The continuing cover-up of the Biden crime family

VitaMan's Avatar
You will choke on those words one day but then maybe that would be giving you to much credit as being a fair non partisan American.

You have no idea what crimes Biden has committed because the MSM will not tell you.

You have no idea the crimes Trump may have committed because he hasn't been convicted of anything yet.

Step up man and at the very least say you want both families investigated and you want that right now. To say other wise would be admitting that if it's the guy and party you support on the chopping block, you'll chose to remain silent. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You are so eager.
VitaMan's Avatar
Now you have gone and done it, asking VM to explain what he said. Get ready to be called asshole which is what he recently called me for asking him to simply explain what he meant which for some reason seems to greatly offend him. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You called me coward and various other name calling. You lied flat out about unions as sources of information. You're no Snow White.

Both unnecessary in this forum.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And ? What is your point ? You don't want to finish up with Trump ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

See, that's the difference between you and me, well, one, there are many but yes, I want them to finish up with Trump and as much as I hate to say it, if Trump is going to fuck up the Republican nomination in 2024, I hope they do put him in jail till after the election. No person is more important than putting this country back together again after 2 short years of Democrat's with the help of left wing media who refuse to report on the Biden family in which case you get to say "I haven't seen or heard that".

I guess neither you or any of the other leftwingers on this board ever understood that people like me didn't support Trump, couldn't care less what happens to him but you and others can't differentiate between supporting a man and party and merely supporting policies.


What I do care about is the present government and the man that sits at the top of our government and that he is undoubtedly ( in my mind ) corrupt at best and a traitor at worst and certainly as big a liar as Trump was ever accused of being

Unlike Trump being a Russian asset which Mueller and the entire FBI and DOJ couldn't make that case, it is very clear that Biden is acting like a Chinese asset in most part, to protect his son but that is not exactly in his favor, is it.

What if China could blackmail the President of the United States? Weren't we suppose to worry about that when it was aimed at Trump but now that it's aimed at Biden with a mountain of information that apparently you and 1bm1 haven't seen yet. Who do you think in the MSM is going to tell you all this?

Hell, right now, there is a Congressman from Kentucky, asking the IRS to turn over any and all "Suspicious Activity Reports" on Hunter Biden and they will not do it according to the Congressman and the spokesperson for the IRS reads his talking point that "we are co-operating" but they are not and recently changed a long standing rule that any Congressman can ask for these documents but now all of a sudden, a Republican must have a Democrat co-sponsor to get those documents and guess what? No Democrat will stand up and ask to se documents in the possession of the IRS.

Why wouldn't we get to see documents that have always been available to Congress but for some reason now, Democrats aren't interesting in seeing exactly what they were interested in seeing when it came to Trump. And no, this isn't about Hunter who nobody gives a shit about but those documents I guarantee you ( OK I believe ) will show Joe Biden's involvement which I have believed since the day Tony Bobulinski testified to Joe's involvement.

THAT IS NOT A DEFENSE OF TRUMP! It is in defense of equal Justice under the Law which takes us full circle back to your question. I want everybody in government accused of crimes, investigated and I don't give a damn whether it is Republican or Democrat and apparently you can't say that so what does that say about you?
... Those who watch Tucker Carlson KNOW.
Tucker did a GREAT piece on The Biden Crime Family
this evening on his telly show... And the ties to China.

A LOT of people surely watch Fox for this reason.
So they'll be informed - while the usual main stream media
ignore whatever is exposed from the Hunter laptop.

One thing is becoming Quite Clear - Joe Biden is a LIAR. ...

#### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
You called me coward and various other name calling. You lied flat out about unions as sources of information. You're no Snow White.

Both unnecessary in this forum. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Wow! Still hung up on that huh? But it's good to see you admitting you have called me names like asshole just a while ago. But you are right, no more name calling from me but don't think that is going to save you from me pointing out the stu...... sorry, almost slipped already, pointing out your inability to make a coherent argument. I hope that's allowed under our new agreement.
HedonistForever's Avatar
... Those who watch Tucker Carlson KNOW.
Tucker did a GREAT piece on The Biden Crime Family
this evening on his telly show... And the ties to China.

