Encounter: Thai to die for

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-19-2019, 03:46 PM
Mods, my sole objective is to share info with the gentleman on this site so they no what to expect if seeing this provider. If these men come on here making personal attacks, I will report them and expect you to handle this professionally, with either points assessed or banned for a period of time as this behavior is not acceptable. Originally Posted by Big.Boy
Yes, you made your point and now I will make mine.

"Buyer Beware" with this one. I'm not here to grind and axe, only to get info out so you know what is going on if you decide to see this gal. As long as you keep in "Pay 4 Pussy" and leave, you will be ok. She will try to work you into being BFFs with you, sending you photos, texting you like you're good friends, and will start asking for favors, then, try to get you into an expensive BF/GF thing, which she will take the money and run. She's a great actress, the porn thing is all an act guys, so don't kid yourself that you are the next Ron Jeremy with her. She's all about the $$$. The list of those she's burnt is long: Me, Man named after asian tree, man who'e name means fair skinned one, man who's name implies he was in the Navy, man who's name implies he's from Texas.... I could go on. Keep it P4P and you'll be OK. She starts asking for favors, run for the hills. Also, having been to Thailand many times in the late 80's and 90's on deployments and exercises with the Thai military, I can tell you from personal experience you are better off saving your money and taking a vacation to Thailand, seeing Bangkok and Pattaya beach. Just some friendly words of wisdom to the Consumer Reports of Whoredom Originally Posted by Big.Boy
Having been at this for a very long time...

I saw all I needed to know within the first few sentences of your post. Let me guess.. You did not keep it to just P4P, did you? Well, that is on you. The porn thing is an act? Really? You know she is a provider and she is doing that because you are paying for it, right? Sorry, but I have to laugh when I see guys who should know better than to take what should remain a professional relationship and try to make it into something else and then get all shocked and shaken when it does not end well. Some of you just never learn.
Mokoa, you are correct, I should have known better. She caught me at a moment of weakness, when I was have trouble in my marriage and problems at work. In hindsight, I should have pushed back. This however does not diminish what happened not only to me but 5 other gentleman (plus a few others that I don’t know their handles). I’m not saying she isn’t s good fuck, rather, keep your guard up, because she can work the Asian charm pretty go and get you to do things against your better judgment. I had the good fortune of being a regular client for almost 3 years while she worked at the AMPs. Being a long term client I think played into my lapse of judgment as well. Too be honest, I think she was better off at the AMPs. She got a big head going indy and getting popular really quick.
ilickpussy2's Avatar
Well , Bigboy, I see you have had a long busy day of commenting on every single review on the first page.. you really have nothing better to do today but sit there and bring up your past failures ?!? After reading what you have said here, and in past posts , I learned alot about you.. since you're telling everyone about your shitty marriage, your emotional problems and anger issues , and of course your scary obsession with this girl you can't seem to stop talking about and harassing on this and the other website.. these are not dating sites and you can't find a marriage counselor on here.. you are confused about the purpose of this site.. this site is also not a place where you should be able to spread SLANDER about another person because of your own personal grievances.. You are a pretty good actor yourself.. telling these tall tales about her taking your money and running ! I don't believe that to be true at all ! And who are these 5 guys you say she wronged?? This is just a scatter brained mess of emotional outpour that sounds like it's coming from a small child.. but you're supposed to be a BIGBOY now , so take off your diaper and learn to act like an ADULT !
Hi Angie, I mean ilickpussy2. Slander implies telling falsehoods. I'm merely restating facts. I think you are the one who is Paranoid and self absorbed. Maybe if you would change your behavior, you won't have this recurring problem in your life. Me, Bamboo, Guero, and many others. I guess you are down to only 1 Angry Bird to defend you, since you ran the rest of of off. I'm good. Life is good for me. I don't come on this site much, today is an exception, spending most of my free time at the gym. I hear life is a bit different for you. Problems brought on by your behavior. Look in the mirror sweetheart and face the truth. You have my number. You can always call me if you want to discuss this. I don't hold grudges, only restating the facts here in order to protect these gentlemen. You can't run away from the truth.
ilickpussy2's Avatar
Big boy nobody enjoys hearing the same old story coming from you over and over again...Your confusion about these girls being here for anything but money is insane.. none of these girls are here to date you or help you with anything except what u pay them to do.. and when someone crosses that line and tries to turn the act into a real relationship, they have to cut you off.. and you need to understand it's their right if they feel uncomfortable with the way you're asking for too much ! I know you're just going to bring up the texting and talking but that's how these girls keep customers, it's not to try to make you a BF it's to keep that money coming in.. and there's nothing wrong with that, it's the whole point of this industry ! You really need to accept this and move on with your life, the story of you should have been over a long long time ago but you won't stop bringing it up!! Get off these reviews with your personal problems!
Angie, I have a good life and enjoy it much. I enjoyed your company for 3 years and when you burned me, then asked me to write a review to help you, that was the final straw and I cut you off. These are the facts. There is no slander here. Your fuck up cost you a regular weekly customer paying $200/pop ($10K year). Now look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if that golf outing was worth it. My only concern now is my life and my family. It was nice having you as a companion once in a while, but that bridge is burned and I moved on with my life. Anyway I don't hobby any more. I spend most of my free time a the gym working on my personal fitness trainer certification. I hope you pull your head out of your ass and realize its you. If it was only me that, that would be one thing, but then guero, and now bamboo? Girl, you need to get it together or you're gonna run out of customers
Also ilickpussy2, you have wealth of knowledge on this subject for having joined only less than a month ago. Angie, you're not fooling anyone. Again, you have my number. You can call me and we can discuss this in person to get it behind us, or you can let it fester and have keep coming back to bite you. The choice is yours
ilickpussy2's Avatar
Do you really think you are talking to Angie right now? How dumb are you ? This is my review that i chose to write..I'm well aware of your story because you have posted your whole life for everyone to see on this site ! Just see how even Hedonistic fool called you out! Whaaaat exactly is your lingering grievance with her ? The ice cream incident you talked about ?? Baby doesn't get his ice cream so he cries ?! You don't seem to have anything new to be mad about so what are these rants really about ?? Can the mods please stop this guys tyrade.. his comments have nothing to do with this review and it's arbitrary..
So this must be the last of the Angie’s Angry Birds, the name with 5 handles: Chubb Norris, Burt Reynoldz, Turd Ferguson, and a couple of others I can’t remember. I haven’t said anything rude , disparaging, insulting. And I’ve kept the discussion civil, if the truth hurts, we’ll sorry. And you should be careful because if it happened to us other angry birds, it can happen to you, and mods, look into this gentleman for having multiple handles at the same time . For the record, I closed my other handle for a bit before I came back as Bigboy. My former identity was compromised
swwaustin's Avatar
.....Keep it P4P and you'll be OK..... Originally Posted by Big.Boy
That’s great advice, uhhhhh wait...

