Providers and responding to emails.

  • npita
  • 04-19-2010, 09:57 AM
I'd be interested if there is some kind of etiquette that could be followed which will increase the likelihood of a response. Thanks. Originally Posted by luckyjax
The best etiquette is to (1) make sure the email you send is polite; (2) you don't ask questions to which you should already know the answers; and (3) set what you think is a reasonable time limit for a reply and do NOT see a provider who does not give you a timely response.
White Tiger's Avatar
Not sure why, but I have had poor results using P411 for appointment inquiries, unless the provider in question states that she prefers initial contact to made in that manner. I recently sent out appointment requests to 4 or 5 providers in Phoenix, which I am visiting next week, and got exactly zero responses. When I sent PM's or personal e-mails to the ladies that I found that information for, every one of them replied. I am starting to think P411 may be a good screening tool, but perhaps not a good way to initiate contact.
Olesweetie's Avatar
Emails are a part of this business! If you don't respond to an email, even if it is a late response, you don't care much about your business!
DorkLover's Avatar
I generally use P411 to initiate first contact three to four days before I amlooking for an appointment. I send out several request at the same time and depending on the ladies, get about a 50% response rate. If I get two replies, then I will either schedule two appointments for that week or let one of the ladies know that I already have something scheduled and I will see her the next time I am in town.

Every lady is different, but most get 100s of emails every week. First, I only send emails to those I really want to see based on their reviews, looks, menu, and price. I also refer to their website or ad in the email so they know I have done my research and am serious about setting up an appointment. Second, I give a specific day and timeframe that I am looking for along with the session length and if it is an incall or outcall. I sometimes provide my hobby phone number for added confidence if they provider has a good reputation.

I think that the ladies who can master the email and scheduling side have better results. I have seen a couple of providers over the past year that complained about business being slow and blaming the overall economy. That may be true in general, but just like any other business if you do everything right you will do well.

Good communication, from both the provider side or hobbiest, differentiates you from everyone else.
I will always return a call or an email the same day. Sometimes it might be later that nite before I get to your email, just because I don't have access to the internet at my incall. I believe that's the correct way to run a business. I will never leave you hanging, anytime.