What's the worst

pyramider's Avatar
The best one was for a 8 am appointment. She had to take to her kid to the ER, she left at 7. Well she gave me driving instructions at 7:15 am. I arrived at the intersection at 7:55 am. When I finally reached her at 8:40, she asked to reschedule as I could hear the breakfast dishes being loaded into the dishwasher.

I have been to a bunch of ERs. I never have gotten out in less than four hours. Plus, why would she give me driving directions at 7:15 if she took her kid to the ER at 7? i told her its a no go, I do have to go to work and do something at some point.
pyramider's Avatar
Jemma has a valid point. Originally Posted by texasaggie96

You going to bring a note from your mechanic, doctor, or in case of an accident-a police report? Give me a break. Its not a valid point. It is a bone of contention.
You going to bring a note from your mechanic, doctor, or in case of an accident-a police report? Give me a break. Its not a valid point. It is a bone of contention. Originally Posted by pyramider
What I meant was this: it is an excuse in the eye of the person being told, unless there is proof.

As in your case, you heard dishes and there was a blatant lie.

In my case, where the provider dropped, at least she owned up to it the next day. Them North Carolina manners, I believe.

Either way, I sort of see it from all angles, but she has a valid point - one may deem it an excuse until proof shows otherwise. That goes for us or provider.
What I meant was this: it is an excuse in the eye of the person being told, unless there is proof.

As in your case, you heard dishes and there was a blatant lie.

In my case, where the provider dropped, at least she owned up to it the next day. Them North Carolina manners, I believe.

Either way, I sort of see it from all angles, but she has a valid point - one may deem it an excuse until proof shows otherwise. That goes for us or provider. Originally Posted by texasaggie96
Thank you for explaining it better.

Also, some guys wonder why they don't have a good time with me...well that's because if I ever caught you lying and you cancelled on me and then wanted to see me well that's why. It's best to just be honest! I do let some cancelations slide depending on the circumstances, but if it's more than once and they expect me to forgive them um they have another thing coming. So the best advice I can give to a provider or hobbiest is to just be honest. If someone woke up late then tell them...don't say "ok come on over" and then bail last minute. If you decided you don't want to see them and you found someone else then tell them that. I'm sure some will bitch you out but at least it's the truth. And girls...if you can't wake up early and be ready for a 7am or 8am apt then don't make an apt at that time! It's simple.
I have never had a NC/NS from any one on this board.

I have had a few from BP, along with a few who call and give a reason. Got pulled over, had to go/stay at work, wife showed up, had to go pick the kids up.. etc. I don't care really. That's also why I take short notice calls. If I have some thing booked... and I get a cancell or NS, I can replace it. For those who need to cancell for what ever reason... It has never bothered me. Shit happens, people change their minds... no reason to hold any thing against them for not making it. This is a hobby, what happens out side of the hobby, (their reasons for not showing up) are none of my business.

I do get mad with the short notice guys who say "I am on my way" ... or "I don't have time to wait"... yet, they don't make it, and do not call to even give an excuse..
seeker7's Avatar
I was a non show once. I pulled into the Notel parking lot and called to get the lady's room number. She answered and her pimp was screaming at her "Where's my money bitch?" I pulled out of the parking lot and headed to the house. She called about 30 minutes later and I said "Thanks, but no thanks." So, I guess that made me a CNS.
My job requires client site visits at short or no notice. I am not going to provide anyone with information dealing with or relating to a client. Guess you'd just have to remove me.
surcher's Avatar
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I'll bring a note from Obama
TexasGator's Avatar
My dog had kittens
Sarunga's Avatar
I'll bring a note from Osama Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
That was a pretty easy fix.
If I cannot make it and cancel with little notice (generally it is work reasons, I can think of only twice where it was not) I will make it up on round two in one way or another - be it by surprising her with paying double, or just a nice gift, or something. I call it professional courtesy - they have a job to do, I messed that up.