Thread Moves

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  • WTF
  • 06-23-2011, 07:35 AM
Mods, thanks.

I was this close [] to starting a thread about why was there so much politics in this forum. I was thinking I did not have an understanding of what the D&T stood for.

I think politics are great, you guys can hash them out all you want, but now I don't to trip over all of these topics. Originally Posted by tigercat
The problem we now find ourself in is most of the ladies are gone.

That had nothing to do with politics though.

Rather a combo of the old guard not wanting change when in fact change is the only constant. IMHO
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-23-2011, 07:58 AM
Mods, thanks.

I was this close [] to starting a thread about why was there so much politics in this forum. I was thinking I did not have an understanding of what the D&T stood for.

I think politics are great, you guys can hash them out all you want, but now I don't to trip over all of these topics. Originally Posted by tigercat
What constitutes politics? My very wealthy "friends" enjoy hearing about current world events and financial/economic trends (including stock market info) with me. Do these high-level thinking topics belong in the sandbox as well?
I B Hankering's Avatar
JB is merely directing everyone to pick up their balls and go play in the Sandbox.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-23-2011, 08:40 AM
JB is merely directing everyone to pick up their balls and go play in the Sandbox. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That souldn't be a problem for the ladies and a few of you emotional men
The problem we now find ourself in is most of the ladies are gone. Originally Posted by WTF
Gee, who would have seen that coming?
awl4knot's Avatar

This forum has long been usurped and made unreadable for those of us who don't come to for political discussions.

That being said, I never thought D & T had much traction, but now at least the forum's original charter may have some meaning.

Maybe a politics only forum could be started for those who are interested.

Maybe a politics only forum could be started for those who are interested. Originally Posted by awl4knot
yes, the National Sandbox is the spot:
Did you go to grade school with horny, smart-ass, old men??? Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Hehe...well some actually

Its a shame we aren't up to your level of refinement. Originally Posted by pjorourke
It's ok PJ, hopefully you'll get there someday.

I learned this in grade school with Val -"Don't be cheeky!!" Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Smart Man

The politics left, but the snarkiness remains! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

BTW: Didn't you post in the Feedback section that if they took politics out of D&T you would close your account? Originally Posted by Marshall
Ok in all fairness to Marshall...that did make me laugh...

I can vouch that the girl can refine it up or refine it down depending on expectations. All in all she is a class act if treated with respect.
. Originally Posted by WTF
Thank you darling...Means a lot hearing that from people who've actually met and spent time with me .

And I agree about the move, it seemed every time I went into D&T every single thread was politics and bashing each other...Obviously we are never all going to have the same view points on certain issues, Politics definitely being one of them. I'm all for a good debate, as sometime I read something that perhaps I hadn't thought about before, but just slagging people off back and forth was getting old...
but just slagging people off back and forth was getting old... Originally Posted by Valerie
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-23-2011, 01:01 PM
Gee, who would have seen that coming? Originally Posted by pjorourke
The older ladies would not listen to my advice and be nice to the newer ladies
John Bull's Avatar
Exactly what constitutes "high end?" I would not want to step afoul of the new regulations and be sanctioned. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Now Alt, you know that's been hashed over in thread after thread. Let's just say that if you think you're talking about a high end girl and I think she's a floozie, you win the argument.
The older ladies would not listen to my advice and be nice to the newer ladies Originally Posted by WTF
Calling them that might have contributed.
John Bull's Avatar
What constitutes politics? My very wealthy "friends" enjoy hearing about current world events and financial/economic trends (including stock market info) with me. Do these high-level thinking topics belong in the sandbox as well? Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
Yes, unless they have a direct bearing on hobbying and that relationship is detailed in the thread.
John Bull's Avatar
JB is merely directing everyone to pick up their balls and go play in the Sandbox. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
If non-hobby subjects are what you want to discuss, that's right!