Chinese State Media Warns Trump Of ‘War’ If South China Sea Access Blocked

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Chinese will kick our asses in a WAR with Trump at the helm. I'm sorry but the days of American dominance is over. I say put all the people that voted for Trump on the front lines leave the rest of us decent peaceful citizens of the world alone.

China is an Ally of Russia who is an Ally of Iran who is an Ally of North Korea. The Chinese are smarter than US and along with Russia and Iran are nuclear Powers. (Iran to a lesser degree in War-time scenarios)

I knew this would happen but rest assured the Chinese own us and at this time we just can't win a war with them. They not only have the military might but they also have a strong economy and very bright nuclear scientists and physicists. Trust me we don't want to be beating the war drums with China they fucking own our asses. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

when will you stop reading the huffingtonwhore? that rag is so libtard it makes vox look normal. the chinktard navy is incapable of standing toe to toe with a true white water navy like the US Navy. those spud growing russkietards have no navy either.

here is what the chinktard and russkietard navies have to contend with ..
bambino's Avatar
when will you stop reading the huffingtonwhore? that rag is so libtard it makes vox look normal. the chinktard navy is incapable of standing toe to toe with a true white water navy like the US Navy. those spud growing russkietards have no navy either.

here is what the chinktard and russkietard navies have to contend with .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You mean ShitStain can read?
We sure do! Until next Friday 1/20/2017.
lol, remember SuckCocks posts that he was feeding HCunt campaign info on how to win the election. Turns out he was correct. Thanks SuckCocks for all your help, job well done.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
when will you stop reading the huffingtonwhore? that rag is so libtard it makes vox look normal. the chinktard navy is incapable of standing toe to toe with a true white water navy like the US Navy. those spud growing russkietards have no navy either.

here is what the chinktard and russkietard navies have to contend with .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
thanks for posting I was totality unaware
that deserves some Dewars
I B Hankering's Avatar
plus 10 Sistine!!Like your idea of putting the deplorable 'Trumpettes' on the front line....

.....the good news is we will not even have 4 years of Trump in charge, the bad news is the reason: He's a psychopath who will have us all nuked into oblivion..
Originally Posted by Solemate62
FYI, suck-bait, Trump gets a pass on the first four or five 'wars he starts', because it'll take that many to catch up with hildebeest and the number of wars she sponsored.

but not cheers into being nuked. However it's almost a reality. We have an 8 yr old in the WH eating cotton candy and candy Apples with his hands all over the Red Button.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You take heat seeking missiles in your mouth and up your ass everyday, Shit-stained Chapped-ass, and you bask in those bright, rainbow colors.
The Chinese will kick our asses in a WAR with Trump at the helm. I'm sorry but the days of American dominance is over. I say put all the people that voted for Trump on the front lines leave the rest of us decent peaceful citizens of the world alone.

China is an Ally of Russia who is an Ally of Iran who is an Ally of North Korea. The Chinese are smarter than US and along with Russia and Iran are nuclear Powers. (Iran to a lesser degree in War-time scenarios)

I knew this would happen but rest assured the Chinese own us and at this time we just can't win a war with them. They not only have the military might but they also have a strong economy and very bright nuclear scientists and physicists. Trust me we don't want to be beating the war drums with China they fucking own our asses. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Are you Barack Obama?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Are you Barack Obama? Originally Posted by nwarounder
of course he's not Obama. he's Obama's bitch

plus 10 Sistine!!Like your idea of putting the deplorable 'Trumpettes' on the front line....

.....the good news is we will not even have 4 years of Trump in charge, the bad news is the reason: He's a psychopath who will have us all nuked into oblivion.. Originally Posted by Solemate62
We can't put you Liberal Pussies on the front line we would lose for sure. Besides we aren't going to war with China. They need us as much as we need them. We are the only ones that buy their cheap shit.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Chinese army can give U.S. a hard time, but it's overrated. Half of PLA is involved in occupation (Tibet is under occupation & are fighting Muslim separatists in northern China) & riot control of a restive population (they have one large riot every week). PLAN is no where near as good as US Navy. they will prolly be a match in 20 years time. they are about 10 - 15 behind on some military tech.
LexusLover's Avatar
Beginning January 20, 2017, the "jobs program" will be rebuilding the U.S. military .... and it appears the employment will not be "out sourced"! We'll keep the jobs at home and allow the companies an opportunity to expand here at home.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-14-2017, 10:16 AM
Another topic that brings out a lot of outdated opinions on here.

