Former NSA Director Is Cooperating With Probe of Trump-Russia Investigation

Redhot1960's Avatar
Stammering, Blabbering, Stuttering it's just what WMB's do...
Sum Bitch needs to wax his own damn balls
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Sorry charlie.
That's not going to happen.

Flynn is going down the tube.

Another i.b. claim is shot down in flames.

Only a fool thinks the case will be dismissed.

"Judge Rejects Michael Flynn’s Claims in His Attacks on Prosecutors"

"A federal judge rebuffed a series of dubious accusations of prosecutorial misconduct by Mr. Flynn’s lawyer, an outspoken critic of the special counsel’s investigation.

WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Monday rebuffed accusations by President Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, that F.B.I. agents and federal prosecutors engaged in misconduct in his criminal case, delivering a comprehensive rebuke to his 11th-hour claims.

The 92-page ruling by Judge Emmet G. Sullivan also effectively ended Mr. Flynn’s hopes that the judge would toss his conviction as prosecutors consider whether to ask for prison time for Mr. Flynn. It was also a blow to supporters of Mr. Flynn, who have amplified a false narrative that he was framed in a plot by the so-called deep state to sabotage Mr. Trump.

Judge Sullivan set sentencing for Jan. 28. Mr. Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general, agreed in late 2017 to plead guilty to lying to F.B.I. agents in the Russia investigation in exchange for cooperating with investigators. But he has increasingly adopted a combative stance, including replacing his lawyer with a prominent critic of the special counsel’s investigation, which culminated in his request that Judge Sullivan throw out the case altogether.
In an exhaustive decision, Judge Sullivan doused the incendiary claims of Mr. Flynn’s lawyers, who were led by Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor who hawks anti-special-counsel T-shirts on her website. Ms. Powell began representing Mr. Flynn in June, gambling on a risky legal strategy, and requesting dozens of pieces of information from the government that she said would exonerate her client. She also asked the judge to hold prosecutors in contempt.
Among other things, Ms. Powell asked for material that appeared to be based on claims about the Russia investigation that have circulated in the conservative media without evidence to back them up. For example, she suggested that a former top F.B.I. official, Andrew G. McCabe, declared that the bureau would go after Mr. Flynn and then Mr. Trump. (Prosecutors said they had disproved the allegation, which an agent called “ludicrous.”)
One by one, Judge Sullivan rejected her assertions.

For instance, she wrote that the government suppressed evidence favorable to Mr. Flynn related to agents’ questioning of him. “High-ranking F.B.I. officials orchestrated an ambush interview,” Mr. Flynn’s lawyers wrote in court documents, saying they were “trapping him into making false statements they could allege as false.”

Judge Sullivan dismissed that accusation, citing agents’ notes and F.B.I. memos known as 302s documenting their interview of Mr. Flynn. The documents were “both consistent and clear that Mr. Flynn made false statements to the F.B.I.,” Judge Sullivan wrote.

In other requests, Mr. Flynn’s lawyers sought material that they already had or that seemingly had little or nothing to do with his case. Judge Sullivan sided with prosecutors who said in several instances that Mr. Flynn’s lawyers wanted information that would not help their client. “By any conceivable measure, Mr. Flynn’s requested information is neither helpful nor relevant to the defense,” the judge wrote
Prosecutors had previously said that some of Ms. Powell’s contentions were “divorced from the facts” or that she was relying on conspiracy theories in “demanding that the government engage in a fishing expedition for documents that could offer support for those theories.

The judge also expressed ethical concerns about a filing by Mr. Flynn’s lawyers, saying they “lifted verbatim portions from a source without attribution,” only citing in a footnote a brief in a separate case.
Additionally, Mr. Flynn has pleaded guilty twice in the case, not only in 2017 but also a year ago at an initial sentencing hearing. Judge Sullivan had presaged his ruling when he chastised Mr. Flynn during that hearing for suggesting the F.B.I. had duped him into lying to the agents who questioned him.

