Why Don't Hobbyists Read Ads?

Twig is there any post you make that doesn't have the word "lowballr" in it. It makes me think you have dealt with "lowballr " most of your hobby career and now you just have jaded GPS. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
ummm, you are the one in your mid-thirties darling and with your affordable rate starting at $50 (that's cheap) I am not surprised to see you surface in defense of your good (LOWBALLr) clients.

Come on guyz, twiggy is a genius and everything twiggy says is correct. Twiggy is all knowing and always right. Originally Posted by MrBigD
exactly but, don't be such a kiss ass MrBigD it's pathetic.
Damn you're smart twiggy. Please teach me to be a douche like you.
Passion2015's Avatar
Ms. Tw!ggy on her lowballing rampage again.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Twig I don't think you read my post correctly. That isn't surprising since you only want to read , hear,and see what you want to and not the realities of the world, but the delusional never say they are delusional.
You guys should have told me to pop some popcorn for this, lol.
Raikage's Avatar
No use complaining about it Lioness, If people break your rules, they don't get service, simple as that.

The best you can do is reply with a text stating "Please read my ad" and end it there unless the hobbyist responds accordingly. I've misread other ads before and had ladies remind me to re-read so I don't make that mistake again.
I'm not overly worried about it, was just a little aggravated. I have come to my own conclusions, and the rest is either entertaining, annoying or great money. Some call me a cheap date. You show me a real job that pays $100 an hour. If you can't live on that kind of money, you either have a drug habit or are REALLY greedy. I'm not about that. In fact, I plan to retire either this year or next. I'm meeting a few goals, and then I'm out. As for Twig's assumption about why I offer BB, it is exactly that, an assumption, and I would wager she is dead wrong about why I offer it. You want the truth? I love someone. I REALLY enjoy sex, and cream pies are awesome, but the one I love is incarcerated, and nobody else will help with commissary, phone calls, attorney fees or bail. I said until death do you part once. I am fully aware of the risk I am taking. I just love my partner that much, and I am all they have. Like you who have wives whom you love, we providers also often have relationships. Maybe I'm a complete idiot, but I'm an idiot who will be spoken of as she who was willing to risk death itself for love. I hope my choice does not cost me the ultimate price, but if it does, I will leave the hobby, and I will know that I was a good person, the kind that is extraordinarily rare these days. So there. Now you know. You all know. Judge me if you must.
It makes me think you have dealt with "lowballr " most of your hobby career and now you just have jaded GPS Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Yes, there are posts without the word LOWBALLr in them and im 21 and I have been in the hobby (privately for about 6 months) So, don't hate on me cause I wont let the LOWBALLrs take advantage of me. When your asking price starts at $50 bucks for just about anything, i have to wonder, do you have any scruples at all?

Maybe I'm a complete idiot, but I'm an idiot who will be spoken of as she who was willing to risk death itself for love. I hope my choice does not cost me the ultimate price, but if it does, I will leave the hobby, and I will know that I was a good person, the kind that is extraordinarily rare these days. Originally Posted by Lioness
risking your own death for love? An idiot (you said it) i would not disagree with you but, id like to add you are a selfish B*TCH to put others in danger for this imaginary thing you call love.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Oh boy, Toyz can you please put up the jaded hooked chart again. Twig needs to see how many days along she is.
FP, just add twiggy to your ignore list. It's just a pissing contest with this troll.
I didn't know she was only 21. That explains a lot. Remember when we were full of piss and vinegar and knew everything? Lol.
Drealman832's Avatar
Doubt Twiggy is 21
I almost busted a gut laughing so hard - that was good Lioness! And hang in there girl, you know,we all have ups and downs everyday in this business but I love it anyway.

You guys should have told me to pop some popcorn for this, lol. Originally Posted by Lioness
BadBoyForLife69's Avatar
Remember guys she's a Drama Queen! She loves the attention that you guys are giving her. She feeds from it! She loves this attention. She just a little kid in a Barbie World! That why she acting like this because when she doesn't get what she wants she comes here crying about the Lowballr! Poor kid! You life has just begun soon you see the reality of it! When life slap you in the face! And act like a real person not a Material Girl !