Ladies - are there men on here you refuse to see because of their forum personality?

Whispers's Avatar
Well, some can find their way into heaven once or twice, but buying our way to heaven is impossible. Originally Posted by gt27
While discussing a donation one Sunday my Priest told me that i couldn't buy my way into heaven....

Tuesday afternoon at Palacios I met a dancer named Heaven that proved him to be incorrect!
God damn, my phone sucks. Here is what I meant to say;

Again with the off topic bullshit. Kickbacks, I presume you lack the necessary gray matter to possess a LICENSE with any professional reputation. The last thing I need is to post a review and have it blow up in my face. BUT, I can get you my referrals if you really want to meet me.

The point being, I wanted to know if creepers on the board lose opportunities because of their conduct, or if the ladies ignore it. Originally Posted by gt27

No referrals needed because I don't care. That's what you don't get. You sound like one of the grannies from KC. Ijs
In fact​, I will not be repeating with a previous regular client just for a demeaning comment he just made on a review of mine. Some people think they can buy anything they want if you give them $. Fuck that noise. I'd rather be broke or work harder at my big girl job. Lol Originally Posted by The Infamous One

Lmao. I think I know which one.
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-06-2017, 12:21 PM
No referrals needed because I don't care. That's what you don't get. You sound like one of the grannies from KC. Ijs Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Ok, you still sound like a dumbass from Austin.
Oh my! A little feisty today are we? Should I go back to KC and shut your shit down again? Just say the word and I'll come back.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah buh-leeve thar's perviders on h'yar thet won't see meh on 'ccount o' tha way Ah writes gives 'em a headache whenst they tries ta read whut Ah sez. An' mebbe a few us theys suspects mah dick is teeny-tiny. An mebbe a couple mo' cuz Ah'm a cheep basterd.
vanessaamour's Avatar
Definitely, a hobbiest attitude in general on here most times, isnt far from the truth. If u display unsavory traits online i wont even waste my time trying to get past the facade u put up here. Als o if they have reviews amd are interested i shit i have no desire to participate in , ill pass based on that...
Its amazing how many times you can tell someone in a nice way "fuck no" and they dont take the hint
That's why you just say fuck no & keep it pushing! Lol. I like your style but for the record some assholes in the board are kittens in person. I'd rather have the ones that talk shit to my face or voice their opinion about me than be two faced. Just my 2 cents.
I will black list any guy who openly admits to engaging in BBFS.

Any time a new client contacts me I check out his public profile.

If the client has a history of being vulgar or foul mouthed I will not see him.

I turn down clients for asking me what I have already stated on my profile. It's OK to get all excited and just skip to messaging. I will ask you to please read my entire profile and then please contact me with screening information. If the client still doesn't take the time to read my profile I will definitely decline him.

If you can't take the time to actually red my showcase it's obvious that you don't respect me as a provider and I will not entertain guys who don't take the time to pay attention to my profile.

I am independent. I do all my screening myself. If you can't find the time to contact me with the information I ask of you in order to get screened please do not expect me to go back and forth for days.

I will never waste a clients time. I expect the same courtesy.

I will take the time to read a new clients public profile. To get a feel of what he likes and what he doesn't.

It has saved me and clients from wasting each other's time.

I have met sweet clients in the past who failed to fully read my provider profile. We ended up not being a good match, but because they where sweet and respectful I was able to point them into the right direction.

Communication is the key gentleman. On both sides!

I do not offer BBFS, CIM or SS. Also some clients try. For lack of reading my entire profile. Or just to be dicks. Who knows?

Treat providers the way you want to get treated. And vise versa. It's that easy.

I love what I do. I meet great guys. Have amazing sex, variety (the same reason you gentleman are on here) and go back home to being a responsible business professional without anyone knowing about my little side gig.

My regulars are amazing. We click and get along.
vanessaamour's Avatar
Thank you... i know there are a lot whose affect is completely different, i just don't care to take the time to weed them out. I don't work to often currently and would much rather have some one schedule who doesnt have any murkiness to navigate thru. sometimes i do ...i try to keep it toned down cause i can be a fire cracker when i get to going. My block game is extremely strong, i worked the weekend and blocked probably 30 pep. I do use bp as well but i am vigilant about my screening. If they dont like it they can see someone whom doesn't care about themselves
I love my regulars and will be pretty accommodating. And love that any city i visit i have more then willing repeat clients i love the familiarity and when comfort level rises the experience gets more pleasurable for all.
I will black list any guy who openly admits to engaging in BBFS.

Any time a new client contacts me I check out his public profile.

If the client has a history of being vulgar or foul mouthed I will not see him.

I turn down clients for asking me what I have already stated on my profile. It's OK to get all excited and just skip to messaging. I will ask you to please read my entire profile and then please contact me with screening information. If the client still doesn't take the time to read my profile I will definitely decline him.

If you can't take the time to actually red my showcase it's obvious that you don't respect me as a provider and I will not entertain guys who don't take the time to pay attention to my profile.

I am independent. I do all my screening myself. If you can't find the time to contact me with the information I ask of you in order to get screened please do not expect me to go back and forth for days.

I will never waste a clients time. I expect the same courtesy.

I will take the time to read a new clients public profile. To get a feel of what he likes and what he doesn't.

It has saved me and clients from wasting each other's time.

I have met sweet clients in the past who failed to fully read my provider profile. We ended up not being a good match, but because they where sweet and respectful I was able to point them into the right direction.

Communication is the key gentleman. On both sides!

I do not offer BBFS, CIM or SS. Also some clients try. For lack of reading my entire profile. Or just to be dicks. Who knows?

Treat providers the way you want to get treated. And vise versa. It's that easy.

I love what I do. I meet great guys. Have amazing sex, variety (the same reason you gentleman are on here) and go back home to being a responsible business professional without anyone knowing about my little side gig.

My regulars are amazing. We click and get along. Originally Posted by SusiSquirts

Everybody bb's somebody. Ijs
Do you how many times some idiot has asked to cum in my ass today? WTF?! I clearly fucking state no bbfs. These are just a few of the reasons I have raised my rates. It's not my clients that piss me off. It's the fucktards I turn down for being well... fucktards. They make a bitch tired. Over 40 PM's today, idk how many emails, texts... I need an assistant. I just want to have fun with my clients & do my bcd. I do not want to deal with idiots. It's too much at times.
The answer to your your question is - Hell,yes I refuse to see certain men because of what they post on ECCIE.

I also see men because of what they post on ECCIE--ie,good,kindhearted,white knights who are gentlemen are my favorite. I want to make them feel very special because they have empathy toward others.

Of course, I am self aware that men would not want to see me too based on what I post in Eccie - and that's a good thing.

Very good question, btw. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
+1 couldnt of said it better myself.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Based solely on persona? No.

Based on a pattern that shows we probably wouldn't have good chemistry due to either my physical type, his obvious preferences, or the services that his history suggests he prefers? Yep.
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-06-2017, 06:38 PM
Everybody bb's somebody. Ijs Originally Posted by Kickrocks
We know this already. However, I truly wish your dad never barebacked your mom.