
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Maybe it's time to give that a try! Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
Does that mean you will be voting for Palin or Bachman. I'd consider Ann Richards (D) if she kept her Death Penalty streak going.
discreetgent's Avatar
Does that mean you will be voting for Palin or Bachman. I'd consider Ann Richards (D) if she kept her Death Penalty streak going. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
I thought that meant you would be voting for Nancy Pelosi or Barbara Boxer.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
The state of Ohio recently exonerated 5 people on death row through the use of DNA evidence.
discreetgent's Avatar
The state of Ohio recently exonerated 5 people on death row through the use of DNA evidence. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Don't confuse Texans that favor the death penalty with facts. (ducking incoming missiles lol)
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Don't confuse Texans that favor the death penalty with facts. (ducking incoming missiles lol) Originally Posted by discreetgent
What is it we were all told as kids? Oh yeah, if you fall of your horse, get back on it. Accidents happen... Unless it's the A word where is perfectly ok by liberal standards to off a child in the womb. At least the "alleged criminals" have an appeal process.
discreetgent's Avatar
Umm, accidents? How do you correct an accident when the accident is dead?
Rudyard K's Avatar
The state of Ohio recently exonerated 5 people on death row through the use of DNA evidence. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Don't confuse Texans that favor the death penalty with facts. (ducking incoming missiles lol) Originally Posted by discreetgent
I can't think of much worse than being wrongfully accused...or having one of my family wrongfully accused.

But then again...

I can't think of much worse than having a family member raped or killed because a rapist or killer got off previously because evidence was excluded.

I can't think of much worse than having a family member killed in battle.

I can't think of much worse than having a family member killed or maimed by a terrorist action.

I can't think of much worse than having a family member molested by a previously convicted molester.

I can't think of much worse than having a family member killed or maimed in a fire set by a previously convicted arsonist.

Actually, until we figure out how to find out the truth regardless of what people say...me thinks we're gonna be stuck with mistakes being made. All of the above are pretty final too.

I'm all for exoneration due to DNA or whatever new comes along after that. But until that new comes along...I do believe we do it pretty damn well.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Keep them locked up. Even the ones that there is no reasonable doubt in the jurors mind.
However. They kill someone and is caught in the act, their teeth marks are in the thigh.....hang them high.
discreetgent's Avatar
I agree with every point you made RK, the only difference we have is whether we should be the ones taking a life .... especially when we know that a mistake cannot be taken back.
Mazomaniac's Avatar
Does that mean you will be voting for Palin or Bachman. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Well Bachmann thinks Concord and Lexington are in New Hampshire instead of Massachusetts and Palin thinks Eureka College is in California instead of Illinois so I guess the map and compass thing ain't workin' for either of them, huh?

DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Well Bachmann thinks Concord and Lexington are in New Hampshire instead of Massachusetts and Palin thinks Eureka College is in California instead of Illinois so I guess the map and compass thing ain't workin' for either of them, huh?

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
If that's a criterea for the guberment, Im guessing they are shoe-ins since our prez has been to 57 of our lovely states.
Rudyard K's Avatar
I agree with every point you made RK, the only difference we have is whether we should be the ones taking a life .... especially when we know that a mistake cannot be taken back. Originally Posted by discreetgent
If you agree with every point made...I guess I'm wondering why you choose the one subset you have chosen to consistently "wave the flag" about...and not the others?

Long term incarceration (wrongfully or rightfully) ain't no walk in the park (as I understand it). The mistake made, if there was one, was in the system that put the innocent person away in the first place. And my opinion is?...we do that as well as we can right now. You want to keep that convicted guy alive (at a cost to society of something), on the off chance we made a mistake in his conviction. I'd just as soon use those resources to save someone elses life...maybe even keep some other SOB behind bars for his full 10 years rather than let him out early for overcrowding. I guess my thoughts don't sound as noble as your though...
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
If you agree with every point made...I guess I'm wondering why you choose the one subset you have chosen to consistently "wave the flag" about...and not the others?

Long term incarceration (wrongfully or rightfully) ain't no walk in the park (as I understand it). The mistake made, if there was one, was in the system that put the innocent person away in the first place. And my opinion is?...we do that as well as we can right now. You want to keep that convicted guy alive (at a cost to society of something), on the off chance we made a mistake in his conviction. I'd just as soon use those resources to save someone elses life...maybe even keep some other SOB behind bars for his full 10 years rather than let him out early for overcrowding. I guess my thoughts don't sound as noble as your though... Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Long term incarceration is not a deterant with the privleges allowed in the pokey, now. I agree with RK, however I think the assets used to incarcerate them would be better utilized to compensate the victims or the occasional mistake on the part of the judical process. The incarceration isn't what keeps them imprisoned its shoddy or shady jurisprudence.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well Bachmann thinks Concord and Lexington are in New Hampshire instead of Massachusetts and Palin thinks Eureka College is in California instead of Illinois so I guess the map and compass thing ain't workin' for either of them, huh?

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
Evidently, Mr. Obama thinks Tahrir Square is in China? As one official put it, “No one is scrutinizing Hu Jintao’s words in Tahrir Square.”

Remember this one? Obama,
“Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.”

In a Memorial Day speech, on May 26th, 2008, Obama stated that his uncle liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp from the Nazis. His geography was again wrong, because it was the Red Army that liberated Auschwitz in 1945, not American forces (his knowledge on this one was supposed to be a point of personal pride).