This is the "gate" of all "gates"...

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Now you know it will become an argument over semantics that you convince yourself that you won like when Trump said he was "wiretapped" and the media argued that no one was wiretapped anymore. Therefore Trump was we know better. Barr says that Trump was being "spied" on and the goes out of their way to say that surveillance is not the same as spying. So Obama lied about his healthcare bill many times, Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, and the Iran deal. Then you'll say that I don't have it right. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
If you can provide me with the statements Obama made on Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, and the Iran deal that you consider to be lies, I'll respond.
LexusLover's Avatar
If you can provide me with the statements Obama made on Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, and the Iran deal that you consider to be lies, I'll respond. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Why do you chose to avoid addressing the "piece" of legislation that has changed the economy more in the past 4-5 decades than any other?
LexusLover's Avatar
Now you know it will become an argument over semantics that you convince yourself that you won like when Trump said he was "wiretapped" and the media argued that no one was wiretapped anymore. Therefore Trump was we know better. Barr says that Trump was being "spied" on and the goes out of their way to say that surveillance is not the same as spying. So Obama lied about his healthcare bill many times, Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, and the Iran deal. Then you'll say that I don't have it right. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

spied; spying
Definition of spy (Entry 1 of 2)
transitive verb

1 : to watch secretly usually for hostile purposes
2 : to catch sight of : SEE
3 : to search or look for intensively —usually used with out
spy out places fit for vending … goods
— S. E. Morison
to search or look for intensively

If you can provide me with the statements Obama made on Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, and the Iran deal that you consider to be lies, I'll respond. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Don't like hearing the truth do you speedy? As Lexus said, we notice that you all of a sudden avoid Obozocare. Benghazi was caused by a video (proven lie). There's not a smidge of corruption in the IRS (another blatant proven lie). Refusing to turn over the Fast and Furious papers despite them being subpoenaed, then lamely attempting to blame Bush (yet another lie). The Iran deal that would "stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon"? That is so laughable as to be pathetic. All easily found with Google. Oh that's right, if it doesn't slam Trump you're not interested.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If you can provide me with the statements Obama made on Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, and the Iran deal that you consider to be lies, I'll respond. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Odumbo blamed a video for Benghazi, and he didn't blame terrorism for the attack in the Rose Garden as he a Crowley latter claimed. There's CBS video proving he lied that night in the debate.

Odumbo lied about the IRS when he said there wasn't a "smidgen of corruption" behind Lois Lerner's campaign to infringe on the 1st Amendment rights of conservatives.

Odumbo lied when he blamed Bush43 for "Fast and Furious" claiming it was a program started by Bush43.

Odumbo lied about delivering $400 billion in cash to Iran by plane in the middle of the night as part of the deal.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Odumbo blamed a video for Benghazi, and he didn't blame terrorism for the attack in the Rose Garden as he a Crowley latter claimed. There's CBS video proving he lied that night in the debate.

Odumbo lied about the IRS when he said there wasn't a "smidgen of corruption" behind Lois Lerner's campaign to infringe on the 1st Amendment rights of conservatives.

Odumbo lied when he blamed Bush43 for "Fast and Furious" claiming it was a program started by Bush43.

Odumbo lied about delivering $400 billion in cash to Iran by plane in the middle of the night as part of the deal.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Benghazi -- "We stand by what we wrote in that article: that the administration was quick to blame the video, which did trigger protests in Egypt and elsewhere, and slow to acknowledge the incident was a terrorist attack. Republicans say this was done by administration officials to help get Obama reelected, while Democrats — including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — have blamed the initial response on the “fog of war.” We leave that up to you to decide."

You have decided -- it was a lie. If Obama knew from the beginning that his statement about the video was untrue, he lied. But it is unproven.

Regarding Lois Lerner -- "Remember the IRS Scandal? It was Fake News All Along":

"It is not just big news, but it is also wonderful news. Anyone who cares even a whit about the rule of law should be delighted to know that the supposed abuse of government power that Republicans have been screaming about since May 2013 simply never happened. Unsurprisingly, that is not how Republicans are reacting."

Fast and Furious -- Obama was wrong when he said the Fast and Furious Program began under Bush43. It began soon after Obama took office.

"In actuality, the Fast and Furious program was started in October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency.

Previous programs involving ATF agents allowing guns to "walk" across the border so as to trace them were run during the Bush presidency, but not this particular "field-initiated program.""

Again, if Obama knew beforehand that the program did not begin under Bush and said it did, he lied. Or was it just a stupid statement made by Obama. Sort of like Trump saying Puerto Rico got $91 billion in aid for the hurricane that hit the island. A lie or a misstatement? Or that wind turbines cause cancer? A lie or a misstatement?

The $400 million (not billion) to Iran -- What lie was made?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I B Hankering's Avatar
Benghazi -- "We stand by what we wrote in that article: that the administration was quick to blame the video, which did trigger protests in Egypt and elsewhere, and slow to acknowledge the incident was a terrorist attack. Republicans say this was done by administration officials to help get Obama reelected, while Democrats — including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — have blamed the initial response on the “fog of war.” We leave that up to you to decide."

You have decided -- it was a lie. If Obama knew from the beginning that his statement about the video was untrue, he lied. But it is unproven.

Regarding Lois Lerner -- "Remember the IRS Scandal? It was Fake News All Along":

"It is not just big news, but it is also wonderful news. Anyone who cares even a whit about the rule of law should be delighted to know that the supposed abuse of government power that Republicans have been screaming about since May 2013 simply never happened. Unsurprisingly, that is not how Republicans are reacting."