To maximize his cooperation agreement with prosecutors, Mr. Flynn delayed his sentencing at the time to testify for the government against a former business partner, Bijan Kian.

But Mr. Flynn changed his story on the eve of Mr. Kian’s trial, and prosecutors decided against calling Mr. Flynn as a witness in the trial. Mr. Kian was convicted in July, but a judge later overturned the charges, saying the government had failed to present enough evidence to sustain their charges that he had secretly lobbied on behalf of Turkey.

Prosecutors in Mr. Flynn’s case have suggested they might change their stance on his punishment; they have said he deserves little to no prison time. Judge Sullivan directed them to file a sentencing memo in coming weeks.
The judge had originally set a sentencing date for this week, but both sides agreed to a further delay until the Justice Department inspector general delivered a highly anticipated report on aspects of the Russia investigation. The report was released last week and revealed problems with the F.B.I.’s investigation of another Trump associate, the former campaign adviser Carter Page.

Ms. Powell had suggested that the report would include revelations favorable to her client. “The evidence we presented is overwhelming that they have been hiding the ball all along,” she said recently on a pro-Trump television network, One America News Network.

That did not happen. In fact, the inspector general said that the F.B.I. had sufficient information to investigate Mr. Flynn."

Flynn will be exonerated. Roger's contributions will insure that Flynn is exonerated. Only fools imagine that Flynn's case is completed.


Flynn will be exonerated. Roger's contributions will insure that Flynn is exonerated. Only fools imagine that Flynn's case is completed.

So, you have a lisp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Jaxson66's Avatar
IB seems to be listening to way to much Hannity. That Russian propagandist has been selling that exoneration shit sandwich for months. It’s mind boggling how many times the trump party will let him make complete fools of them.
  • oeb11
  • 12-24-2019, 09:01 AM
And a Merry Christmas to you also, J666!
hatred is a shame of a way to waste your life.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Stupidity, on the other hands, is mothers milks for the likes of you, young lady!
IB seems to be listening to way to much Hannity. That Russian propagandist has been selling that exoneration shit sandwich for months. It’s mind boggling how many times the trump party will let him make complete fools of them. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Trump is making fools of the left far more often.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sorry charlie.
That's not going to happen.

Flynn is going down the tube.

Another i.b. claim is shot down in flames.

Only a fool thinks the case will be dismissed.

"Judge Rejects Michael Flynn’s Claims in His Attacks on Prosecutors"

"A federal judge rebuffed a series of dubious accusations of prosecutorial misconduct by Mr. Flynn’s lawyer, an outspoken critic of the special counsel’s investigation.

WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Monday rebuffed accusations by President Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, that F.B.I. agents and federal prosecutors engaged in misconduct in his criminal case, delivering a comprehensive rebuke to his 11th-hour claims.

The 92-page ruling by Judge Emmet G. Sullivan also effectively ended Mr. Flynn’s hopes that the judge would toss his conviction as prosecutors consider whether to ask for prison time for Mr. Flynn. It was also a blow to supporters of Mr. Flynn, who have amplified a false narrative that he was framed in a plot by the so-called deep state to sabotage Mr. Trump.

Judge Sullivan set sentencing for Jan. 28. Mr. Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general, agreed in late 2017 to plead guilty to lying to F.B.I. agents in the Russia investigation in exchange for cooperating with investigators. But he has increasingly adopted a combative stance, including replacing his lawyer with a prominent critic of the special counsel’s investigation, which culminated in his request that Judge Sullivan throw out the case altogether.
In an exhaustive decision, Judge Sullivan doused the incendiary claims of Mr. Flynn’s lawyers, who were led by Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor who hawks anti-special-counsel T-shirts on her website. Ms. Powell began representing Mr. Flynn in June, gambling on a risky legal strategy, and requesting dozens of pieces of information from the government that she said would exonerate her client. She also asked the judge to hold prosecutors in contempt.
Among other things, Ms. Powell asked for material that appeared to be based on claims about the Russia investigation that have circulated in the conservative media without evidence to back them up. For example, she suggested that a former top F.B.I. official, Andrew G. McCabe, declared that the bureau would go after Mr. Flynn and then Mr. Trump. (Prosecutors said they had disproved the allegation, which an agent called “ludicrous.”)
One by one, Judge Sullivan rejected her assertions.

