Now all of you little pussies can stop whining...

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Did you see the charts on coronavirus in NY? While cases are increasing in most states, the cases and deaths in NY have decreased to a handful. The cases/deaths in states like California, Florida, and Texas have skyrocketed. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Except for everyone in NY is dead due to gross incompetence and being money grubbing fuckwads. I hope government officials and public hospitals get sued out of existence. Black lives definitely don’t matter to the so-called “heroes” staffing New York hospitals who got their credentials at the bottom of a Crackerjack box.
It's a little too late now for Trump. He should not have acted like this pandemic was no big deal in the 1st place. Now he just looks like a complete fool about the crisis and finally realizes that it's no joke after downplaying it for months.

Edit: I don't even know whether that pic was photoshopped or not so I don't even know whether it is actually legitimate, but if so, he looks even more like a fool because of his previous stupid comments about the virus. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Politics is bullshit. I don't take much of anything they do or say serious on any topic including this fucking Pandemic. There's nothing that proves wearing a mask in public prevents the contraction of this virus, if that is indeed what it is. In fact the synthetic fibers in the mask break down rather rapidly gassing out chemicals as the wearer breaths through it. These gasses are inhaled by the wearer and essential reduce the oxygen transfer in the body which is really unhealthy. I see people even driving with a mask on. They think they are preventing the spread or contraction of a disease and they aren't.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Did you see the charts on coronavirus in NY? While cases are increasing in most states, the cases and deaths in NY have decreased to a handful. The cases/deaths in states like California, Florida, and Texas have skyrocketed. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Don't confuse Bambi with facts, Speed. He doesn't do well with them. Originally Posted by Lapdog
looks like the TDS virus has increased in Texas and Space City
Lapdog's Avatar
looks like the TDS virus has increased in Texas and Space City Originally Posted by Hotrod511
What is TDS virus? Trump Dick Sucker?
lustylad's Avatar
What is TDS virus? Originally Posted by Lapdog
Here ya go... TDS explained just for you.

Now tell us what stage you're in, Fapdog!

The Next Pandemic: Trump Derangement Syndrome

Symptoms include obsession with the president’s hair and comparing him to Mao.

By Joseph Epstein
July 9, 2020 7:16 pm ET

It’s been going around for some time and now appears to be in danger of spreading widely. I refer not to Covid-19, but to Donald-20, or, to use its pseudoscientific name, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Research has shown that TDS appears in five stages, each of advanced intensity. Perhaps there will be some value, if not promise of diminishment, in setting these parameters out for public awareness.

The cause of TDS is clear enough—Donald Trump, his looks, his manner, his nearly every utterance. So far there is no known cure. Ventilators are unnecessary in TDS, for people who progress beyond the first stage tend to vent quite vigorously on their own.

In Stage One, the afflicted has decided before 2016 that Donald Trump has serious, even strenuous, character flaws that disqualified him for the presidency or any other public office. Voting for him was never possible. For Stage One sufferers, a second Trump term could have effects that are frightening to contemplate. Stage One patients view the Trump presidency as a blotch in American political history.

In Stage Two, one dwells upon Donald Trump’s looks. One has put a fair amount of thought into the architecture of his hairdo, wondering how much time each morning he must devote to its re-creation and whether he employs a stylist to help. One notices that the length of his neckties covers up his ample alderman as does the way he sits, leaning forward in his chair. Photographs of him in golf apparel are studied for what they reveal of the impressive breadth of his backside. The smugness of his smile is registered, the smallness of his hands always noted.

In Stage Three, one is ready to believe anything—anything pernicious or salacious, that is—about Mr. Trump and to reject anything he has done that might be good for the country, if only because he is the man who did it. One is ready to believe that he diets exclusively on the meat of endangered species, that there is something weirdly illicit about his relationship with Vladimir Putin, that he secretly admires Kim Jong Un’s wardrobe. For Stage Three sufferers, nothing about President Trump can be totally disbelieved.

