Best Sunday morning interview:

How do you spell RINO?

M C C A I N Originally Posted by gfejunkie
+ 1 And C O L L I N S and G R A H A M .
So, yeah...I guess Webb would be a D.I.N.O.

What point are you trying to make, other than to point out spelling errors? Originally Posted by grean
Seriously...that's more than just a spelling error, grean.

C'mon, admit keyed the word's there plain as day. Just fess up and admit you didn't know the difference in how they were spelled and I'll let you off the hook (and not compare you to that moron professor, StandInShit).
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Rubio had no chance. Cruz would have won if not for Trump. Kasich was dreaming. Originally Posted by bambino
Kasich fucked Cruz's chances at catching Trump and forcing a tie which would have led to an actual debate at the primary convention.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
As we all know, the word rhino is the accepted abbreviation / slang for a (noun) African mammal.

A (acronym) RINO is a Republican In Name Only. Webb an African mammal, as suggested....or do you happen to use the same model (dick-tation device) as StandInShit does? Well, I'm gonna have to rule out the latter since you also misspelled the word, democratic. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
How do you spell RINO?

M C C A I N Originally Posted by gfejunkie
+ 1 And C O L L I N S and G R A H A M . Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
just so as you know.

conservatives are RINOs. those progressives, McCain, Collins, Graham are home in their party.
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  • 02-19-2018, 11:34 AM
And I'm not saying that being a Rino or Dino is a bad thing, necessarily. Just that they differ from their parties on a few main platform issues. Originally Posted by grean
I'm a DINO i suppose as I liked Jim Webb.

On the GOP side I preferred the Ohio Gov.

We had two really shitty choices for president. Neither party really cared for their candidate.

I could not vote for either....voted for GJ.

I'm just shocked about anyone defending Trump. He is horrible.

bambino's Avatar
Kasich fucked Cruz's chances at catching Trump and forcing a tie which would have led to an actual debate at the primary convention. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Kasich and Cruz tried to gang up on Trump. They fucked each other instead. Trump would have beat Cruz no matter what.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Rubio had no chance. Cruz would have won the primary if not for Trump getting help from Russia. Kasich was the best choice but not corrupt enough.. Originally Posted by bambino
There I fixed it for you.
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  • 02-19-2018, 11:50 AM
Kasich and Cruz tried to gang up on Trump. They fucked each other instead. Trump would have beat Cruz no matter what. Originally Posted by bambino
Cruz's Dad helped kill JFK!

If we go back in time, there are many of you Trump lovers who knew he was a you suck his dick and lick hos balls every chance you get.
bambino's Avatar
I'm a DINO i suppose as I liked Jim Webb.

On the GOP side I preferred the Ohio Gov.

We had two really shitty choices for president. Neither party really cared for their candidate.

I could not vote for either....voted for GJ.

I'm just shocked about anyone defending Trump. He is horrible.

. Originally Posted by WTF
That’s ok if you’re shocked. Gary Johnson walks around shocked everyday. Clinton and Trump were despised for different reasons. Hillary is a conniving, bitch. Trump was an outsider who the Republican establishment couldn’t control. He’s a loose cannon. They thought he would turn into a liberal once elected. Turns out he’s governing like a true conservative. Much more conservative than either Romney or McCain if they were elected. And far more conservative than either Bush. His policies are on par with Reagan’s, who the establishment hated too. Trump says somethings I don’t agree with. But I’m down with tax cuts, deregulation, conservative judges, secure borders and protect the second amendment. So if you’re right of center, you like the results. It’s not that hard to see why he has supporters.
bambino's Avatar
Cruz's Dad helped kill JFK!

If we go back in time, there are many of you Trump lovers who knew he was a you suck his dick and lick hos balls every chance you get. Originally Posted by WTF
You go back in time. Let us know when you get there. Maybe there’s a video of you sucking Gary Johnson’s cock.
We still have a two party system... The old R&D parties are DEAD...

American Conservatives vs Globalist communist's...

Millions of REDPILLED Bernie supporters went for President Donald J Trump! Thank You My Brothers and Sisters!!!

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  • 02-19-2018, 12:36 PM
Tax cuts and deficits are wtf you are for bambino.

You gonna get Trillion dollar deficits soon and that is in booming times!

Do you call judges conserative who will not let a woman make her own choice?

Trump is a big spender, just like Reagan!

Holy chit you boys are ignorant
bambino's Avatar
Tax cuts and deficits are wtf you are for bambino.

You gonna get Trillion dollar deficits soon and that is in booming times!

Do you call judges conserative who will not let a woman make her own choice?

Trump is a big spender, just like Reagan!

Holy chit you boys are ignorant Originally Posted by WTF
You’re ignorant. The Gooberments been taking in record revenues. Even in 2016 under Obama. But read the last paragraph carefully. The CBO doesn’t mention military spending.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Wow! That story is bigger than 13 indicted Russians for interference in a US Election, The Indictments of The National Security Advisor to the President, the indictment of Trumps Campain Manager Paul Manafort, the indictment of Foreign policy advisors George Popadopalous, and Carter Page, Donald Jr lying to the feds about meeting with the Russians, The attorney General of the US rcusing himself from the Russian probe, ( due to conflict of interest and fear of pergury) Originally Posted by themystic
The word is "perjury" and the indictments of Manafort, Flynn, and Popadopalous... none of them were campaign related. Hillary has more to fear from this probe than does Trump.
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  • 02-19-2018, 01:49 PM
The word is "perjury" and the indictments of Manafort, Flynn, and Popadopalous... none of them were campaign related. Hillary has more to fear from this probe than does Trump. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You are fucking nuts