For instance, she wrote that the government suppressed evidence favorable to Mr. Flynn related to agents’ questioning of him. “High-ranking F.B.I. officials orchestrated an ambush interview,” Mr. Flynn’s lawyers wrote in court documents, saying they were “trapping him into making false statements they could allege as false.”

Judge Sullivan dismissed that accusation, citing agents’ notes and F.B.I. memos known as 302s documenting their interview of Mr. Flynn. The documents were “both consistent and clear that Mr. Flynn made false statements to the F.B.I.,” Judge Sullivan wrote.

In other requests, Mr. Flynn’s lawyers sought material that they already had or that seemingly had little or nothing to do with his case. Judge Sullivan sided with prosecutors who said in several instances that Mr. Flynn’s lawyers wanted information that would not help their client. “By any conceivable measure, Mr. Flynn’s requested information is neither helpful nor relevant to the defense,” the judge wrote
Prosecutors had previously said that some of Ms. Powell’s contentions were “divorced from the facts” or that she was relying on conspiracy theories in “demanding that the government engage in a fishing expedition for documents that could offer support for those theories.

The judge also expressed ethical concerns about a filing by Mr. Flynn’s lawyers, saying they “lifted verbatim portions from a source without attribution,” only citing in a footnote a brief in a separate case.
Additionally, Mr. Flynn has pleaded guilty twice in the case, not only in 2017 but also a year ago at an initial sentencing hearing. Judge Sullivan had presaged his ruling when he chastised Mr. Flynn during that hearing for suggesting the F.B.I. had duped him into lying to the agents who questioned him.

To maximize his cooperation agreement with prosecutors, Mr. Flynn delayed his sentencing at the time to testify for the government against a former business partner, Bijan Kian.

But Mr. Flynn changed his story on the eve of Mr. Kian’s trial, and prosecutors decided against calling Mr. Flynn as a witness in the trial. Mr. Kian was convicted in July, but a judge later overturned the charges, saying the government had failed to present enough evidence to sustain their charges that he had secretly lobbied on behalf of Turkey.

Prosecutors in Mr. Flynn’s case have suggested they might change their stance on his punishment; they have said he deserves little to no prison time. Judge Sullivan directed them to file a sentencing memo in coming weeks.
The judge had originally set a sentencing date for this week, but both sides agreed to a further delay until the Justice Department inspector general delivered a highly anticipated report on aspects of the Russia investigation. The report was released last week and revealed problems with the F.B.I.’s investigation of another Trump associate, the former campaign adviser Carter Page.

Ms. Powell had suggested that the report would include revelations favorable to her client. “The evidence we presented is overwhelming that they have been hiding the ball all along,” she said recently on a pro-Trump television network, One America News Network.

That did not happen. In fact, the inspector general said that the F.B.I. had sufficient information to investigate Mr. Flynn."

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You'd be the clown with your head up your anal 'tube'. Every time new evidence of government malfeasance emerges in these cases gives lawyers such as Powell new grounds to contest the government's case in court. Admiral Rogers is giving Durham such evidence. It ain't over, and Flynn will be exonerated.

IB seems to be listening to way to much Hannity. That Russian propagandist has been selling that exoneration shit sandwich for months. It’s mind boggling how many times the trump party will let him make complete fools of them. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Sure as hell ain't listening to dipshits like Schitty and gNadless who you so blindly adore.
HoeHummer's Avatar
So it looks like Hanksy’s prefaces to his comebacks tends to run the same course

I understands now. He is a Russians bot, located in a basement underneath Virginia with Clinton’s emails servers, four people from Benghazi still being held in captivity and George Wallace’s cryogenicallys frozen head.

