Back in time for THIS?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Perhaps this is a better perspective, though from a different angle.

Even if you DON'T blame Perry for our shitty schools, budget crater, health care crisis, runaway insurance rates, etc., you need to question how justified he is in taking credit for our "BOOMING" economy.

Check this out from the Houston Chronicle.
  • Booth
  • 08-15-2011, 05:18 PM
Some people are working 2 or 3 of those Rick Perry created jobs.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Good thing we aren't collecting taxes from any of those new companies flooding into Texas. Then we'd have to provide them something for their money. Like schools, roads, access to health care, public safety, water, uh, food ... all those luxury items that their barely more than minimum wage workforce can't afford anyway.

Wait a second. FUCK ALL OF THAT SHIT! Friday night footbawl is about to start! Never mind! We're number one!
You know I have noticed a lot of license plates around Austin that do not say TEXAS....

Let's see I have seen a lot of California plates I wonder why????Could it be because of the extremely over taxed citizens there can't get jobs....Lots of business leave the state because they are over taxed??? I thought big government and higher taxes encouraged job growth.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Being from California I will tell you that my property tax here is about triple of what my state tax was in California and if housing was comparable (which it isn't) that 1% property tax there would still be less than what I pay in taxes here currently.

And it wasn't the high taxes that killed the economy, it was California's inability to raise them through Prop 13 passed in 1978. The same super-majority bullshit Congress tried to pull during the debt ceiling debate to keep the Bush tax cuts from expiring next year. By not being allowed to increase regular taxes, California was forced to raise revenue by taxing other non-traditional means. Maybe some of this sounds in our current Federal economy?

Another big issue was the housing boom that sent many of us fleeing. That, along with all the bankruptcy and foreclosure that ensued, California's revenue went in the toilet.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
You are from Cali! That explains a lot.....They tax everything under the sun...I wish those nutballs would go back to Cali. Raising taxes helps the economy how fucking stupid can you get....
NewWave's Avatar
i sincerely enjoy having Yssup back, he keeps this place entertaining with his soused commentary.

i also don't want Perry winning the presidency. nothing personal against the guy, he just seems as empty a suit as Bush and Obama.

though I almost want to see Perry win it just to see yssup have a thermonuclear meltdown.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Well Perry has done everything to become the next President. He has met with the Rockerfellers and the middle east oil companies. Obama and every President over the last few decades has done that. He is not my favorite, but it looks like it will probably be him. It will be funny to watch the Sup have another melt down.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'll start a website today to raise money to send Wyldeman to school. Whos in? I figure if all of us chip in ... Then there's that neighbor girl he's stalking.

Anybody know the tuition at the Texas State School on Lamar?

And believe me, NEWAGE, if Perry is elected President the WORLD will suffer a thermonuclear meltdown. But I appreciate your well wishes.
I'll start a website today to raise money to send Wyldeman to school. Whos in? I figure if all of us chip in ... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hopefully the school will not give him an IQ test prior to admission.

Send the link, I'm in!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No meltdowns here, Wyldeman.

Just watching you continue to make pronouncements out of both ends of your ass with statements like: "Raising taxes helps the economy how fucking stupid can you get...."

When did you live in California?

When was the last time you rented a car in Houston?

If the answer to either of these questions was yes, then you're obviously not reading the question.

WyldemanATX's Avatar
No meltdowns here, Wyldeman. Huh could have fooled me...Right before your vacation I could have swore you were ADADADADHD.

Just watching you continue to make pronouncements out of both ends of your ass with statements like: "Raising taxes helps the economy how fucking stupid can you get...." It is called logic. Raising taxes does not stimulate most people...

When did you live in California? Do not have to live there to know it is fucked up...

When was the last time you rented a car in Houston? Why would I rent a car in Houston???I live in Austin I can just drive my own wheels...

If the answer to either of these questions was yes, then you're obviously not reading the question.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Are you trying to be clever????Not working...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you trying to be clever????Not working... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30

How would you know?

Oh, that's right, you've been bragging that you CAUSED my vacation, didn't you. Please allow me to thank you properly.

But maybe right now, we ought to get back on topic, eh? That's the post at the beginning of the thread. Use the left button on the mouse and click on the "1" at the bottom of the thread.
This is all I need to see. Nuff said. Love it or leave it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah. That dude really HATES America.


Did you know that prior to WWII, the Bellamy Salute was the official US protocol for the Pledge of Allegiance. Once the Italian Facists and then the Nazis adopted it, it was replaced with hand over heart in 1942... AFTER Pearl Harbor.

Of course, there's something about that photo that looks a bit fishy to me. Everybody but Richardson is looking off to the right. Maybe something's distracting them. Maybe it's a conservative conspiracy. Maybe the President's NUTZ itch and he's working his way down into scratching position.

And the woman on the right (can't see her too clearly in this photo) has her hand up near her carotid artery. Is that a secret Al Queda signal, or is she calling for a hit and run on the next pitch?

You are a fucking HOOT!
It is post '42 so get with the program.

I detect a bit of conspiracy theorist in your analyzation of the photo.

It is what it is, pictures don't lie. Face the music, be a man, and admit that this Kenyan born Muslim is the person you support to.

Without cheating, can you name the man behind Hussein or the lady in the black pant suit w/ orange shirt?