The Dark Ashetic

LindseyLacey's Avatar
your time and attention is very much appreciated...
your kind words are good for my spirit...
thank-you for including me...
and making me feel welcome...
thank-you Iaintliein...
thank-you PurplePussyEater...
thank-you ElisabethWhispers...
thank-you luxury daphne...
thank-you KohanaKoa...
thank-you Solemate62...
thank-you Krunkman...
thank-you LuckJack...
thank-you hobbylobby...
my very best to all...
those i have not yet met...
those i have chatted with...
and those that have become more than just friends...
love from lindsey...
I like the picture alot but she needs a little more meat
Iaintliein's Avatar
I like the picture alot but she needs a little more meat Originally Posted by Selena51
I'm glad you like it. From reading the reviews, I've got to think she gets plenty of meat though!

To each their own..
but if you've never met her..
don't cast stones about a woman you don't really know..
don't judge a book by its cover..
even though this cover is just fine, as is..
for those unknowing critics..
hope you stay that way..
leaves more time for those of us who know her..
and time is ever so finite..

Iaintliein's Avatar
To each their own..
but if you've never met her..
don't cast stones about a woman you don't really know..
don't judge a book by its cover..
even though this cover is just fine, as is..
for those unknowing critics..
hope you stay that way..
leaves more time for those of us who know her..
and time is ever so finite..

Nubuzz Originally Posted by nubuzz2010
Agreed, I think I would have to describe her as a Caucasian Geisha (with some dark but stimulating undertones!). If one could find the definition of a sophisticated, classy courtesan, the photo next to it would look something like this:
LindseyLacey's Avatar
thank-you nubuzz2010...
your time and company is a privilige...
i would also like to say...
thank-you Trooper Hawk...
for your compliment...
it was past my bedtime when i was making my thank-you list...
i did not mean to omit your name...
all my best...lindsey...
Little Sister of S&M, I have been very naughty............perhaps the seal of the confessional?
At my age, "giddy" is not a state that I find myself in with one exception, the ride on the wat to see Lindsy. I have not kept count of the number of times that I have seen her, but she is my ATF without a doubt. She is in great shape and will most likely outlive us all with her healthy ways.
Solemate62's Avatar
I only know I am nearly obsessed with desire for this beautiful woman and as soon as I can see my way clear to do so I am making the trip from Tulsa to her door and I will gladly be her most loving Foot Boy! Can't wait! (But damn, for now I must be patient and pay down some credit cards!)
Iaintliein's Avatar
I only know I am nearly obsessed with desire for this beautiful woman and as soon as I can see my way clear to do so I am making the trip from Tulsa to her door and I will gladly be her most loving Foot Boy! Can't wait! (But damn, for now I must be patient and pay down some credit cards!) Originally Posted by Solemate62
Paying down the credit cards is always a good plan. Here is some more motivation! As I recall the monogram on the other shoe is "S", go figure!
Solemate62's Avatar
OMG! Iaintlien, you must have a sadistic streak! A Sensual Foot Worshipper's dream to experience that sweetie and those feet!! (Could the 'S' stand for ''Slave?')
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 01-07-2011, 03:11 AM
Iaintliein, I bow down to your photogenic powers. As to LL let me join the chorus, the women is naturally thin but works out everyday and is very health conscious. Six pack abs, very sexy. Amazingly strong arms and hands, after all she is a RMT and her massage is tops.

One request of you Iaintliein, get your gear and go to the Red Room (aka Convent of the Twister Sisters) and do a series of LL in her nun outfit. OMG what a sight. Originally Posted by LuckJack
I second this suggestion!!!!!!! How hot would those pics be!!!!!
Solemate62's Avatar
For these pics, if we should be so lucky, can the 'nun' please wear spike heels with open toes?
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  • PSD
  • 01-07-2011, 11:43 AM
For these pics, if we should be so lucky, can the 'nun' please wear spike heels with open toes? Originally Posted by Solemate62
+1 We need to compare notes, brother!
No, No Gentlemen....the Little Sister of S&M's habit comes complete with back thigh highs and "old fashion" lace up, spike toe, ankle booties with at least a 5 inch heel. Remember this habit is completely the creation of LL, no cheap costume but every bit hand made by her, so don't think Halloween costume, think 16th century icon dripping sexuality.

Shit, Jack needs a smoke.