Detriot Files For Bankruptcy

I am sure the same fiscal policies that got Detroit into this mess will get them out.

Or at least that seems to be where they are headed, as nobody is willing to address the real problems.

It's just like immigration. Nobody wants to fix the real problems, ie, an open border and businesses hiring illegals. They will do every thing except what should be done, and be the worse off for it.
That's a good article, Whirlaway. Here's the Harvard site with entire paper. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
When I get sometime later on I'm going to finish reading that.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The people of Detroit have reaped what they have sown. They deserve everything that is happening to them from the union leaders (who have probably already left), to the shit poor school teachers, to the black majority who continue to elect the same people who have stabbed them in the back. No sympathy.
Is probably a much bigger deal if you happen to be a resident of Detroit than most on this board.
The people of Detroit have reaped what they have sown. They deserve everything that is happening to them from the union leaders (who have probably already left), to the shit poor school teachers, to the black majority who continue to elect the same people who have stabbed them in the back. No sympathy. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This is supposed to surprise us? It's like you telling us the sun is coming up tomorrow morning. The only person you apparently have sympathy for is George Zimmerman.
This is supposed to surprise us? It's like you telling us the sun is coming up tomorrow morning. The only person you apparently have sympathy for is George Zimmerman. Originally Posted by timpage
Well like it or not JD is probably right about Detroit. Here's a video about the comparison of Hiroshima and Detroit. Iam sure everyone is aware that about 65 years ago United States Bombed the ever living shit out of Hiroshima Japan. Well somehow they rebuilt and made it back to a respectable level of prosperity where as Detroit today looks like the war zone Hiroshima was 65 years ago.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Obama Takes Romney’s Advice on Detroit
By Chris Stirewalt
Published July 19, 2013

“We refused to throw in the towel and do nothing. We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt. We bet on American workers and American ingenuity, and three years later, that bet is paying off in a big way.” -- President Obama in his weekly address, Oct. 13, 2012.

Just before Detroit became the largest municipality to ever file bankruptcy, the failed city’s emergency manager, Kevin Orr, pleaded with top White House officials, including senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, for help.

But no help was coming.

That detail in the Wall Street Journal’s coverage of how the once-great city, now $11 billion in debt, finally succumbed may be the most telling of any in the slew of obituaries for Detroit.

For all of the invective launched by President Obama and his campaign against challenger Mitt Romney last year for having argued for structured bankruptcy for the city’s Big Three automakers, in the end, the most liberal, most pro-union president since LBJ opted to take Romney’s advice when it came to the city itself.

Read more:
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fuck, Corpy.

If he's the MOST liberal, MOST pro-union president since LBJ (there've been so many...) then maybe I will have to vote for him in the 2016 election!

BTW -- you going to admit you lied about my poll?
chefnerd's Avatar
Well, it appears the political wrangling has now officially begun. It appears that a local circuit judge has ruled Detroit's bankruptcy filing to be against the Michigan Constitution because it would lessen pension benefits for public employees. And yes, the judge has a Democratic background.
Sad to see where Detroit was with manufacturing and music and where it is now. Even sadder is the glee some on this board have for the decline of America.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Thanks, but I do not think the problem is liberalism except in your own mind and the GOP's philosophy.

Sometimes people fall on hard times and it requires some soul searching to find out what went wrong and to stir up the determination to rise again from the ashes and I think cities need to do that too.

. . . Detroit used to be a strong and vibrant city, but has gone into a slow decline for decades and now has hit rock bottom. What was the fundamental problem and what is the solution? I think a major contributor was how the unions became a parasite that bled the automakers to the point that they could not compete with Japan. A city needs a robust industry and strong production to keep growing, but Detroit seems to have become a broken down old man who has given up on life. Frankly, I find the situation quite sad and disturbing.

Welcome back Fast Gunn.....

Here is what the end game of utopian liberalism looks like:

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I have no glee; the judge's ruling (over turning the bankruptcy filing) is what is sad. The best (and quickest) route for Detroit to recover - and I believe they can come back stronger better than before - is to go through an orderly process, shed themselves of debt, and move forward into the 21st Century.

The judge's decision only delays the misery of the residents...........and creditors, many of whom are small businesses.

100,000 creditors - $19 billion owed.
You completely ignore the facts and just opine with sentiment and emotions, without any factual back up..........sorry, but your return to the ECCIE Political Forum Stage is a flop !

But this is a very good topic and lessons for us all are to be had. Thanks for that !

Thanks, but I do not think the problem is liberalism except in your own mind and the GOP's philosophy.

Sometimes people fall on hard times and it requires some soul searching to find out what went wrong and to stir up the determination to rise again from the ashes and I think cities need to do that too.

. . . Detroit used to be a strong and vibrant city, but has gone into a slow decline for decades and now has hit rock bottom. What was the fundamental problem and what is the solution? I think a major contributor was how the unions became a parasite that bled the automakers to the point that they could not compete with Japan. A city needs a robust industry and strong production to keep growing, but Detroit seems to have become a broken down old man who has given up on life. Frankly, I find the situation quite sad and disturbing.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Detroit's main problem was it was not diversified was mainly a car manufacture when the car companies moved the plants they had nothing else to fall back on.
Fast Gunn's Avatar

Talk about irony!

You condescendingly give us your narrow-minded opinion, but in the same breath, condemn my own views as mere "opinions"?

You know not what you say or do.

The fact is that you haven't grown or developed your mind one bit in the time I've been away.

We could probably chart your mental growth and it would look like Detroit's bank balance on a downward spiral.

. . . You are still only a noisy clown full of sound and fury that signifies nothing, but hey, I thank you for being consistent!

You completely ignore the facts and just opine with sentiment and emotions, without any factual back up..........sorry, but your return to the ECCIE Political Forum Stage is a flop !

But this is a very good topic and lessons for us all are to be had. Thanks for that ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway