For Now I Believe Justin Fairfax

themystic's Avatar
But the dim-retards ARE embracing racism.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
that's correct. we know Judge Kavanaugh is a rapist and Justin Fairfax has been set up by the right wing hate groups. btw you and your friends are racists
LexusLover's Avatar
..we know Judge Kavanaugh is a rapist a... Originally Posted by themystic
Were you there when the alleged rape occurred?
themystic's Avatar
Were you there when the alleged rape occurred? Originally Posted by LexusLover
you know I wasn't. I was having dinner with you and your daughter
LexusLover's Avatar
you know I wasn't. I was having dinner with you and your daughter Originally Posted by themystic
That's two more lies from you. You just have no shame.

No wonder you voted for HillariousNoMore.

So you lie about Kavanaugh and then you lie about my daughter.....or should I say ....

... you lie about me having a daughter!!!!!
themystic's Avatar
That's two more lies from you. You just have no shame.

No wonder you voted for HillariousNoMore. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That's the truth but we all know
I B Hankering's Avatar
that's correct. we know Judge Kavanaugh is a rapist and Justin Fairfax has been set up by the right wing hate groups. btw you and your friends are racists Originally Posted by themystic
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why Republicans long ago quit putting any stock in the dim-retards' fake moral stances.
themystic's Avatar
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why Republicans long ago quit putting any stock in the dim-retards' fake moral stances. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
because you are racists
I B Hankering's Avatar
because you are racists Originally Posted by themystic
Oh, I believe the black women; so, you'd be the racist.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I see where your going with this RACIST diatribe...white are the only racist...blacks can't be racist...but you're the BIGGEST RACIST of the all.
Your flawed logic...if you even had any logic at all...spews your identity politics out of every pour of you RACIST body.
You yourself don't realize your laying out the flaw accusations against Kavanaugh in that case you said...I believe he is a with MUCH stronger evidence against a BLACK man it is all BS...we can see right through your racist slanted BS.

More women are coming forward the stories about him and this shit isn't 30 plus years ago...since he is black you circle the are so fucking transparent!!

Your line that the RACIST Democraps...aren't you TYPICAL racist Republicans...what the fuck is that!!
The Republicans intertwine with the the Dems don't...they happen to be FAR FAR more than Republicans...your BS about embedded in Republican from cradle to're keep posting and I'll keep shooting you down!!

I know you like to post your BS nonsense and have no one rebuke've cried out to the mods for help...typical spineless wimp!!
Gore Vidal vs. William Buckley!! Originally Posted by bb1961

First off you need to calm down and get your emotions under do not wish to aggravate me because once I'm aggravated you will be issued points. For now I'm still cool but I'm warning you to calm your nerves as you're on thin ice buddy.

Secondly you miss the point of my rationale. Personally I'm willing to forgive the two white guys for wearing black face because 1.) they didn't physically hurt or kill anyone and 2.) they spent years on the Dem side fighting for the rights of people and not corporations. Will that save their jobs? probably not in the long run. But I said I was willing to forgive them on that basis / criteria.

3rdly - There's a pretty big difference between Fairfax and Jungle Monkey Kavanaugh. Dr. Blasey-Ford had been telling people for years long before Kav ran for office what he had done to her. She had been devasted and it stuck with her. She has some pretty non sexual details surrounding the event..and Kav's own associates even corroborated his drunken and lewd behavior in high school and college. In fact the main witness friend of Kav that Dr. Ford said could corroborate her story refused to testify and the Republican Senate refused to call him to avoid even more damaging truth about Kav to come out.

Conversly, Fairfax's accuser told no one no one until after he started running. The point is she felt it was ok as long as he wasn't running and when he ran for office then all of a sudden she felt a sense to do her duty and say something? Please this shit is such a joke, again no sane man will force a woman to suck his dick that's like playing Russian roulette with 5 bullets instead of 1. Adding to her story is the fact that this woman was repeatedly raped by someone in her family. This basically and unfortunately makes her somewhat of a head case because now she will view every sensual mutual encounter through the mental lenses of her previous rapes.

Lastly, I told a friend recently that now that they've resurfaced this non corroborated and highly suspect story...the Republican hit machine would bring forth more women. That's how it works... so Fairfax doesn't really have a fair shot at due process. Once the dam or levy starts leaking water eventually star bursts and overflows. For advanced thinking people like me I knew it was gonna happen I just didn't expect within's how dirty the Republicans watch by Monday or sometime next week another false claim against Fairfax will be put out there... this is one area that the Dems are stupid on...trying to be the party of moral authority at the expense of due process. I give the Republicans credit for one thing..even if they are guilty as fuck they never admit it..they deny until proven guilty. In this case I still stand with Justin..until proven otherwise this is nothing but a hit job
themystic's Avatar
There's a pretty big difference between Fairfax and Jungle Monkey Kavanaugh. Dr. Blasey-Ford had been telling people for years long before Kav ran for office what he had done to her. She had been devasted and it stuck with her. She has some pretty non sexual details surrounding the event..and Kav's own associates even corroborated his drunken and lewd behavior in high school and college. In fact the main witness friend of Kav that Dr. Ford said could corroborate her story refused to testify and the Republican Senate refused to call him to avoid even more damaging truth about Kav to come out.
LexusLover's Avatar do not wish to aggravate me because once I'm aggravated you will be issued points.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
So you're a mod now? If you are, you shouldn't be using your position as a mod to intimidate others into accepting your rants without holding you accountable for the fake news you repeat. Are you "aggravated" yet?

If not, just let me know, so I can crank it up a notch or two.
themystic's Avatar
There's a pretty big difference between Fairfax and Jungle Monkey Kavanaugh. Dr. Blasey-Ford had been telling people for years long before Kav ran for office what he had done to her. She had been devasted and it stuck with her. She has some pretty non sexual details surrounding the event..and Kav's own associates even corroborated his drunken and lewd behavior in high school and college. In fact the main witness friend of Kav that Dr. Ford said could corroborate her story refused to testify and the Republican Senate refused to call him to avoid even more damaging truth about Kav to come out. Originally Posted by themystic
Thank you SC. Well said. These rapist mother fuckers in here are phony as fuck
LexusLover's Avatar
Dr. Blasey-Ford had been telling people for years long before Kav ran for office what he had done to her. Originally Posted by themystic
Were you standing there when she did? If not ...

... where were you standing when her alleged "friends" stated UNDER OATH ... they couldn't remember her ever saying that to them .... AND they didn't remember the party she described?

And you claim to have more education than I do.
themystic's Avatar
Were you standing there when she did? If not ...

... where were you standing when her alleged "friends" stated UNDER OATH ... they couldn't remember her ever saying that to them .... AND they didn't remember the party she described?

And you claim to have more education than I do. Originally Posted by LexusLover
get over it dickey. you have another rapist on the SCOTUS
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Thank you SC. Well said. These rapist mother fuckers in here are phony as fuck Originally Posted by themystic

No problem...Republicans invented the term fake news as an alternate meaning for "I Can't Handle The Truth"