Provider asks for a frank cancelation for more money oppurtunity, being a regular or not would you still see her or prefer she lies?

Good grief, this is about Vitamin P for a fee. The bigger fee gets the Vitamin P every single time. This is called Free Market trading.

Now that being said, if the Vitamin P has a VERY regular buyer say weekly or a standing arrangement, Vitamin P should be more concerned with the longterm investment. Then again, Vitamin P may have immediate financial needs that take precedent. Kid got sick, mom in hospital, car problems, plumbing failure or any number of excuses are readily available and will be used. Then there can be, "I just got my period unexpectedly soon this month"
I say be honest. This is not a girlfriend. This is a business arrangement. There are no feelings involved for a reason. Anyone getting caught up in the feelings over this is doing it wrong.
Mysterydate023's Avatar
I always wondered about this. I wonder usually how ladies with regulars and steady business usually accommodate for multihours on short notice. Or if it's just easier and more PC to lie a smidge for the greater temporary goal. I was a regular for a few ladies and always wondered how they seemed to always be available for me on short notice.

Answer this two different ways if you can. One as a regular, and the other as a new potential client.

Let's say a lady only had one booking for a day for an hour session by one client. And she was offered the chance to have an overnight or weekend for that same time slot by another client.

If you were the hour session guy, and she told you the truth respectfully that she wanted to make a better business opportunity would you be more upset she had to cancel, or would it have been easier for her to lie to you or just cancel the appointment? Would it matter if you were a newer client or a regular of hers? Both scenarios. Would you try to see her again I think is the bigger question I'm curious of.

I'd be more partial to not worrying about it if she's a regular. Cause by then I'd know she would have the confidence to know I'd be back anyways.

But if I was a new client be neutral, cause at the end of the day her decision is based on business. I appreciate integrity and tact and wouldn't let a cancelation get to me much.

Ladies is it just more PC to lie or cancel in general to spare I'll feelings and perception? Just curious. Originally Posted by gimme_that
This business is completely based on lies. We hide behind fake names or forum handle, and money just doesn't talk, it screams. No matter what they tell you, it isn't true. Sorry, something came up, I had a family issue, whatever, it really means "someone paying me more just texted me, too bad". Lie to me, it's easier on my fragile male ego, and I know it for the lie it is, anyway. As a new client, I'd probably ask when she was next available, and if I'm a regular, I'd reasses who was at the top of my rotation for next time. Hopefully, you're dumping me for another regular. I get I'm not your #1 client, or even your top 10, but I AM a regular, too.
Mysterydate023's Avatar

I've personally haven't done this........but you ever book an appointment in advance with a local lady you want to see.......but then you notice an ad for someone in a touring city who's had that limited time only vagina that you wanna see now. Or maybe your favorite girl comes to town via a "heads up text" and says are you free. Are you gonna lie or tell the truth? What would make you feel better. What decision makes the sex wetter lol. Originally Posted by gimme_that
Sort of...when I'm looking, if I don't have any one person in mind, I send out several lines, and the best fish hooked generally gets landed. The rest get an excuse. Hey, if they lie for more money, I'm lieing for hotter pussy. Not like they have to wait long for the next horny bastard to come along, anyway. They're the ones who miss out. They don't get the. Money, and if a provider thinks I'm the second best option, there's always porn, so I'll get what I want. Maybe not ideal, but hey.,,
Mysterydate023's Avatar
Ideally it would be great if she honored her original obligation and kept your appointment, but you can't blame her for trying to make some extra money when the situation presents itself, especially if the new opportunity is a one time deal like an out of town client. However, a few extra dollars now may result in the loss of future income from the client she blew off. Originally Posted by pornodave69
Nope, can't blame her. The women are driven by money, just as we're driven by getting laid. While I haven't had an appointment cancelled outright, the times have been shifted. Once it happened with a lady I've seen several times, and later a review popped up for the same day from another client. After I read it, I'd have shifted the time on me, too...

Regardless of whether or not it's okay with you for her to cancel, she'll probably do it anyway. If it is okay with you to reschedule, either a discounted session or some extra time would be a nice way to thank you for doing so. Originally Posted by pornodave69
Lol, that's hilarious.
Mysterydate023's Avatar
Depends on the provider.

I do not cancel on clients for a bigger meal ticket....

Can't tell you how many providers would cancel....I always laugh my ass off when the higher paying client cancels on their ass. And they are left hoping the lower paying client is still available. It's hilarious...

So anyway, why was she available for you short notice....rolls you need a hug, or ego stroke.

You know Damn well her ass did not have any appts..., And ching (that would be you) rang.... Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Truest response in this entire thread.

Also, she knows if business is too slow, a few quick texts are just like her'll bring all the boys to the yard...
bigclitluvr's Avatar
When situation arises, the provider is at a cross roads!

Be kind/professional/loving and keep original appointment; or selfish/uncaring/insensitive and cancel original appointment!

Remember kind & loving ladies are treated in a kind & loving way.... but selfish ladies, we'll let's just say they are treated the opposite!

Your clients will treat you like you treat them!