COG; what is missing.

Can you name the document, the person, the specific item that is missing from the record but somehow you know it is out there?

Or are you just assuming the record is incomplete. Some things are unknowable beyond certainty.

What is missing from the record? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Get them to release the missing 28 pages, might shed some light on it.
lustylad's Avatar
The Popular Mechanics article is ridiculous. It has been debunked by experts all over. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You just proved my point. Once again, you dismiss something without even reading it. It's not one article, but a series of articles - each one examining a different conspiracy claim and presenting the facts. But unlike the rest of us who know we are only entitled to our own opinions, you think you are entitled to your own facts!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've read it. The authors, from NIST, were not qualified to render on opinion. They were lackeys. I didn't read it in the magazine, it was online as a single article. But seriously, the explanation for the most unimaginable event in modern history is addressed in a magazine called Popular Mechanics? In between how to build a deck and the ads for Japanese women who are dying to meet me? If it was definitive, wouldn't it be in a publication with broader appeal?

How do you respond to the architects, engineers, former NSA officials and others who say it's bullshit? These are educated people who know their business. Most don't speculate over who did what, but they are convinced that it didn't happen the way the government said it did. Are you going to refer them to the NIST report? They know more than the authors of that report.

If nothing else, open up all the files and evidence. Let them examine it on their own dime. If the government is telling the truth, at least it will shut them, and me, up. What do you have against that?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
LL, I've posted links to both Tom Kean and Max Cleland voicing dissatisfaction with the commission. Look it up. We don't know what happened, and we only have a "confession" from a publicity seeking lunatic as to who was responsible. That's not good enough to justify all the lives and Liberty we've lost. The government may not have been responsible, but they are not telling us everything, or even given us a reason why they can't tell us everything. Do you trust Bush and Obama? Have they proven themselves trustworthy? Then why do you blindly believe their story behind the biggest event in modern history? An event which has resulted in much more control over everything being transferred to the federal government, and also resulted in huge profits for multinational corporations involved in the defense industry.

Never before, and never since has a steel reinforced building collapsed into its own footprint due to fire. On 9-11 three did. Ostensibly caused by a band of camel jockeys living in primitive conditions. And you and others don't want to know why? That baffles me. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
GI Joe must have been one of your favorites, eh COG? In the short clip below, he refers to an Arab/Muslim cartoon character as a "camel jockey".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
or we can start throwing people off buildings...
WTC 7 was not hit by a plane...
NIST Revisions, scientifically proven wrong.
Until the world is told the truth about WTC 7 I and many others
will always question the official story. One event out of many that happened on that day and days after that don't add up.
Peace Originally Posted by SEE3772
"Scientifically proven wrong"?

Really? What scientists were those?

WTC burned for hours and then collapsed.

Why on earth would the "conspirators" wait that long before blowing up the building?

What if someone went into the building and found the bombs?

What was in WTC7 that would make it important to blow it up?

All the people that had been in it were already evacuated. So are you saying the building, not the people, was the target?

In a demolition, you can hear the explosive charges detonating before the building collapses. What didn't any of the thousands of people in the area hear a series of explosions detonating?

Just some of many questions that conspirators can't answer because the answers destroy all of their stupid conspiracy theories.
lustylad's Avatar
I've read it. The authors, from NIST, were not qualified to render on opinion. They were lackeys. I didn't read it in the magazine, it was online as a single article. But seriously, the explanation for the most unimaginable event in modern history is addressed in a magazine called Popular Mechanics? In between how to build a deck and the ads for Japanese women who are dying to meet me? If it was definitive, wouldn't it be in a publication with broader appeal?

How do you respond to the architects, engineers, former NSA officials and others who say it's bullshit? These are educated people who know their business. Most don't speculate over who did what, but they are convinced that it didn't happen the way the government said it did. Are you going to refer them to the NIST report? They know more than the authors of that report. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

If you are a JD or a lawyer, then you should know you need to do a lot better than that if you expect to undermine the credibility of experts. You insist the National Institute for Standards and Technology authors were “not qualified to render an opinion”. Which authors? Did you check out the backgrounds and experience of ALL of them? How did they all get hired by NIST if none of them are qualified? Which NIST report are you referring to? There are several. You dismiss the NIST authors as “lackeys”. Lackeys of whom? Do you have any evidence that they would all jeopardize their professional reputations by deliberately misrepresenting what happened?

Ditto for your “architects, engineers, former NSA officials” on the other side. Who are they? Did you check out ALL of their backgrounds and experiences? Or do you expect us to take your word for it that they are all “educated people... who know more than the (NIST)”? How can you generalize like that?

