It's working....


CC what happen to selected undelete or more selected intel ? Originally Posted by FU_CC
He has a good connection at the NSA... duh
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Marshall and Simple Jack conversing ... Makes perfect sense.

It may take a MONTH or so longer than it was supposed to, but it is working and will work.

You pussies are dumber than dogshit.
Marshall and Simple Jack conversing ... Makes perfect sense.

It may take a MONTH or so longer than it was supposed to, but it is working and will work.

You pussies are dumber than dogshit. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
agh haa! haaa aghaaa! .....

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-26-2013, 09:57 PM
It is working now, and the contractor is going to take a hit for the why keep complaining when the train is leaving the station? It was declared constitutional, too, BTW
Even if it were working perfectly, it would still be unconstitutional and a huge overreach of government authority. Remember, Mussolini made the trains run on time. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What's wrong with making the trains run on time? I mean....everything else being equal. You know, nobody being summarily executed on Obama's orders or anything. And, I haven't seen any evidence of that yet....although, I am certain such accusations are pending in the RWW world.

You know I'm right motherfucker. This health care thing is a happening deal. And, it's a good thing. Something we all ought to be proud of....don't be a hater. How can you be against a thing like this?

Decent healthcare for all. Man, we all ought to be working together on this thing and you know it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
These cocksuckers HATE America. And they REALLY hate black people.

may they drown in their own bile.
These cocksuckers HATE America. And they REALLY hate black people.

may they drown in their own bile. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nahhh, they'll come around. It's inevitable. It's going to be something that will eventually make everybody proud and they won't be able to deny it.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-26-2013, 10:18 PM
These cocksuckers HATE America. And they REALLY hate black people.

may they drown in their own bile. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Amen to that, my friend
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nahhh, they'll come around. It's inevitable. It's going to be something that will eventually make everybody proud and they won't be able to deny it. Originally Posted by timpage
Truly would be a Christmas miracle, Timmy.

Meanwhile, they continue to rage against America.

I'm covered. Millions more are signing up.

Fuck them!

may they drown in their own bile.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What's wrong with making the trains run on time? I mean....everything else being equal. You know, nobody being summarily executed on Obama's orders or anything. And, I haven't seen any evidence of that yet....although, I am certain such accusations are pending in the RWW world.

You know I'm right motherfucker. This health care thing is a happening deal. And, it's a good thing. Something we all ought to be proud of....don't be a hater. How can you be against a thing like this?

Decent healthcare for all. Man, we all ought to be working together on this thing and you know it. Originally Posted by timpage
Why would I be proud that the government has decided to force people to buy stuff they don't want? Why would I be proud that the government is spending still more money it doesn't have? Why would I be proud that many people are seeing their premiums and deductibles increase to obtain government mandated coverage they don't want or need? Why would I be proud the doctors and other medical professionals are going to have to spend more and more time completing forms, at the expense of treating patients?

There is nothing to be proud of in this law. There are much less intrusive means to address the uninsured and pre-existing conditions. This is about government control, not public health. I am not proud that the government wants to know and control even the most private and intimate details of my life. I am ashamed of my government, not proud. Not proud at all.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
It's Working? Not for everyone.

After a Month of Trying, I Still Can't Sign Up for Obamacare
LexusLover's Avatar
...It was declared constitutional, too, BTW Originally Posted by Bert Jones
The "penalty" was determined to be a "tax" and it was decided that Congress could constitutionally impose a "tax."

I think the "tax" imposed by Congress has been postponed. Can the President "constitutionally" suspend a "tax" imposed by Congress?
LexusLover's Avatar
It's Working? Not for everyone. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
ACA was not supposed to "work" for "everyone." Only about 15 million people.

Unfortunately, the "nationalized health insurance" crowd wants to forget about that.
Amen to that, my friend Originally Posted by Bert Jones
The Austin Reacharound Crew has found a new member.

This has been discussed for years. Its Obama's policies and lies, not his skin color. As its been point out many, many times he's half white. Yes, there are black people in the TEA party. Just keep fooling yourselves as the 2014 elections will turn out just like 2010.

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-27-2013, 06:41 AM
The "penalty" was determined to be a "tax" and it was decided that Congress could constitutionally impose a "tax."

I think the "tax" imposed by Congress has been postponed. Can the President "constitutionally" suspend a "tax" imposed by Congress? Originally Posted by LexusLover
OK, I will give you that. I don't see how the President can fail to enforce something passed as a law by congress and validated by the Supreme Court. So, how is he doing it, anyway? Why don't you do something about it?