A military conflict, if it occurs, will not be "navy against navy". The US needs a big navy to fight thousands of miles across the ocean--just as China would need if they wanted to fight in our back yard. But the South China Sea is not in our back yard, but theirs. They need not, and likely would not, depend upon ships of their own to attack our ships. They would use ground based defenses that reach out a whole lot farther than the 100 miles +/- that a rail gun shoots.

Ground based defenses almost always can outnumber sea based defenses when you are talking a mainland (island situations are different). And ground based surface-surface systems have a far longer reach than most naval weapons. The Chineese are doing to our navy whatthe A-10 did to the Soviet ZSU-23-4, it is outreaching them.

This problem certainly did not start with Obama. It goes back a couple decades earlier and Clinton, Bush-2, and Obama were all culpable. However Congress is at least as culpabble--Dem and Rep controlled as well. How often has Congress demanded that pork-driven systems be fenced and bought against the desires of the Services? Far too often. It has often been Congress that has insisted on more $$$ for the current fight--money that comes at the expence of strategic (and I do not imply necessarilly nuclear) investments. For 20 tears we have had far too much of the DoD budget going to the Afghanistans and Iraqs at the expence of losing out technical edge vs China, Russia, etc.

I sincerely hope this will change. Looking at the next POM and POM-after-next plans from the Services, and from the House & Senate staffer commentary, I do not feel optimistic. The budgets do not allow enough money to do everything, and we keep seeing political pressure making it impossible for either party to shift the resources to the long game. THAT is why China and Russia are gaining on us, because they have a far better idea of their long term strategic priorities than we do--and they don't have the worry of looking good in today's body count so they can get reelected.

Complain about the problem, but if you think Obama was the cause, you are stupid. If you think his leaving will fix it, you are stupid. It took 20+ years to get here, it will take us at least 15 to fix--and that is ONLY if the two parties depoliticise our strategic defensive priorities.
The Chinese will kick our asses in a WAR with Trump at the helm..... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
.....the good news is we will not even have 4 years of Trump in charge, the bad news is the reason: He's a psychopath who will have us all nuked into oblivion.. Originally Posted by Solemate62
You idiot Dims. Didn't Trump run on the plank he would not gone to war with Iraq?

But since you have nothing to hold on to but the failure of Obama, you and the compliant media make him into a warmonger.

I also find it hilarious that you Dims say he's friendly with Putin and in the same breath you say how Putin will nuke us.
LexusLover's Avatar
You idiot Dims. Didn't Trump run on the plank he would not gone to war with Iraq?

But since you have nothing to hold on to but the failure of Obama, you and the compliant media make him into a warmonger.

I also find it hilarious that you Dims say he's friendly with Putin and in the same breath you say how Putin will nuke us. Originally Posted by gnadfly
... the excessively cold weather is a sign of global warming!
LexusLover's Avatar
A military conflict, if it occurs, will not be "navy against navy". The US needs a big navy to fight thousands of miles across the ocean--just as China would need if they wanted to fight in our back yard. But the South China Sea is not in our back yard, but theirs. They need not, and likely would not, depend upon ships of their own to attack our ships. They would use ground based defenses that reach out a whole lot farther than the 100 miles +/- that a rail gun shoots. Originally Posted by Old-T
Why didn't I think of that .... I guess it just takes a "history scholar" with a "minor" in "warfare," to conclude those "orientals" will want to sit at home and "defend the homeland" much like the French did .. I need to look back at my 6th Grade History book to confirm the Japanese used ground forces and attacked the U.S. fleet and aircraft when they arrived in the Sea of Japan!