Chloe

I've been on this board since it was born. . Now I get it and know pretty much everyone who posts here. . Originally Posted by Chloe