This is fucking awesome: Rosie O may not be able to live thru Trump's term

Budman's Avatar
^ Translation: "Ohh look at me I can finally afford a keyboard and mouse. Ohh let me post something that I think will be offensive and have shock value. Look mommy look what I did. I'm so cool and popular now. I'm somebody." - signed Budman Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Oh, my aren’t you special. The king of posts for shock value only. You are such a little bitch. Did I offend you because I posted about one of your fellow snowflakes? We survived 8 miserable years with the POS brotha in the white house and it is amusing watching you snowflakes have breakdowns. You obviously hate this country so why do you stay? Why don’t you move to Venezuela or Cuba? You know those socialist utopias that you love so much.

Obama will go down as one of the worst presidents in US history. He will be remembered as a shittier POTUS than Jimmy Carter. That is a feat you should be proud of. I’m sure you miss him because he gave you an Obama phone and got you more welfare. Your free ride is coming to an end and you snowflakes just can’t handle it. Go back to your radical friends and keep sucking each other’s cock and telling each other how important (or is it impotent) you are. How you are going to make a difference. You and your ilk are pathetic motherfuckers. Maybe one day you can be a martyr like Mike Brown or Obama’s son Trayvon Martin. Just like those two you will get exactly what you deserve.

Have a great day wallowing in your misery. I love watching the snowflakes melt.

We can only hope she is correct. Maybe we can help her out by sending her "please end it now" wishes. Originally Posted by Budman
She's another Hollywierd liberal that's starved for attention. It's always " me,me,me " with her. The fat DYKE !
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Rosie O is an empty barrel.

is it any wonder she's crapping that T. is president 4 years.
^ Translation: "Ohh look at me I can finally afford a keyboard and mouse. Ohh let me post something that I think will be offensive and have shock value. Look mommy look what I did. I'm so cool and popular now. I'm somebody." - signed Budman Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
That's an apt description for ALL of the posts that YOU foul this forum with, shitstained chapped ass !
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Oh, my aren’t you special. The king of posts for shock value only. You are such a little bitch. Did I offend you because I posted about one of your fellow snowflakes? We survived 8 miserable years with the POS brotha in the white house and it is amusing watching you snowflakes have breakdowns. You obviously hate this country so why do you stay? Why don’t you move to Venezuela or Cuba? You know those socialist utopias that you love so much.

Obama will go down as one of the worst presidents in US history. He will be remembered as a shittier POTUS than Jimmy Carter. That is a feat you should be proud of. I’m sure you miss him because he gave you an Obama phone and got you more welfare. Your free ride is coming to an end and you snowflakes just can’t handle it. Go back to your radical friends and keep sucking each other’s cock and telling each other how important (or is it impotent) you are. How you are going to make a difference. You and your ilk are pathetic motherfuckers. Maybe one day you can be a martyr like Mike Brown or Obama’s son Trayvon Martin. Just like those two you will get exactly what you deserve.

Have a great day wallowing in your misery. I love watching the snowflakes melt. Originally Posted by Budman
^ awwe...did I hurt the baby's feelings? He's definately butthurt now. I struck a nerve with this clown ass trick and the morons that support him.

and no dipshit Obama's legacy will endure and be one of greatest inspirations to the world. Having such a fool ass clown in Trump follow him is a blessing as Trump will only enhance O's legacy further vis-a-vis his sheer incompetence.

and dont you forget dipshit that "WE" as in the Progressive/ Liberal and Mainstream media we control the narrative of all news and since we do we get to control legacies and history....hahaha...Fox News and Brietbart have been marginalized and have zero credibility...Fox for not only lying daily but also for sexually assaulting and harrassing 90% of it's female anchors... and Brietbart for being a haven of the KKK and other domestic terrorist I guess that leaves you weirdos, freaks, hillbillies, and alien conspiracy theorists with relying on The National Enquirer

lol ya fucking low information voter...

We can only hope she is correct. Maybe we can help her out by sending her "please end it now" wishes. Originally Posted by Budman
Mebbe she and her dyke friend Ellen Degenerate can harass Katy Perry together ! They can be the dyke versions of Harvey Wienstien !
goodolboy's Avatar

Obama's legacy will endure and be one of greatest inspirations to the world.

and dont you forget dipshit that "WE" as in the Progressive/ Liberal and Mainstream media we control the narrative of all news and since we do we get to control legacies and history....hahaha...Fox News and Brietbart have been marginalized and have zero credibilility

lol ya fucking low information voter... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Yea, I see that...

("The Obama administration knew that Russia had used bribery, kickbacks and extortion to get a stake in the US atomic energy industry — but cut deals giving Moscow control of a large chunk of the US uranium supply anyway, according to a report Tuesday.")