• bob j
  • 07-17-2014, 07:56 AM
Get your showcase up. Even if its only one pic, fill in the other info to tell us about you.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
bob j,
op not VP
she wants reviews to get VP
then if she wants, can put up a showcase

she has 5 reviews
so something other is now the hold up
bob j,
op not VP
she wants reviews to get VP
then if she wants, can put up a showcase

she has 5 reviews
so something other is now the hold up Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

I believe there is a new verification age process.

To the OP, PM a mod and get on the roll.

Good luck!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I believe there is a new verification age process.

To the OP, PM a mod and get on the roll.

Good luck! Originally Posted by Eva Damita

ECCIE Provider Advertising Guidelines (PLEASE READ)

ECCIE Staff would like to give a big welcome to our Verified Providers and Agencies! Please use the following guidelines pertaining to use of our ad-posting forums:
  • Any member of a "Verified" usergroup may utilize our ad posting forums to post one weekly advertisement in up to 5 city forums.
  • To enable your account for advertising in these forums, you must first be verified by ECCIE Worldwide staff. This process typically takes under 24 hours to complete, however could be delayed if you are not able to provide sufficient information to establish yourself as a legit provider or agency. To become verified, submit your info to the staff at localforum@eccie.net

    1. website address (your website or advertising site)
    2. referral from another provider or hobbyist
    3. links to reviews from recognized members (any site)

    In addition, If you are advertising you are under age 21 you must submit proof to eccievp.verify@gmail.com that you are 18 or over to become a Verified Provider on Eccie. We require photocopy of your Drivers License or state issued ID and your location. Real name and address hidden, but birth-date and photo must be visible, along with your username. And proof of age MAY be requested of ANYONE seeking VP status, regardless of their stated age. Please submit this info separately from the info you sent to your local staff for verification.

