Moving Forward: But How?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That's ridiculous. The Democrats had better choices than Biden to nominate. They nominated Biden because he is old, stupid and the easiest to control. True, times are changing but no necessarily for the better. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Biden won the nomination because he was the most likely candidate in the eyes of most Democratic voters to beat Trump.
Look folks, I will admit that I am an 80's kid and we could not give a flying fuck about the past before we were even conceived.

The times have changed now. I know you guys don't like it, but it is the truth. Do yourself a big favor and stop thinking like you are in the past and live in the present.

Bottom line is that if you want to move forward, stop thinking like a dinosaur because those days are long gone, so get with today and forget yesterday.

As far as Biden's health, no shit. He's old as fuck for his job. What did you expect? Stop electing an idiot like Trump as his opposition and there would be no Biden. It's that simple. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Ah yes, the truly idiotic believe that this time is different.

The more things change the more they stay the same. Human reactions don't change, which is why most things written 2000 years ago about human nature remain true today.
Biden won the nomination because he was the most likely candidate in the eyes of most Democratic voters to beat Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Beating Trump wasn't a dilemma. The fix was already in for Trump. Biden isn't a good president. He's just a good puppet for the DNC that's why he was nominated and that's why he won.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-16-2022, 09:15 AM
All I ask for is a president who doesn't have to wear depends. I believe that is a good way to move forward. It looks like that won't be happening again... battle of the geezers part two coming to a theatre near you. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
This is like Rocky 10....a bunch of old af actors trying to convince us they're still able to box.

Evidently the Trump lovers think he can fight his way out of pissed stained bedsheets
oilfieldace's Avatar
This is like Rocky 10....a bunch of old af actors trying to convince us they're still able to box.

Evidently the Trump lovers think he can fight his way out of pissed stained bedsheets Originally Posted by WTF
I don’t either one of kids could keep up with Trumps work ethic. Keep telling yourselves that youth is the answer, look at oblama ,
Cendell M's Avatar
Jesus fucking Christ

2016 Trump wins election while losing popular vote by @3 m9illion people.

2018 Dems take senate and house back

2020 Trump loses presidency by same number of electoral votes he won by. A record number of republicans turned out for to vote for Trump but were still crushed by another record turn out of more @8 million independents and democrats that who made it plain.
They were done with Trump.
Trumpys continue to attempt to steal that election.

2022 Despite, according to lying chicken little/election deniers, claims the world is falling apart, the economy sucks, blah, blah, blah.
With all that, America says fuck off to the Trump line of bullshit.

Here's to 2 more years of pounding Trump back into the slime he was born of.

Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
That that is the most ridiculous statement I’ve seen by far Trumpy‘s attempt to steal the election Democrats DO steal elections hahaha puuhlease you sound big mad he might win again and AMERICA WILL BE GREAT AGAIN compared to the TRASH We have in office now they decimated our country point blank period!

oilfieldace's Avatar
That that is the most ridiculous statement I’ve seen by far Trumpy‘s attempt to steal the election Democrats DO steal elections hahaha puuhlease you sound big mad he might win again and AMERICA WILL BE GREAT AGAIN compared to the TRASH We have in office now they decimated our country point blank period!

LOLOLOL Originally Posted by Cendell M
I think I might LOVE you, a lady with a brain, I had the honor and good fortune of working with a lot of good conservative ladies , bravo to you young lady.

The entire sane world knows the Dems are cheaters and will resort to lower than a snakes belly ina wagon rut to win. It’s sad and pathetic we let that happen. Until we act like idiots like Antifa and BLM it will remain status quo.
Cendell M's Avatar
I think I might LOVE you, a lady with a brain, I had the honor and good fortune of working with a lot of good conservative ladies , bravo to you young lady.

The entire sane world knows the Dems are cheaters and will resort to lower than a snakes belly ina wagon rut to win. It’s sad and pathetic we let that happen. Until we act like idiots like Antifa and BLM it will remain status quo. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Thank you and I agree!! I just really love our country and it’s sad to see what’s happening to it. Regardless of who does not like Donald Trump can not deny our country was left in good shape when he left office (forcibly bc of election stealers) and look at it now can’t nobody deny that if they do their Deniers!!!
ICU 812's Avatar
So, does anyone think President Biden will serve out this full term?

