
Yep! I did the same thing 2 months ago but gave it the benefit of doubt (I guess I should have posted it)
Here's what happened:
I tried for a couple of months to try and set up something and finally arranged for meeting around 7or 8 in morning. We are texting back and forth on the way to big point. I get there and I don't know if address is for trailer or house in back. I texted to ask that question and no response. A black guy leaves trailer and I ask if I'm at right address he confirmed I was. So, I sit there for 15 min texting and calling, no response. I started getting wierd feeling, did something happen with that guy... (Stupid, I should have left). I go to door and knock. Knock again. Door opens on it's own, since of something bad going down is worse now. I step in, there is what I guess a mid size dog barricaded to right of trailer not happy I am there but barricade looks sound. I yell, "is any body home". Nothing. I feeling really stupid now, I continue through trailer with another, is any body home. I get to bedroom on left side of trailer I knock, then open. It's a nice clean room organized, lighted but Nobody's in it. There is closed door at end so I yelled, "ember?".
She opens door looks like she just got out of shower (this is 30-45 min after apt. time) she chews me out for coming into her place uninvited and I head on to other business. I texted her and try and explain it but she couldn't adjust, not that I wanted to continue w apt. (To aggravated) Originally Posted by 96shooter
Balls of Steel!