Was Lia from PA any good?

Which one is finer/more into session?
Which one is finer/more into session? Originally Posted by Geoffries
From my experience Lia is prettier but I had more fun with Scarlett.
  • pxmcc
  • 06-27-2018, 12:02 AM
Is sister doubles on the menu good sir? i'm a big fan of hot sister doubles..
NiceGuy2's Avatar
They are not really sisters, I don't know who started that.
I think Lia is prettier and had a really good experience with her.
Scarlett not beautiful but she is good and a great kisser, both of them have birth signs.
dogtown's Avatar
Fuck, my memory is failing me...what did PA stand for? I recall LQ, LP, AH...I couldn't keep them straight when times were good. Paradise Angels?
dogtown's Avatar
Fuck, my memory is failing me...what did PA stand for? I recall LQ, LP, AH...I couldn't keep them straight when times were good. Paradise Angels? Originally Posted by dogtown
Pleasure Angels! I had a brain fart I guess :-)
You’re combining two agencies. Pleasure Angels, and Latin Paradise.
You’re combining two agencies. Pleasure Angels, and Latin Paradise.
This ad from OH2 is for the Lia that used to work at PA.


Scarlett and Esmeralda are at the same location.

A'Man Originally Posted by anandaman
Man this site it pretty awesome. I love that it still has the prices in the reviews. That’s crucial
Supermario69's Avatar
Shes good,saw her back at p.a and recently as indy.....