Anyone think he will get nominated for an additional term?

What about Harris?
Will she be replaced during this term?
Will she be on the ticket in 2024?
Cendell M's Avatar
Well, Biden finish out this term. I believe yes

Well, he run again? Hell no they’re not gonna let him even if he wanted to.

Will Harris finish out this term? yes but here’s to hoping not!

Will she be on the ballot 2024? highly doughy it, she was an awful VP
Who wants a women president that thinks North Korea is our allies. She really fudged this vice presidency up big time.

Those are my opinions FWIW
HedonistForever's Avatar
So, does anyone think President Biden will serve out this full term?

Anyone think he will get nominated for an additional term?

What about Harris?
Will she be replaced during this term?
Will she be on the ticket in 2024? Originally Posted by ICU 812

See post #9 and place your bets. Get rid of Biden and you get rid of Harris. I believe that is the conclusion Democrats will come to.
  • Tiny
  • 11-16-2022, 04:02 PM
Look folks, I will admit that I am an 80's kid and we could not give a flying fuck about the past before we were even conceived.

The times have changed now. I know you guys don't like it, but it is the truth. Do yourself a big favor and stop thinking like you are in the past and live in the present.

Bottom line is that if you want to move forward, stop thinking like a dinosaur because those days are long gone, so get with today and forget yesterday. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. For example, people who went through or observed the dot com bubble, the inflation of the late 70's and early 1980's, and a myriad of Ponzi schemes are better equipped to deal with today's markets and new "investment" vehicles like cryptocurrencies. And if you didn't live through it, reading about it is the next best thing. This is why I hold esteemed board members Texas Contrarian and Lusty Lad in high regard, when it comes to economics and markets, and certain others here on subjects like foreign policy and history. They may not have lived through it, but they've read about it.

As to the matter at hand presented by ICU, yes, if Biden were close to death, but still lucid, some Democrats might be angling to replace Kamala Harris. But the much more likely scenario would be that she serves through to the end of the term and then there's a scramble for the Democratic nomination for the presidency.

All I ask for is a president who doesn't have to wear depends. I believe that is a good way to move forward. It looks like that won't be happening again... battle of the geezers part two coming to a theatre near you. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
That I wholeheartedly agree with. It's embarrassing when the president of your country shits his pants while negotiating with foreign leaders.
ICU 812's Avatar
History: The president and vice president today would do well to read up on the Nixon administration and how it came to an end.

The McCarthy era of blacklisting and career destruction through inuendo. I was too young to be aware of it, but those around me were, and I learned.

The recent and current rise of the "cancel culture" is just about like Mcarthyism, but today it comes from the liberl-0left. Who could see that coming? Submit to conformity and control or you become a non-person. A generation of Viet Nam era protesters must be deeply concerned . . .or are they condoning and facilitating it?

We can debate the merits and effectiveness of mask wearing or social distancing, but never in my adult life did I think that we would be forced into the lockdowns and the blatant violations of most parts of the First Amendment that we all experienced in 2020. That the court system at several levels supported that stuff continues to dismay me.

Mcarthyism is 60-70 years old history but is still with us in the guise of "cancelling". The hypocrisy of the official tolerance of the George Floyd related riots and funeral events in the midst of the draconian pandemic measures is only two years past.

We have got to remember this stuff and steer clear in the future.
Ah yes, the truly idiotic believe that this time is different.

The more things change the more they stay the same. Human reactions don't change, which is why most things written 2000 years ago about human nature remain true today. Originally Posted by farmstud60
The one constant throughout history is Human Nature. Time comes snd goes, new innovations take the place of the old, society progresses.

But human nature, in particular the part of it that compels us to covet what our neighbors have, stays the same.

I am sure that around 1950 years ago, Romans were lounging around the Forum saying, “we have arrived. We rule or control our known world, we have built the greatest empire smaginable, what could possibly go wrong”.?

Then human nature took over. The Barbarians were at the gates.

And Rome had become to fat and lazy to stop them.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Remember when our parents told us "in America, you can be anybody you want to be". I have the feeling they didn't mean this.