A LOT of people surely watch Fox for this reason.
So they'll be informed - while the usual main stream media
ignore whatever is exposed from the Hunter laptop.

One thing is becoming Quite Clear - Joe Biden is a LIAR. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

An incredible piece of investigative journalism, wasn't it? Fucking mind blowing and the story is getting worse by the day now that everything Hunter ever wrote, thought,( that his stepmom Jill was a "vindictive moron" and a c*** ) and took pictures of, now in the possession of people willing to get this information out to the public but then they'll just call it Russian propaganda.
Your typical MO.

What way ? Trump billions Biden millions

And: the Trump Organization with how many independent companies formed inside it for legal protection ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Trump made his Billions legally through Real estate. Biden is a career Criminal that's been playing Politics for fifty Years.
... Too right, Hedo.

... And it HAS to be investigative journalism - because the
main stream media is SCARED to print it.
Just like they were scared to admit the Biden laptop was REAL.

#### Salty
Wow! Still hung up on that huh? But it's good to see you admitting you have called me names like asshole just a while ago. But you are right, no more name calling from me but don't think that is going to save you from me pointing out the stu...... sorry, almost slipped already, pointing out your inability to make a coherent argument. I hope that's allowed under our new agreement. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Like this thread of his that was shutdown because he can't take constructive criticism, he just deflects!! He'll never learn that the worn out shit that he starts threads about is past it's expiration date...
HedonistForever's Avatar
You are so eager. Originally Posted by VitaMan

I'd say about as eager as you are to see Trump in jail. That's how eager I am, no more no less than you which makes us one in the same on this point. Eager to see justice, well, for me it's both, for you, just one man matters.
VitaMan's Avatar

I guess neither you or any of the other leftwingers on this board ever understood that people like me didn't support Trump, couldn't care less what happens to him but you and others can't differentiate between supporting a man and party and merely supporting policies.


I don't give a damn whether it is Republican or Democrat and apparently you can't say that so what does that say about you? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I don't give a shit about Biden and have stated so many times. One rabid member here still pursues and follows me because he wants to believe anyone denouncing Trump must support Biden, so he attacks, day after day.(he just posted again with his usual nonsense)

Many leftwingers have tried to get the GOP members active and stand up and take back their party. But they don't ! They just suffocate under Trump.

Many will support a normal GOP candidate.

What else do you want to say about this state of affairs ?

I would enjoy being around in 100 years and see what the history books say about Trump and Biden.
HedonistForever's Avatar
... Too right, Hedo.

... And it HAS to be investigative journalism - because the
main stream media is SCARED to print it.
Just like they were scared to admit the Biden laptop was REAL.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

And when the New York Times admitted that it was real, what did Democrats do?
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump made his Billions legally through Real estate. Biden is a career Criminal that's been playing Politics for fifty Years. Originally Posted by Levianon17
VitaMan's Avatar
Do you want to finish up with Trump ? Sounds like Republicans are ready to gloss over it and eager to investigate Biden.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I don't give a shit about Biden and have stated so many times. One rabid member here still pursues and follows me because he wants to believe anyone denouncing Trump must support Biden, so he attacks, day after day.(he just posted again)

Many leftwingers have tried to get the GOP members active and stand up and take back their party. But they don't ! They just suffocate under Trump.

Many will support a normal GOP candidate.

What else do you want to say about this state of affairs ?

I would enjoy being around in 100 years and see what the history books say about Trump and Biden. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Yes, we have heard you say that and we are wondering why since he is a sitting President and Trump isn't. I know you are hung up on what Trump might do in the future and that would be OK if you showed one iota of concern about what Biden is doing but you have never questioned a single thing about Biden but here is your chance to say it. If half of what is being said about Biden and China is true, would you say impeach him like you did with Trump under false allegations in my opinion.

I want you to give a shit about Biden as much as you give a shit about Trump.