Provider drama - to see or not to see

TinMan's Avatar
Assuming you have no security concerns with her, I'd likely just keep my hobby phone turned off until my scheduled date and continue with the appointment. I let ladies know not to take it personally if I don't quickly respond to their messages since I don't constantly check my hobby accounts.

If your hobby sense is tingling, however, then shut it down now. Better safe than sorry.
No shit. That's why I thanked them! The act of me thanking them implies that I received the advice they mentioned. I could not have received said advice though without posting this 'useless' thread. Derp!

As I already explained I did see it. Are you sure it isn't your head stuck up your ass?

So to sum up:

- I posted a thread explaining a situation and seeking advice
- I received good advice and am now certain what I need to do
- I have thanked everyone for the advice and am prepared to let this thread die peacefully
- Adrienne is a raging misandrist when her mouth isn't busy doing other things, and she definitely seems to have more time on her hands these days.

I'll give you the parting shot, then we can let this 'useless' thread die. Agreed? Originally Posted by Brandofan
Let it die.

I'm sensing too much butthurt from you.
Cantgetenuff's Avatar
Brando, i found myself in a similar position 4 years ago (awh hell who am i kidding, i put myself in that position).

The girl sees you as a night in shining armor. You all hit it off so well that she opened up to you and developed some feelings too. She's banking on you feeling the same way and will reach out to you whenever she needs help. She wants you to be her sugar daddy without coming out and saying it.
Brando, I hear you. Recently I had stellar session with a gal I'd been wanting to see for a long time. We had fun, and it appeared, in her words, " we had a connection." I am just a normal guy, who treats the ladies here with the same respect and courtesy I do every other human. Maybe that equates to a connection, I don't know.

I was dying to go back and have a second round, however some drama surfaced in her life in the interim. While I was traveling, as I do most every week, I got an email asking if I could help her with a couple hundred dollars. Had I been in Dallas, I would have given (not loaned) her the money, or had a session, or both but I was in a hotel with no car, and no nearby Western Union.

Fast forward, Session #2. Fun time, great sex, continued apparent "connection." A few days afterwards the drama really unfolded. Family problems, rent due, apparent issue of thievery, among other things.

I'm a normal, feeling human, who like you, never ignores a friend in need. However, the hobby is rarely about friendships. I believe because I'm decent and respectful, I sometimes get looked at as an ATM.

I opted not to participate, but felt really badly about it. I'm human, after all. But my senses told me, stay away. I've not gone back for a visit since, and I won't in the future. (FYI ladies and gents, I did NOT review our two sessions, so don't bother looking through my reviews to speculate who it might be...)

I think many ladies here cannot manage their finances, many live right on the edge for a variety of reasons, and then there are the few that are out to exploit. Plus, for a lot of us male and female alike, the hobby leaves you jaded. That makes objective decisons tough.

I think if you choose to see the young lady again, you need to establish your personal financial boundaries within yourself ahead of time. Then you can gauge the impact of staying within those boundaries, or exceeding them.

Oh, and Ms. Baptiste, did someone pee in your cornflakes this morning? Sometimes, although a person knows the answer to their dilemma, hearing outside opinions is helpful.
Brandofan's Avatar
I'm a normal, feeling human, who like you, never ignores a friend in need. However, the hobby is rarely about friendships. I believe because I'm decent and respectful, I sometimes get looked at as an ATM.

I opted not to participate, but felt really badly about it. I'm human, after all. But my senses told me, stay away. And I've not gone back for a visit since, and I won't in the future. Originally Posted by Billy Babitt
Thanks BB. Your entire post, and especially what I have quoted, really reflects my own experience. Like you I feel bad about refusing her requests and walking away from the situation. But I don't see any way that it could end well otherwise. Thanks for the insight!
Sarah Renee's Avatar
I find it ironic how a thread about drama or no drama has now stirred up drama worse than the kind you were talking about trying to avoid.

Without sounding like a witch, it's time for people (NOT JUST THE OP) to put on their big people undies and start thinking for themselves.
I find it ironic how a thread about drama or no drama has now stirred up drama worse than the kind you were talking about trying to avoid.

Without sounding like a witch, it's time for people (NOT JUST THE OP) to put on their big people undies and start thinking for themselves. Originally Posted by Sarah Renee

Seems to me the OP was simply asking for opinions to have a broader frame of reference. In industry, and government, it's quite common for leaders to have a team around them that can also offer insight and opinion on proper direction.

The OP wasn't asking for opinions on whether he should have posted or not, he was asking for opinions on his dilemma. I see nothing wrong with his post other than people jumping in to criticize.

I only saw one person adding drama, and with your post that makes two.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-26-2017, 04:10 PM
About the subject, I like to stay away from most drama whores, you'll mostly find them in coed bitching about something or just talking nonsense

You'll find them in here daily as part of their strategic marketing to grab new tricks.
My two cents:

You are in control of the relationship(as far as your own boundaries, feelings and actions. Not in control of her)

I kind of like her " Ok sorry see you next week" reply.

Sounds like she has read " The Four Agreements" and didnt take it personal that you blew her off.

Now your turn, dont take it personal that she is trying to fleece you a little.

If you enjoy fucking her go fuck her

I recently took it personal that a gal overslept and I canceled the appointment(kindly) and was going to terminate the relationship.

I really really REALLY love having sex with her(she's a SB and 250 gets me 3-4 hours) and I realized that I had felt disrespected.

Im a business man that's worked 25 years to build a reputation of punctuality yadda yadda yadda eh who gives a fuck.

Pride baby....its a killer

Id rather keep fucking her and tell her if she is late for bs reasons Im not waiting, than hold on to my PRIDE. much Dr Phil