Kammy... How can the same person be in Austin and Dallas at the same time on 2 consecutive days??????

Guest100610-2's Avatar
It's called marketing. If she gets 1 call in Austin and 4 in Dallas, I bet she shows up In Dallas. It's only a six pack and 2 Boston CD's away! Originally Posted by cpi3000

Yeap..... Its very common.. Lots of providers do this.
Post in two cities to see which will be the best trip.
This is not un common.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Maybe not your typical bait and switch. Maybe she has an identical twin and they work together.

Bwenze, call and ask for doubles and see what happens. Please report back. We're all on the edge of our seats waiting to have this vital issue addressed ASAP!!

Oh wait!!! Did you ever see the movie Multiplicity??!! Maybe she cloned herself like Michael Keaton did in that flick. But scheduling a double will still work. Call and report back.
pmdelites's Avatar
Dallas July 4

Austin July 4, 6:15 AM, same pictures, same Tel #

Dallas Juy 3 4:39 pm same pictures same tel #

Austin July 3 6:15am same pictures, same tel #

There is one review here from San Antonio in January:
http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...ighlight=kammy Originally Posted by Bwenze
as others have stated, perhaps she travels a lot. it might have been more troubling if she were advertising in both cities for the same day. unless it was morning and night times.

in any case, as of 7/8/2010, the bp ads are gone/deleted.

more to the point of interest or non-interest, whenever i see an ad w/ copy like this....
You won't regret this call..my pic is real or it's free.
i think it's either a) bait n switch or b) not someone i would even consider writing their number down to call later.