    The verification process could take 24-48 hours.
  • The "Welcome and Introductions" forum in each Metro Location is an excellent 'landing pad' for new ladies to the community. These sections have excellent readership from the members in that particular city. New ladies are welcome to make a post in this forum during their first 7 days of membership. This will be called their 'intro ad' and may include all their details, info, and pics. This may be done before you have requested VP status or while you are waiting for approval. Once approved, however, please use the appropriate forums to advertise and post in this forum only to welcome new members.
  • The Weekend Lineup is our weekend availability forum, and you are welcome to post a weekend ad there each week, in addition to your post in the Provider Ad section. (A good routine to follow is to post your main Provider Ad on Mondays when we have the largest viewership of members and guests, and then post your Weekend Ad on Thursdays. This will give you the greatest exposure to the readers, both member and guest)
  • The Weekend Lineup forums are open from Thursday 6am to Sunday 9pm. You may place your post in those forums anytime within that window. You are free to use images in your posts in both the Provider Ad forums and also The Weekend Lineup as long as they are compliant with our public forum image guidelines.
  • Some of our Metro Locations have Provider Ad Subdivisions. (ex. Dallas/Fort Worth, 5 NE Texas Subdivisions, etc) You may post your weekly ad (once every 7 days) in as many subdivisions you would like within your 5 city allotment for the week…..however, you must be advertising availability for the geographic location you are advertising in….whether you will be traveling there from another city, have an incall in that town, or provide outcall appts to that area.
  • Some verified providers may have a "helper" This is defined as someone who you are allowing to access your account to post your ad on a weekly basis. This is fine at ECCIE Worldwide, however we do require that you request approval from staff prior to allowing someone this access. This will be approved on a case-by-case basis. In any case where you request a male member to assist you with your ad, conditional approval may be given and your settings/usergroup adjusted to disable access to the female-only forums. This is especially important, since you would be placing your account access in jeopardy by allowing another party to access your account without prior staff approval.
  • Often times, our Verified Providers offer "doubles" appointments, i.e.. working together with another lady in the community. In those situations, we do allow you to mention this availability and we do allow you to mention your doubles partner by name, even if she has also posted an ad for that week and also mentioned you as a doubles partner. This situation in particular, however, will be monitored closely to prevent abuse or circumvention of our guidelines. Please limit this to simply mentioning your partner's name, and the details of the availability. 2 ads in the same week that are "centered around" your doubles availability may be considered excessive, and limitations put in place.
  • Posting an ad which includes mention of an ECCIE non-member or member who has not yet been approved for Verified Provider status is acceptable, however we would ask that you encourage your partner to register on the site and obtain status. This will enable her account to the many benefits, such as Showcase, that our Verified Providers and Agencies enjoy. (in these cases, your vouch will be more than sufficient to get the other party approved.)
  • Girls who are part of an Agency or group of girls that work together under the same umbrella are welcome to have their own account on ECCIE with the same forum access that any other verified provider on the site enjoys, however, special circumstances apply with regard to your ad posting guidelines. It's simple. If the Agency has a username on ECCIE, then you will need to choose whether you are advertised as part of the weekly Agency ad, or whether you will be posting your own ad each week. It will need to be one or the other, and not both. Agencies may post 1 weekly ad in 5 cities which include details, info, and pics for ALL of their girls, however if one or more of the girls associated with the organization have their own account here and use it to advertise in the ad posting forums, then please exclude the mention of them from your weekly advertisement.
  • ECCIE Image Standards. This is stickied next to this thread in every ad posting forum on the site, as well as here. Please familiarize yourself with the guidelines in order to make sure that your posted images are in compliance.
    -Sex - Sex is one of many frequently discussed topics here at ECCIE.net. We do not want to be too restrictive when it comes to discussions which pertain to sexual subject matter or images portraying various forms of sexuality, however we do ask that if you are a provider who advertises on this site, please avoid posting images of yourself engaging in sexual conduct, which may include exposed self-stimulation or involve another party. Please understand that you may be asked to remove images which fit this description, or they may be removed for you.
    -Nudity - Nudity is ok, however there are limitations that we would like for you to follow when posting images in any of our public forums. You may post photos which include various nude poses, front and rear, however we will not allow photos which show direct exposed genitalia. Breasts which are exposed are acceptable, but shots which show genitalia from any angle will be removed. Keep in mind this will be at the discretion of our staff, and this applies specifically when posting in our public forums and the Image Gallery within your Showcase.

Once again, thank you to all of the Verified Providers and Agencies who have chose to make ECCIE Worldwide your home. We will continue to work hard to push the needle on making this site THE place to be. Should you need any assistance whatsoever with your ad, need clarification on any of the guidelines posted, or need help with accessing and building your Showcase, ask any staff member of your local mod staff via PM or email, or you may email websupport@eccie.net. Our commitment is that you will receive a prompt and logical response to all of your questions and concerns, and each of our staff will work hard to live up to that commitment to our membership.


Dear Raven:
I am just wondering do you have a TER account and if so would you advertise on there? If you don't get one. You certainly will encounter reviewers on there. Now when you do verify someone have them steer you to his reviews. At that point, give a small inducement to have him come see you and when you get the acclaim and acknowledgement that you are seeking in the business don't forget to grandfather him in. He would be a good ally because he will be able to tell you what they are saying about you on the reviewers only board. Also you would start to encounter reviewers in numbers on those type of boards as well.

first of all let me say that I hope this is the correct forum. That being said. I am very frustrated and hopefully some will have some advice for me on this topic. I can't get established on Eccie because I don't have enough reviews. Therefore many hobbyists won't see me because I'm not highly reviewed but yet I have now seen 6 hobbyist and had great sessions, their words, but yet they won't take the time to write in a review what they so freely told me here. Tonight I had a gentleman who flip flop on seeing me for about 3 hours then finally book the appointment only to cancel it five minutes later saying he was just too apprehensive because I didn't have enough reviews. Well hell I can't make anyone write a damn review! So what's a girl to do? I guess I'll just sit here and wait around hoping that one day someone will take the time to write something. Thanks for letting me vent. Originally Posted by Ravenrayne27@gmail.com