Trump Floats the Idea of Executing Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley

rmg_35's Avatar
And you would be wrong, yet again

The comments were about Milley illegally reaching out to China and threatening to override the President's authority. A treasonous act by Milley Originally Posted by berryberry
Wrong as usual. Made up lies and bullshit by insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump and repeat by the moronic far-right extremist conspiracy theory media. Amazing they keep fooling the ill-informed magas
Consorting with China for starters. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Oh, you means for telling them that we had our asshole on a leash.
Good fucking job!

He also ordered any officer being in a position of possibly being ordered to help your traitorous asshole perform a coup that they must run those orders through him first!

In other words doing his job and looking out for the country, democracy and the constitution.
Once again, good job Mark!
eyecu2's Avatar
Honestly,- you could pick a litany of reasons Trump is upset at General Milley. There was the situation where Trump walked over across the square for a photo op, after his nazi henchmen sprayed the place down to quell the "rioters" so he could hold a bible upside down at St. Johns Church & look like a stupid asshole. Milley condemned that too in a public statement, saying that he was put in a position to make our military look political; and it's not.


Trump while president regularly dressed down military officials, calling Milley a “dumbass” in 2021 and former Secretary of Defense James Mattis “the world’s most overrated general.” (both appointed to senior levels to support the Trump administration, by-.yep, you guessed it Donny Trump.

Trump has a history of defaming the military- from ppl like John McCain- who his said was a lose for being caught,

In 2020, The Atlantic reported that Trump declined to visit an American cemetery near Paris in 2018, and referred to U.S. Marines buried there as “losers” and “suckers.”

“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” Trump reportedly told aides after scrapping the visit to Aisne-Marne American Cemetery.

The report said Trump later referred to the more than 1,800 Marines who lost their lives in the war as losers.

yes, what a leader!! What an orator, and such a way with words El Trumpo has!

Threatening your countries military and generals for non-compliance is really the thing that sets our country apart from all the other Banana Republics.

I mean- it's not like our generals don't take an oath, and part of that oath; Gen. Mark Milley: 'We Take an Oath to the Constitution, Not an Individual'

Any person who would follow the rhetoric of Trump to engage in an unlawful war, in order to stay in power, is yet again an example of how a tyrant works, and here we have ppl on the board who would defend that tyranny in order to keep Trump in office. Shit, - this is just the stuff we know about now, how many more little bullshit ideas of staying in power did our robust leader, at a svelt 230 pds, err, 218 pds, have in mind so he could still be the egomaniac in charge?

Milley was right then, and he's right now. The only one who is wrong is the guy who is facing 4 indictments and 90 plus charges. Just saying.
berryberry's Avatar
If anyone was unsure just how triggered leftists get over President Trump, this thread should clear up any doubt

The lies and BS they spread here trying to defend a piece of shit Milley who committed treason is beyond the pale. All because Trump broke them. Trump is the only thing leftists can think about these days

Let's bring on the firing squad for traitor Milley
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Oh, you means for telling them that we had our asshole on a leash.
Good fucking job!

He also ordered any officer being in a position of possibly being ordered to help your traitorous asshole perform a coup that they must run those orders through him first!

In other words doing his job and looking out for the country, democracy and the constitution.
Once again, good job Mark! Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe
You don’t have the faintest idea how it works in the service. Everything you said there is grounds for court martial.
bambino's Avatar
You don’t have the faintest idea how it works in the service. Everything you said there is grounds for court martial. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
But but but, he says he’s third generation military!!!!
You don’t have the faintest idea how it works in the service. Everything you said there is grounds for court martial. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Oh but I do, know exacty what general Milly was SUPPOSED to do!
But desperate times call for desperate measures!
And thank God he knew his duty!
And your right under normal circumstances with a normal reasonable and rational person that he had to answer to it would be grounds for court martial.
And he saw what needed done and did it, and he once again he risked everything for this country!
He performed his duty superbly as has obviously has done for so many years!

But honestly your right he should suffer some punishment, therefore I think General Milly should be given an article-15 for dereliction of duty!

He should have shot that son of a bitch when he had the chance!
But but but, he says he’s third generation military!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Thats right bam, how many years did you serve?
Yeah that's right none!
But but but, he says he’s third generation military!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Thats right bam, how many years did you serve?
Yeah that's right none!
The only one out of your whole bunch that has Anything to say that I may listen to is jaccuzz.
And that's conditional!
bambino's Avatar
Thats right bam, how many years did you serve?
Yeah that's right none! Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe
Prolly as many as you. Who can believe a “guy” on the internet that changed his identity frequently. Are you sure you didn’t serve in the CIA? Double Naught spy!!!!
rmg_35's Avatar
The only ones that are TRIGGERED are the radical far-right conspiracy theory extremist that support the tangerine turd. Love watching them try to deflect, whine, cry, bitch, and belly ache trying the defended that insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump and his jackass maga followers. tRump can keep squealing on false social and his maga ill-informed cult followers can bobble their heads like a bunch of no-brained morons. All it's going to do is keep alienating everybody but his pathetic imbeciles of his base. Keep threatening the military, the first amendment of the news, women's issues, lgbtq members. It worked really well in 2018,2020 and 2002. Nothing but a pathetic basket full of deplorable humans. Have fun maga imbeciles!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Magas calling for harm to Milley.
Not surprised.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Oh but I do, know exacty what general Milly was SUPPOSED to do!
But desperate times call for desperate measures!
And thank God he knew his duty!
And your right under normal circumstances with a normal reasonable and rational person that he had to answer to it would be grounds for court martial.
And he saw what needed done and did it, and he once again he risked everything for this country!
He performed his duty superbly as has obviously has done for so many years!

But honestly your right he should suffer some punishment, therefore I think General Milly should be given an article-15 for dereliction of duty!

He should have shot that son of a bitch when he had the chance!
Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe
Are you crazy? Miley actions are WAY past njp. That’s for a bar brawl or being 5 minutes late for PT. Miley’s flagrant, arrogant infractions qualifies him to be sentenced to death. He’d likely skate on that punishment due to his time in, but prison time is clearly called for.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Magas calling for harm to Milley.
Not surprised. Originally Posted by winn dixie
What do you call for when a General subverts, or claims he would, direct orders from his civilian command, endangering the lives of every soldier, sailor, airman and marine?
bambino's Avatar
What do you call for when a General subverts, or claims he would, direct orders from his civilian command, endangering the lives of every soldier, sailor, airman and marine? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Another guy claiming to be a Marine. These people can’t stop lying.