Tattooed Providers

tortpicker's Avatar
I used say they were trashy but as I've gotten older I kind of find them hot. A hot lady is hot no matter what she has on her body....

QUOTE=brooklyn25;1058982783]Do guys like tattooed providers or is it a turn off?

I'm a new provider and give massages. I'm wondering if its a turn on or turn off for a woman to have a lot of tattoos? Does it hurt or help?[/QUOTE]
Recurve Jones's Avatar
Do guys like tattooed providers or is it a turn off?

I'm a new provider and give massages. I'm wondering if its a turn on or turn off for a woman to have a lot of tattoos? Does it hurt or help? Originally Posted by brooklyn25
OP, I would say that large distracting tattoos for me are very off-putting, but when the girl who has the tats is a nice, sweet girl, I'm easily won over. So for me, it's not only about the tats, it's about the stigma that comes with the tats. Question, are you a full service provider or are you massage only?
You're adorable Brooklyn and I love the Rockabilly vibe you have going on. Since I'm assuming you're not going to get a body's worth of tattoos removed just for the purpose of being a provider, your only option is to own and work your aesthetic as best you can. Every provider isn't going to appeal to every client and the point of marketing is to attract and engage those who you'd be compatible with and who appreciate you as you are.

There is a plethora of alternative companions who don't have a mainstream look and are still doing well. Whether it be tattoos, gauges, and other body modifications, or different hairstyles, textures, colors etc there will be enough people who find a particular look attractive. Check out Roxanne Dupri, who markets herself as "Your Edgy Minx." She has lots of body art plus lime and seafoam green hair!
Brandofan's Avatar
Very well said, Lena, and fantastic advice.
Aprill,Jada Wish and Stormy Staxx
Thank you, sir.

Very well said, Lena, and fantastic advice. Originally Posted by Brandofan
If they are tastefully done. I like the ink. Thank god her rates are out of my budget or else I would see her 3 times a week.

Stormy Staxxx
Cornelius's Avatar
I love good ink. Done right, tattoos can accentuate a woman's body like nothing else. That being said, home made, cheap, poorly done, prison tats can made a girl appear cheap or ghetto.
Highballz's Avatar
A good tattoo on a sexy woman is hot to me. A good tattoo on the Walmart checkout lady............. not so much. Bad tattoos aren't a deal breaker as long as its not an ex's name.
I respect each person's opinion of tattoos and their choice to have them or not.
That having been said, I don't find them sexy or attractive at all. Why paint over your beautiful skin with permanent drawings? So you're 28 years old and you look cool with that crown or tramp stamp or whatever the hell you decide to go with. Come 50 or 60 years of age that shit's going to be showing its age and so will you.
Like it or not, there will always be a stigma for somebody with tattoos.
Tattoos used to be a symbol of individuality, but the fact that so many people have them now, has made them very un-exclusive.
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Don't care for them.

Does it stop me from seeing hotties with them, not in the slightest. Easily half the women I see/seen have them.

And as it's been said. Getting one reflecting a SO - it's a time bomb !

Making it to your late 50's, early 60's. Need a new paint job so now what ?
If the girl is my type is can be very hot.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I have never seen a woman about whom I thought, "She'd look a lot better if she got a tattoo, or two or three."

I have seen plenty of woman about whom I've thought, "Damn, she'd have looked a lot better if she hadn't gotten the tattoo, or two or three."

I'm also of the age where tattoos on women carry a negative socio-economic connotation. It doesn't matter to some guys, but it does to me.

One thing I have learned here is that "a few non-distracting tattoos" can mean anything from a child's name tattooed on a foot to "she has more ink on her than a Sunday newspaper." It would be nice if guys would describe size and location, rather than use the useless word "nondistracting." What's nondistracting to a guy who likes tattoos could be a deal-killer to someone like me.

That being said, my ATF was so effin' beautiful and such a pleasure to spend time with that I never noticed her tattoos after the first visit. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot

Amen! I’ve never seen a single tattoo that made a girl look any better. I’ve seen hundreds that make them look worse. For the life if needed, I have no idea why someone would put a permanent tattoo on their body that they wouldn’t put on their wall fur a day.
Sup? I don't have a clear opinion about girls with tattoos. If it's a lip or eyebrow tattoo {staff edit-CK} then it looks pretty. I will definitely like such a girl. As for tattoos on the body, it all depends on the drawing, its size, on what is written there. There are many factors here. Sometimes girls with tattoos are rude. I don't like girls like that.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Very feminine sexy gals with tattoos are hotttttt