Mueller Report Finished: Trump Guilty of Colusion

bambino's Avatar
No new indictments. On to the AG’s investigation into FISA abuse!
LexusLover's Avatar
LL - I clearly contradicted SomeOne - OP , and with verifiable reason.

I do not think "bitch-slapped" is a proper characterization of my post. Originally Posted by oeb11
I trust you recognize I was not commenting on any post of yours, but I suspect the only improper characterization in the quoted phrase might be the use of the word "slapped," because it seems to me that the word might be misconstrued by the OP as a gesture of affection when "booted" might be a more concise term to use as a descriptor for your intellectual assault on the useless post opening this thread.

Some folks savor attention even if it is negative! It has something to do with being parentless when young.
  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2019, 04:26 PM
Dear Sir - it was LustyLad who made the "Bitch-slapped" post to which I responded.

No adverse intent to either you or Lustylad - I do recognize it was in good humor.

OP was parroting the DPST line, as inappropriately usual, with no evidence behind the post.

Thank you for description of my post.

Both LL's have my respect.
Ducbutter's Avatar
I think you guys fail to recognize the intellectual prowess that is TM. I mean, come on. The guy can assess a report he's never seen as well as speed watch a 17 minute video in 9 minutes. Fucking genius!

bambino's Avatar
I think you guys fail to recognize the intellectual prowess that is TM. I mean, come on. The guy can assess a report he's never seen as well as speed watch a 17 minute video in 9 minutes. Fucking genius!

Derp. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Oh, we’re well aware of his “intellectual prowess”.
  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2019, 04:38 PM
Thank you, Ducbutter, for your Humor, Good Sir!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So how is “not Armageddon” equal to bitch slapping?

The Mueller investigation resulted in indictments, convictions, plea deals and WITCHES.

SDNY’s turn.

Again, Trump doesn’t go batshit for no reason.

Unless he does.
Nothing but a big waste of time. They basically did the same thing to Kavanaugh.
bambino's Avatar
So how is “not Armageddon” equal to bitch slapping?

The Mueller investigation resulted in indictments, convictions, plea deals and WITCHES.

SDNY’s turn.

Again, Trump doesn’t go batshit for no reason.

Unless he does. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Still holding out hope aren’t you? You fell for this farce. Shame. Time for everyone to move on.
  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2019, 05:46 PM
here’s a copy of the letter Attorney General William Barr sent to the Senate and House Judiciary Committee’s on the just delivered report from Robert Mueller:

Lot's of speculation out there - We will see what AG Barr releases. Salivating DPST's - please do not be mistaken for having rabies. It is a fatal disease.

Pelosi and Schumer are already squawking about the Report. Barr will comply with the law. Regardless of the report - it will change nothing as to the House Committees' harassment of Trump and every person with whom he was ever in contact.

Its official. Trump Guilty as Fuck Originally Posted by themystic
You need to check with CNN SC...
So how is “not Armageddon” equal to bitch slapping?

The Mueller investigation resulted in indictments, convictions, plea deals and WITCHES.

SDNY’s turn.

Again, Trump doesn’t go batshit for no reason.

Unless he does. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There is your CNN analysis...
Why is Trump speaking out so heavily?. LMAO. What a fucking loser. His fan club are idiots Originally Posted by themystic
Here is the "olive branch" if you need it SC...
At times like these if can save you!!24/7 365
Hotrod511's Avatar
Its official. Trump Guilty as Fuck Originally Posted by themystic

Why is Trump speaking out so heavily?. LMAO. What a fucking loser. His fan club are idiots Originally Posted by themystic

So how is “not Armageddon” equal to bitch slapping?

The Mueller investigation resulted in indictments, convictions, plea deals and WITCHES.

SDNY’s turn.

Again, Trump doesn’t go batshit for no reason.

Unless he does. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider