do like your provider to wear makeup?

IDT what I want is going to dictate (pun intended) whether or not she wears makeup. She's going to do what she's going to do.

That said, I prefer no makeup.
Guest032213-02's Avatar
Not so fond of bangin' raccoons.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
so true Charles, however some of weren't blessed with natural beauty , I could scare small children and animals if I don't wear any LOL
A little to no make up... I want to see what this woman really looks like!!
Def not caked on looking like a clown!!
Hey SNL I got under you again
You need no make up for me babe!!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
now Im under you Redd ( i like to switch it up lol) I need some , but not a ton. I worked in cosmetics for years so I it something I just like
JohnMacnab's Avatar
For a date. Some make up. Enough to enhanc her feminine charms. Not so much that it conceals her identity.
Have any of you guys ever thought that just because a lady wears makeup is not because she's unattractive, but because they just like the glamour of it? Plenty of ladies who wear makeup don't "need" to wear it, but we wear it because we like to, it's fun, you can be creative, do different looks for different occasions. I know I have natural beauty, and when I do wear makeup it's not because I'm "trying to hide something"....I am a hair/makeup artist & am quite a creative person, so makeup for me, is just something I enjoy playing around with... I'm completely comfortable without it, (believe me, Wakeup has pictures of me without any makeup, and he's very critical!) but if you ask me if I'd rather be plain or glamorous, I choose glamour...That's just me.
I don't like too much makeup. Makes the provider look fake. I want a real girl not some wannabe barbie doll.
Little to none. Nothing that rubs off and can be detected. No scent. Originally Posted by memdal
Make up is something that cna get me in trouble, so better no makeup.

So many of you ladies insist on a dark room, so the makeup is wasted. That stuff is expensive, save it for when you go out.

Valerie, you just ooze glamour, doubt you need makeup to have that impact.

(Guess someone should start the next poll regarding lighting in the room: totally dark, subtle lighting, regular room lights, or glamour photography lamps that heat the room 30 degrees.)
Wakeup's Avatar
...believe me, Wakeup has pictures of me without any makeup, and he's very critical... Originally Posted by Valerie
I do indeed have pictures of Valerie with no makeup and bed head. Trust me guys...RUN!

I'm just kidding love, you know I think you're beautiful whatever you choose to do. In all honesty, whatever I think about any girl's choice in makeup is irrelevant, it's whatever makes her feel more comfortable or more beautiful, that's what matters.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Val, I agree with you totally. You always look incredibly hotttt. Makeup can allow you to alter your provider and non-provider persona in many ways. I have known actresses and models who love to "play" at it and had many "looks". I love the glamour look. There are few models or actresses that dont use makeup in one way or another because they do need to create certain special looks for professional purposes. I personally think some makeup will make every provider look "hotter" even if she looks hot without any.
Abe Normal's Avatar
Moderate make-up is fine.

Girls like to look pretty, and I like to look at pretty girls.

I wear glasses, so once the glasses have been cast aside and I'm between her legs using my ever talented tongue, I usually can't see her face anyway, LOL
Have any of you guys ever thought that just because a lady wears makeup is not because she's unattractive, but because they just like the glamour of it? Plenty of ladies who wear makeup don't "need" to wear it, but we wear it because we like to, it's fun, you can be creative, do different looks for different occasions. I know I have natural beauty, and when I do wear makeup it's not because I'm "trying to hide something"....I am a hair/makeup artist & am quite a creative person, so makeup for me, is just something I enjoy playing around with... I'm completely comfortable without it, (believe me, Wakeup has pictures of me without any makeup, and he's very critical!) but if you ask me if I'd rather be plain or glamorous, I choose glamour...That's just me. Originally Posted by Valerie

Wow. Very well said Val :-) I completely agree. There is a time for Plain Jane and a time for being dolled up. I don't think I'm a dog without make-up but I'm definitely much plainer. So to all the fellas who want a girl without make-up I guess you like the Plain Janes, and not a Glamour Girl. To each their own. But I hear fellas saying over and over that this buisiness is all about illusion. Make-up, hair, high heels, clothes are all part of that illusion. Of course, if you want a country bumpkin there is always that fantasy too.
Have any of you guys ever thought that just because a lady wears makeup is not because she's unattractive, but because they just like the glamour of it? Plenty of ladies who wear makeup don't "need" to wear it, but we wear it because we like to, it's fun, you can be creative, do different looks for different occasions. I know I have natural beauty, and when I do wear makeup it's not because I'm "trying to hide something"....I am a hair/makeup artist & am quite a creative person, so makeup for me, is just something I enjoy playing around with... I'm completely comfortable without it, (believe me, Wakeup has pictures of me without any makeup, and he's very critical!) but if you ask me if I'd rather be plain or glamorous, I choose glamour...That's just me. Originally Posted by Valerie
Wow. Very well said Val :-) I completely agree. There is a time for Plain Jane and a time for being dolled up. I don't think I'm a dog without make-up but I'm definitely much plainer. So to all the fellas who want a girl without make-up I guess you like the Plain Janes, and not a Glamour Girl. To each their own. But I hear fellas saying over and over that this buisiness is all about illusion. Make-up, hair, high heels, clothes are all part of that illusion. Of course, if you want a country bumpkin there is always that fantasy too. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Like I said in my previous post: what I think is not going to change what the lady does.

However, I do have somewhat of an inferiority complex, and I'm much more likely to feel comfortable with a Plain Jane/Girl Next Door looking lady than a Glamor Girl. BTW, when I do my screening, the Glamor Girl is one that gets screened out.