Fast and Furious -- Obama was wrong when he said the Fast and Furious Program began under Bush43. It began soon after Obama took office.

"In actuality, the Fast and Furious program was started in October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency.

Previous programs involving ATF agents allowing guns to "walk" across the border so as to trace them were run during the Bush presidency, but not this particular "field-initiated program.""

Again, if Obama knew beforehand that the program did not begin under Bush and said it did, he lied. Or was it just a stupid statement made by Obama. Sort of like Trump saying Puerto Rico got $91 billion in aid for the hurricane that hit the island. A lie or a misstatement? Or that wind turbines cause cancer? A lie or a misstatement?

The $400 million (not billion) to Iran -- What lie was made?
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
There was no "Fog of War". hildebeest admitted as much in her messages to her daughter on the very day the attack occurred. Odumbo and hildebeest knew exactly who the fuck it was that killed Stevens: al Qaeda affiliates. And they lied about it.

Odumbo lied about the origin of "Fast and Furous". Odumbo's Attorney General, fucking Holder, was directly involved in overseeing the whole operation -- and Odumbo imposed "executive privilege" to hide the details of that connection ... and it's still hidden.

Odumbo lied about the IRS scandal, and there's evidence showing that Odumbo's claim that there wasn't a smidgen of corruption at the IRS and that it was merely "rogue agents in Cincy" was a lie.

And Odumbo lied about sending the money, in cash ... in the dead of night, to Iran.
Speed is a true never know which side of the issue he supports.
Hell he said he voted for the Texas Governor and LT. Governor and said he could support Bitten...they all have pretty much the same political ideology...RIGHT SPEED
Actually, CONSTITUTIONAL impeachment is a LEGAL PROCESS.

BTW: Nixon was not "covering" up the burglary. He was giving "cover" to himself and others in his administration who were aware of it ... and most of the convictions arising out of it were based on perjury to Congress during the investigation. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Nixon wasn't aware of the initial break-in...It was the cover up.

Nixon's own reaction to the break-in, at least initially, was one of skepticism. Watergate prosecutor James Neal was sure that Nixon had not known in advance of the break-in. As evidence, he cited a conversation taped on June 23 between the President and his Chief of Staff, H. R. Haldeman, in which Nixon asked, "Who was the asshole that did?"[31] However, Nixon subsequently ordered Haldeman to have the CIA block the FBI's investigation into the source of the funding for the burglary.

At approx. 4:15 into the audio tape Nixon can be heard asking who is the asshole that authorized this(the break-in) he thinks it might be Liddy...says he doesn't have his head screwed on right!!
P.S. Sad part is this was all unnecessary...Nixon annihilated McGovern in the election.
LexusLover's Avatar
Nixon wasn't aware of the initial break-in...It was the cover up. Originally Posted by bb1961
I don't know what you are talking about, do you? How does one "cover up" something if they don't know about it?

FYI: I've NEVER said or reported that Nixon knew about it BEFORE HAND ... in fact I've said just the opposite. IMO the "break-in" was INTENTIONALLY BOTCHED AND SUBSTANDARD for the operatives ... and if you read what I posted ... that's my point.

Their lawyers were already hired for their representation. What does that tell you?

I was following the news IN REAL TIME and I was listening to the testimony IN REAL TIME when "Butterfield" disclosed the existence of the Oval Office recording system FOR THE FIRST TIME! I also listened to about 95% of the hearing IN REAL TIME.

Subsequently I heard from "reliable sources" and researched some of the accusations about the "operatives" .... I rarely rely on "WikiLeaks" ... unless it is "common knowledge"!
LexusLover's Avatar
If you can provide me with the statements Obama made on Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, and the Iran deal that you consider to be lies, I'll respond. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Please start reading, watching, and listening to the NEWS! All of it!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Speed is a true never know which side of the issue he supports.
Hell he said he voted for the Texas Governor and LT. Governor and said he could support Bitten...they all have pretty much the same political ideology...RIGHT SPEED Originally Posted by bb1961
Never said anything like that. I look at results. I consider Texas to be a well run state and much of that credit goes to Abbott and Patrick in my opinion. I do not agree with their stances on all issues but they deserve to be in office. Therefore I voted for them.

On the other hand, Trump, again in my opinion, has done little to merit my support as POTUS. In 2016 Trump was a political unknown who made a lot of promises to the American people. For the most part, he has failed to fulfill those promises and the country is worse off since he took office. I certainly don't expect you to agree with me and that is fine.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
There was no "Fog of War". hildebeest admitted as much in her messages to her daughter on the very day the attack occurred. Odumbo and hildebeest knew exactly who the fuck it was that killed Stevens: al Qaeda affiliates. And they lied about it.

Odumbo lied about the origin of "Fast and Furous". Odumbo's Attorney General, fucking Holder, was directly involved in overseeing the whole operation -- and Odumbo imposed "executive privilege" to hide the details of that connection ... and it's still hidden.

Odumbo lied about the IRS scandal, and there's evidence showing that Odumbo's claim that there wasn't a smidgen of corruption at the IRS and that it was merely "rogue agents in Cincy" was a lie.

And Odumbo lied about sending the money, in cash ... in the dead of night, to Iran.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

No point in continuing the discussion. As usual, you consider your OPINIONS to be superior to the opinions of others.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Very interesting,, Nixon was just the fall guy BTW Where 's Hillarygate