My money's on joe bloe

I thought I typed "sillier" but the auto-filler changed it to "duller". That works too and come to think of it, the auto-filler has a point.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-22-2012, 03:13 PM
It's a duller thread, meant only to attack Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I was bored.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The idea behind the thread is distasteful and Doove proves a previous point I made.

Liberals can't see the line of decency.
joe bloe's Avatar
The idea behind the thread is distasteful and Doove proves a previous point I made.

Liberals can't see the line of decency. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If liberals respected basic decency, they wouldn't be liberals. Anyone that supports partial birth abortion, or in Obama's case actual infanticide, loses the right to be considered decent. IMHO
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-22-2012, 04:49 PM
The idea behind the thread is distasteful and Doove proves a previous point I made.

Liberals can't see the line of decency. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If liberals respected basic decency, they wouldn't be liberals. Anyone that supports partial birth abortion, or in Obama's case actual infanticide, loses the right to be considered decent. IMHO Originally Posted by joe bloe
It's Alex Jones' theory, not mine.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
If liberals respected basic decency, they wouldn't be liberals. Anyone that supports partial birth abortion, or in Obama's case actual infanticide, loses the right to be considered decent. IMHO Originally Posted by joe bloe
The only real points I can recall john Douche Bag ever making was his inability to provide facts to back up anything he says or his myopic and cataract clouded view of the real world as seen from a super-fund clean-up site in Kansas.
Having Doove change his avator, of an actor in a movie, because of what happen in Colorado, wow there is some good old fashion conservative, backward thinking, lol

How about Joe Blo just that would make far more sense....then again, his postings are a good form of humor, so perhaps not!

Oh BTW, Joe....was this guy Muslim?????
I want Douchee to keep his avatar...It will serve him well.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Especially when one remembers that Batman kicks his ass in every episode.
waverunner234's Avatar
If liberals respected basic decency, they wouldn't be liberals. Anyone that supports partial birth abortion, or in Obama's case actual infanticide, loses the right to be considered decent. IMHO Originally Posted by joe bloe
I support abortion, assisted suicide, gay marriage and free use of soft drugs.
It would solve so many problems. What do you want more you fool?

Oh almost forgot, I'm against guns for all. with decent gun laws there would have been no shooting in Colorado and many other places.
And I support play girls, that should be legalized.

Joe Blow doesn't even know what the word "decent" means.
I consider his moral standards far below what would be the least acceptable.
Joe Blow is against abortion, but wants every fool to carry a gun. Decent isn't it?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Right, Wave. With "decent gun laws" there would have been no Colorado massacre. Just like drug laws prevent drug crime, and a host of others.

The only things gun laws accomplish is to take away guns who know how to use them responsibly.

The shooter would not have been less crazy, or less prone to violence had there been stronger gun laws. He was going to kill people - a lot of people - regardless of what the law said, or not.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh almost forgot, I'm against guns for all. with decent gun laws there would have been no shooting in Colorado and many other places. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Using your line of thinking, you would also outlaw gasoline, plastic and glass jugs, common electrical wire, etc., similar to that the shooter used to rig his apartment.
Perhaps, COG you are right....but it would have made it a hell of alot harder for him to gather such a high amount of amunition, in such a short period of time.

I realize gun control will not eliminate the criminal element, that's a different arguement. But perhaps it can make it more difficult for domestic or non-stranger shootings (which represent the major % of shootings) and in addition too, perhaps send out red flags when a nut case like this guy, starts to plan something. Just a thought!

There are no easy answers, from either side....but it just seems we could improve on what we are currently doing. So many of the stories of the victims from this event as so sad....I would hope we can all agree on that!

waverunner....simply put, I so agree with you.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-22-2012, 09:06 PM
Using your line of thinking, you would also outlaw gasoline, plastic and glass jugs, common electrical wire, etc., similar to that the shooter used to rig his apartment. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No, using his line of thinking we would outlaw the item whose sole function is to kill people.
Prohibition never works. The only people who would benefit from that would be the Mexican drug cartels who would quickly fill the gap and you could buy all you wanted on any street corner. Gimme a 1/4 and a 9mm, neither makes sense, except to the cartels.