It is in his programmings.

And yes, Hanksy, you’d be the one spittings on christmas.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Now it would seem like we need an investigation of the head of the FISA court. She knew or should have known from the time of the Nunes memo that the court was lied to and did nothing. Now this sounds like the court had information from Rodgers and did nothing.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Now it would seem like we need an investigation of the head of the FISA court. She knew or should have known from the time of the Nunes memo that the court was lied to and did nothing. Now this sounds like the court had information from Rodgers and did nothing. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

it appears that the fisa court is in cya mode; claiming "we didn't know they did this" after the fact that Adm. Rodgers told them of it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Sorry charlie.
That's not going to happen.

He probably won't be exonerated because Durham's report won't be in before sentencing but I doubt he will get even 6 months. P got 14 days for lying to the FBI.

Flynn is going down the tube.

Yeah, if a couple of weeks or months is your idea of "going down the tubes". In the end, Flynn lied about things he said which were not crimes just like P did.

Only a fool thinks the case will be dismissed.

Only a fool would think Flynn is "going down the tubes".

Consider these portions of the article "you" posted.

as prosecutors consider whether to ask for prison time for Mr. Flynn.

Prosecutors in Mr. Flynn’s case have suggested they might change their stance on his punishment; they have said he deserves little to no prison time.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Only in the minds of fools will Flynn being "going down the tubes". Members of the FBI will do more time than General Flynn.
HedonistForever's Avatar
IB seems to be listening to way to much Hannity.

You mean the Hannity that said Mueller would find no conspiracy when Schiff, CNN and MSNBC spent years saying Mueller would?

You mean the Hannity that said the Nunes memo on FISA abuse was the truth when Pelosi and Schiff, CNN and MSNBC told you it was all lies? That Hannity?

That Russian propagandist has been selling that exoneration shit sandwich for months.

While CNN and MSNBC have been selling their shit sandwich, which you gobbled down till it was running down your cheeks, for 3 years.

It’s mind boggling how many times the trump party will let him make complete fools of them. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

And here you are quite possibly making a fool of yourself since no sentencing has been handed down yet. You apparently have no problem making a fool of yourself.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
are the FLynn prosecutors getting nervous?
Redhot1960's Avatar
A small slither of hope...

Against all Odds – Three FBI Officials Quietly Working to Reveal the Truth…

Posted on December 25, 2019 by sundance

I’m not sure exactly who they are, and there’s a possibility they might just be one person; however, it appears there are three distinct FBI officials engaged in an overall investigative capacity, attempting to break the truth through the corrupt machinery.

Each individual is noted within a specific event or outcome. Hopefully AG Bill Barr has tasked his deputy James Rosen to hold an honest ‘climate assessment‘ discussion with these individuals.

♦The first honorable FBI Agent is the FBI official who enhanced the DOJ sentencing memo for James Wolfe. The DOJ prosecution, namely DC U.S. Attorney Jessie K Liu -possibly following instructions from Rod Rosenstein- was trying to cover-up the classified intelligence leak of SSCI Security Director James Wolfe in order to protect powerful Senators.

One FBI agent was obviously not happy with that DOJ leadership decision and seeded the DOJ ‘sentencing memo’ with a key sentence that exposed the cover-up:
I B Hankering's Avatar
So it looks like Hanksy’s prefaces to his comebacks tends to run the same course

I understands now. He is a Russians bot, located in a basement underneath Virginia with Clinton’s emails servers, four people from Benghazi still being held in captivity and George Wallace’s cryogenicallys frozen head.

It is in his programmings.

And yes, Hanksy, you’d be the one spittings on christmas.
Originally Posted by HoeHummer

The fact that you are still waving the rainbow flag for the dim-retard cause is proof that you don't understand a damn thing.