Illegal Alien Who Killed Officer Ronil Singh Arrested.....

  • oeb11
  • 12-30-2018, 05:55 PM
Syria is a Russian satellite - and Assad owes his survival to Putin.

Putin is welcome to the murderous Bastard.

Let Syria be another Afghanistan for Putin.

While you are at it- let Putin have Merkel and France, as well
Good luck with that.

It would be fun to watch him choke on the French.
themystic's Avatar
Melania is a naturalized citizen.
That has been previously documented to you, TM. In this forum.

Ignoring facts - how typical.
Propaganda matters more to DPST than facts.

You just proved it!!
HAHA Originally Posted by oeb11
Oeb. Trump lies to you an average of 15 times a day. You don't really believe him do you?
  • oeb11
  • 12-30-2018, 05:56 PM
Government shutdown - Schumer and Pelosi set Trump up in his office in the televised meeting.

They are milking it for everything they can
I see no compromise for the good of the Nation on either side
Get Trump takes precedence over the good of the nation to DPST.
  • oeb11
  • 12-30-2018, 05:58 PM
Does anyone believe Schumer when he baldfaced lies that he never was for a "Wall"

He spoke multiple times in favor of the need to secure the borders..
You believe him, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, etc?
  • oeb11
  • 12-30-2018, 06:00 PM
We pay our politicians to lie to us
They do a damned good job of it.
belief in one side or the other becomes modern religion
Excommunication and burning at the stake for any who disagree with those beliefs.
Government shutdown - Schumer and Pelosi set Trump up in his office in the televised meeting.

They are milking it for everything they can
I see no compromise for the good of the Nation on either side
Get Trump takes precedence over the good of the nation to DPST. Originally Posted by oeb11
I disagree. The President set them up. He said he would take responsibility for the shutdown, and handed the ball directly to Chuckie and Nancy.

He is smarter than they are. He plays them like a cheap fiddle. They are to stupid to realize it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Does anyone believe Schumer when he baldfaced lies that he never was for a "Wall"

He spoke multiple times in favor of the need to secure the borders..
You believe him, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, etc? Originally Posted by oeb11
There is a HUGE difference between supporting securing the borders and the "Wall" as originally requested by Trump.
  • oeb11
  • 12-30-2018, 06:26 PM
There is a HUGE difference between supporting securing the borders and the "Wall" as originally requested by Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

You are Right - the "Wall" is a ridiculous boondoggle. And likely not terribly effective at it;s intent, but destructive of habitat and ecology and property rights.

$5 billion would buy a lot of Border Patrol officers, equipment, and enforcement of the borders and immigration laws.

DPST's have drawn the argument into opposing the Wall means open borders and unlimited migration from South and Central America, not to mention overseas, to add to the Democrat voting rolls.

I would much rather spend the money on effective border control- but Schumer and Pelosi firmly oppose that - including the abolishment of ICE and any enforcement of the lousy immigration laws we have now- which are the responsibility of Congress in the Constitution.
Thought the rabid right was all in favor of states rights. Originally Posted by bamscram
Yes, why does only California get states rights?

Why can't Texas decide for itself how to treat illegal aliens?
There is a HUGE difference between supporting securing the borders and the "Wall" as originally requested by Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
We already have a wall on the border - this wall of Trump's is an upgrade.

Most rich liberals have good walls around their property - why can't we?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
We already have a wall on the border - this wall of Trump's is an upgrade.

Most rich liberals have good walls around their property - why can't we? Originally Posted by friendly fred
In post #23 OEB describes Trump's wall as a "boondoggle" and not likely to be effective. My sentiments too.

Trump's wall, as originally asked for, is total overkill at a ridiculous cost to taxpayers. Construct a much simpler wall/fence, and increase technology at the border making the job of border agents more effective.

Funny how you limit walls around property to "rich liberals". Ever see the security at Trump Towers where Donald and his family used to live?
  • oeb11
  • 12-31-2018, 06:47 AM
Yes, why does only California get states rights?

Why can't Texas decide for itself how to treat illegal aliens? Originally Posted by friendly fred
The Tenth Amendment, or Amendment X of the United States Constitution is the section of the Bill of Rights that basically says that any power that is not given to the federal government is given to the people or the states.

Powers held only by the states include the issuing of licenses (like drivers licenses or marriages licenses), the creation of local governments, the ability to ratify amendments to the constitution, and regulating intrastate commerce, or commerce within state lines.

Supremacy Clause. The Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the supreme law of the land. ... Even state constitutions are subordinate to federal law.

Texas govt. understands it's place in the union of States Not to say the Texas AG has not filed multiple lawsuits against the feds for various causes

The Socialist State of Kalifornia is doing it's best to assert it's supremacy against the Feds. And succeeding in some areas - notably immigration - which is reserved to the US Congress.

I am fine with Kalifornia leaving the Union, joining Mexico - let it become Mexifornia.
Good riddance to the land of Fruits and Nuts.
themystic's Avatar
We already have a wall on the border - this wall of Trump's is an upgrade.

Most rich liberals have good walls around their property - why can't we? Originally Posted by friendly fred
Fred I agree. We already have a wall that needs upgraded and better border security

Here's a compromise I would offer. Trump ADMITs that we already have a wall that needs upgraded. Payments will be made by the American taxpayer, not Mexico

Trump is the one paying politics

Most Americans don't live on the border or border states. They have no clue
We are helping build that wall - over 17 million now.
themystic's Avatar
We are helping build that wall - over 17 million now. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Who do we write the check to Ellen? Lol ridiculous social media nonsense