....You have my number. You can always call me if you want to discuss this. ... Originally Posted by Big.Boy
Bro, there is a great support group to help you get you through your loss.

Swwaustin, I really don’t give a shit. I make $200K a year, live in a nice house I own in one of the nicest neighborhoods in the area, swim in my own pool in the evening, drive a Mercedes, wife has a Lexus, I could go on. My sole objective here was to give fair warning to you all since I heard another friend has been taken advantage of. I could give 2 shits about the broad. See her at your own risk. I’m dine here
swwaustin's Avatar
What, no boat? You should have mentioned the boat, playa.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-20-2019, 12:46 PM
Stay on topic, please.
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BigBamboo's Avatar
Back on topic...

No. Her time management didn’t improve.

I had a one hour session scheduled with her for Tuesday April 10 @ 7pm. But she made the mistake of letting me know she had booked an appointment immediately following mine for 8pm with another customer- regular or otherwise doesn’t really matter. So I text her back about three hours prior on the day of our appointment and canceled with her. I told her I had a very bad headache and couldn’t make it... But I really canceled with her for several reasons:

1. I gave it some thought and decided I didn’t want to risk the chance of her rushing me off and cutting my appointment short for her to make her 8pm appointment on time.
2. I also considered how shitty of her it would be to make some poor dude have to wait on us to finish just because she stacked an appointment at 8pm behind mine with no buffer in between. Everyone’s time here is valuable not just hers.
3. Then I thought again about my own upcoming appointment with her for 4/10 @ 7pm and wondered if when I got there on time would I have to wait due to the same circumstances as reasons #1 and #2. After all it wouldn’t be the first time she had me wait on her. In fact she asked me last minute on two different occasions if we could start an hour later than scheduled. And another time she had texted me to come up and I ended up giving a high five to the guy before me right there at her door. Talk about ZERO DISCRETION! And LACK OF PUNCTUALITY.
4. After reasons 1-3 I was starting to get a sense that Angie had officially become the kind of high volume whore that we all steer away from. You know exactly the kind I’m referring. And with her donation level it seemed to encourage that sort of high volume traffic.
5. AsianJade had texted me the morning of 4/10 to say she was available. So after considering reasons 1-4, the drive from Austin to San Antonio and the subtle feeling that I was getting about Angie wasting my time I just decided it was better to cancel with Angie and book a 630pm with Jade. Which btw I’m happier that I did, as you’ll discover in my review once I write it or

So to be nice I gave ample notice to cancel with Angie that day. But I could have been a dick and NCNS her. But I respect her time despite her not respecting mine.

And because I recently pulled the plug on my relationship with her... ... I laid down my WK status on this one to share the truth to the board as this board was intended.

I’m done publicly commenting on anything related to this harlot. You can take off line with me by PM if you so choose. It was long overdue to call a spade a spade.

Besides I’m much happier with my new gorgeous young Thai GF in Dallas. She just so happens to be laying here with me sound asleep while I wrote this. But I’m feeling horny again so she won’t be asleep much longer.