You make fun of Popular Mechanics as a vehicle for debunking the 9/11 conspiracy claims. Well, the magazine says they decided to investigate this subject because it “involves fields that are part of PM's core expertise”. A publication with “broader appeal” (you don't say which one) does not strike me as being more trustworthy than one that specializes in the fields under investigation.

"PM compiled a list of the 16 most common claims made by conspiracy theorists, assertions that are at the root of virtually every 9/11 alternative scenario. These claims all involve fields that are part of PM's core expertise -- structural engineering, aviation, military technology and science.

We assembled a team of reporters and researchers, including professional fact checkers and the editors of PM, and methodically analyzed all 16 conspiracy claims. We interviewed scores of engineers, aviation experts, military officials, eyewitnesses and members of the investigative teams who have held the wreckage of the attacks in their own hands. We pored over photography, maps, blueprints, aviation logs and transcripts. In every single instance, we found that the facts used by conspiracy theorists to support their fantasies were mistaken, misunderstood or deliberately falsified."

lustylad's Avatar
"Scientifically proven wrong"?

Really? What scientists were those?

WTC burned for hours and then collapsed.

Why on earth would the "conspirators" wait that long before blowing up the building?

What if someone went into the building and found the bombs?

What was in WTC7 that would make it important to blow it up?

All the people that had been in it were already evacuated. So are you saying the building, not the people, was the target?

In a demolition, you can hear the explosive charges detonating before the building collapses. What didn't any of the thousands of people in the area hear a series of explosions detonating?

Just some of many questions that conspirators can't answer because the answers destroy all of their stupid conspiracy theories. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Yep. Yep. Yep. The only question they will answer is why WTC7 was supposedly blown up. Supposedly it was because there were CIA and FBI offices in the building and they wanted to destroy evidence of their 9/11 complicity. If you ask for proof, the conspiracy nuts shrug and say "they destroyed the evidence".

Cough, cough. Next theory?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes. I did check their credentials, but it's been awhile. I'd like a non- government group to investigate. Excuse me, but the government investigating itself is not conclusive. So they interviewed a lot of people. Who? Names, please. Public hearings, please. If you're satisfied, LL, fine. If a low level report from a minor government agency convinces you of the veracity of the government's story behind the biggest event in modern history - an event which has been used for an excuse for an unprecedented loss of Liberty, and thousands of lives - go ahead. Keep your head in the sand.
Lad time to clean out the PM's.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I've read it. The authors, from NIST, were not qualified to render on opinion. They were lackeys. I didn't read it in the magazine, it was online as a single article. But seriously, the explanation for the most unimaginable event in modern history is addressed in a magazine called Popular Mechanics? In between how to build a deck and the ads for Japanese women who are dying to meet me? If it was definitive, wouldn't it be in a publication with broader appeal?

How do you respond to the architects, engineers, former NSA officials and others who say it's bullshit? These are educated people who know their business. Most don't speculate over who did what, but they are convinced that it didn't happen the way the government said it did. Are you going to refer them to the NIST report? They know more than the authors of that report.

If nothing else, open up all the files and evidence. Let them examine it on their own dime. If the government is telling the truth, at least it will shut them, and me, up. What do you have against that? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Come on COG. do you really think the NSA .. is reputable? HAHAHAHA. the same NSA that lied about openly spying on American citizens?

by the way it was an NBC TV special. Lester Holt narrated it. is that enough broad appeal for ya?

come on COG, what kinda lawyer were you?? really? were you a patent lawyer with a degree in Engineering? probably not. beyond your IQ i think.

and ya know, i usually agree with some of what you say is wrong with America but not this.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Former NSA officials. Individuals who got out. And other highly degreed and accomplished professionals. But believe the government, Waco. They depend on people like you.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Former NSA officials. Individuals who got out. And other highly degreed and accomplished professionals. But believe the government, Waco. They depend on people like you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Who said i believe the Government? it's YOU i don't believe here.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Since all I've asked for is an independent and open investigation, I don't understand what you don't believe, Wacko. If you think we have the whole story, then you believe the government. I don't. I'm willing to be proven wrong. If an independent and open investigation validates the government story, I'll accept it. But I'm not taking the government's word for it, like you.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Since all I've asked for is an independent and open investigation, I don't understand what you don't believe, Wacko. If you think we have the whole story, then you believe the government. I don't. I'm willing to be proven wrong. If an independent and open investigation validates the government story, I'll accept it. But I'm not taking the government's word for it, like you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Popular Mechanics did do an independent investigation. are you refuting their findings "just because" they didn't find any evidence at all of Government conspiracy?

COG you are like my brother. he "sees" conspiracies within conspiracies within conspiracies. even if irrefutable evidence showed you conclusively it really was Bin Ladin you'd think the truth was a conspiracy.