As for those of Donald Trump’s policies that, coming from another president, one might be pleased about, these are rejected in Stage Three derangement syndrome. Israel shouldn’t count on the allegiance of Mr. Trump. The revival of the American economy, before Covid-19 sent it cratering, was owing not to Mr. Trump but to President Obama. The lowering of black and Hispanic unemployment figures under the Trump administration is scarcely to be believed. Nor is the utility of his legislation reforming prisons or of his creating opportunity areas in black neighborhoods, if only because it happened under Donald Trump, who is, patients say, clearly a racist. In Stage Three derangement syndrome, if Donald Trump is for any specific policy, one is automatically against it; if he is against it, one is for it. Case not so much closed as never really opened.

In Stage Four, one imputes evil to Mr. Trump. One believes he became president of the United States to boost his hotel business. One is certain he has it in mind to create a dynasty, with Don Jr. and Jared Kushner waiting to succeed him as president-emperor. Even should Mr. Trump lose the forthcoming presidential election, Stage Four derangement syndrome sufferers believe he is unlikely to depart the White House willingly and is not beyond using military force to keep himself in power. Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Mao—for people with Stage Four derangement syndrome, Donald Trump is clearly a figure in their line.

In Stage Five TDS, one is weighted down with all the symptoms of the first four stages, but brings to them an added choleric intensity of anger. At the mere mention of the name Donald Trump, unprintable expletives issue out of one’s foam-flecked lips. One’s skin flushes, veins appear on one’s forehead, one’s hands tremble, one loses all powers of speech.

Still, the nice thing about Trump Derangement Syndrome is that to prevent catching or spreading it, you don’t have to wear a mask or always be washing your hands or practice social distancing. All you have to do is turn off your television set.

Mr. Epstein is author, most recently, of “Charm: The Elusive Enchantment.”
  • oeb11
  • 07-12-2020, 12:20 PM
Best post of the Day - thank you - LL
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Politics is bullshit. I don't take much of anything they do or say serious on any topic including this fucking Pandemic. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I don't either because it's hardly objective. I could read CNN and then I could go read Fox news and nothing for the most part would match. That's politics for you. Politicians have their agenda and they spin their agenda accordingly to appease the voters for their own political gain and power. That's how the game goes.
It's good to see that Putin told his biotch to start wearing a mask
It's retarded how the left obsesses over T R U M P's tweets, what he's wearing and random offhand comments.

I thought people would have gotten sick of it three years ago. How does T R U M P wearing a mask help anyone or change anything? There is actual news, but instead they focus on T R U M P as though H E is the center of the universe.

I don't care whether the president decides to wear a mask or not in public. He's the president after all and probably doesn't need to wear one. How does it matter at all?
lustylad's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
Funny that a thread titled like this would be shut down in no time on oh2
With a shit talking pm sent to the op
I don't either because it's hardly objective. I could read CNN and then I could go read Fox news and nothing for the most part would match. That's politics for you. Politicians have their agenda and they spin their agenda accordingly to appease the voters for their own political gain and power. That's how the game goes. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Yeah, it's very confusing. That's why I look for sources outside the realm of the MSM. There are three Doctors doing Podcast and putting out information on this Pandemic. They are Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and a Dr. Lipton, can't remember his first name. All three put out good information on this pandemic.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Is the OP speaking about Chump ?? Cause he is the only Whinin' pussy I know of.Him and all his Chumpettes !!

Chump is an Elitist born to privilege. Little Lord Fauntleroy !!

Poor thing has had it hard in life. Treated so unfairly. He has so much grievance !! And all his Chumpettes too have had it so hard ! So mistreated !! They must be aggrieved too !!

Chump takes up that Mantle for them so they take it up for him. The True TDS !! So deranged they will contort to any stance supportive of Chump. They will adhere to any conspiracy no matter how far fetched.
Originally Posted by lustylad
It would be called Cojoevid-20, lol.
  • oeb11
  • 07-12-2020, 04:56 PM
Is the OP speaking about Chump ?? Cause he is the only Whinin' pussy I know of.Him and all his Chumpettes !!

Chump is an Elitist born to privilege. Little Lord Fauntleroy !!

Poor thing has had it hard in life. Treated so unfairly. He has so much grievance !! And all his Chumpettes too have had it so hard ! So mistreated !! They must be aggrieved too !!

Chump takes up that Mantle for them so they take it up for him. The True TDS !! So deranged they will contort to any stance supportive of Chump. They will adhere to any conspiracy no matter how far fetched. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Jealousy and envy drips from sailor's post.