Trump: "Fauci is a disaster. If I listened to him, we’d have 500,000 deaths

matchingmole's Avatar
TRump doesn't trust the scientists or doctors....when he came down with covid19...he should have went to the snake handlers for his treatment instead of checking in to Walter Reed
sportfisherman's Avatar
You know who has been a fucking Disaster is 4 years of fucked up Trump bullshit and his Failed response to the Trump Plague !!

Trump is an arrogant,entitled,elitist.He has never and will never take any responsibility for his part in anything unless it happens to be something good or positive.For instance,the economy,before the Trump Plague,that was Trump's economy.

But everything else,Trump Blames everyone and everything else.He's such a Drama Queen Victim.Everybody is against poor Whinin' Donnie.He has his Grievances.

I could never vote for anyone who fronts like they are perfect.Never any mistakes made or anything to try to do better or apologies made.And all this when he has been the most out of depth amateur ever.
  • Tiny
  • 10-19-2020, 03:18 PM
If you're scared of the virus, you have no choice than to vote Biden. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Given my personal situation, Biden sucks more than Trump. I'm not voting for either.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
OK, I'll reply to the public health issue, instead of the political one. Fauci has encouraged people to wear masks, socially distance, wash hands, and stay home from work when they're sick, in the process saving thousands of lives. Originally Posted by Tiny
I'll give him credit for that, but he also told people not to wear masks. He told people to socially distance whenever possible, but also that there's no evidence that mass riots have any potential to spread the virus. The dude contradicted himself like crazy and most of the time wasn't saying anything substantial.

So, yea. He did say what you claim, and I'll give him some credit for that.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Why are these great scientific institutions now scorned? Once again. I must ask for scientific, factual response. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Because they came out and said insane shit like there was no evidence that massive BLM riots/protests had any potential to spread COVID and they recommended not to wear a mask when it was probably the most important time to do so.

They came out just a few weeks ago and told everyone that a vaccine is not the answer. What are we going to do now? Fucking lockdown forever? Wear masks and socially distance forever?

You want to listen to and follow that kind of crazy nonsense?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Uh, compare his c.v. against yours, then reply. If you don't know that cv is without googling, you're not qualified to respond. Originally Posted by reddog1951

So let us slap a CV on the table that says Fauci is a fraud and responsible for mass murder. The CV also says Mark Zuckerburg is an accomplice as well as [You]. Let me explain these three co-conspirators a bit more clearly for [You]:

  • Fauci and every scientists that played with politics and economics instead of staying in their science lane and practicing sound scientific methods
  • Mark Zuckerburg and every media outlet that censored differing opinions and actual facts
  • [You] and everyone else that fell for the above fraudsters along with their suppression and allowed it to continue. Ye verily, parroted their fraud mindlessly.
Ivor Cummings posted three very short Tweets in the below link, two have a short video (2 min) from the CV and a simple graphic.

Later, I may share with [You] what the prosecuting lawyers have to say.
TryWeakly's Avatar
You idiots.

If you can blow-out a flame (i.e. candle, match whatever) through any mask, then that mask is not safe in the context of the 'Rona .....

First its fidget spinners, now they have been replaced with cheap-ass masks made where.... in China.

You do the math on that.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
In my opinion, Dr. Fauci and the CDC have no god damn idea wtf is going on. They just happen to have the title "Scientist." If they really understood the current situation and disease, they wouldn't have made so many mistakes and contradictory statements.
matchingmole's Avatar
In my opinion, Dr. Fauci and the CDC have no god damn idea wtf is going on. They just happen to have the title "Scientist." If they really understood the current situation and disease, they wouldn't have made so many mistakes and contradictory statements. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

They were learning as they went along...something Trump cannot do. Many people are saying he is a moron.
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump hates smart Italians.....he like ones like Rudy...

Uh, compare his c.v. against yours, then reply. If you don't know that cv is without googling, you're not qualified to respond. Originally Posted by reddog1951
What’s important is that Trump is playing into Biden’s hands, when Biden says he’ll follow scientists’ advice and Trump won’t. Originally Posted by Tiny
Sixty-four percent of voters believe Fauci's coronavirus response has been excellent or good. True or untrue, only 34% believe Trump's response has been excellent or good:

On the subject of trust, you can find polls showing 50% to 60% of people trust Fauci on coronavirus, versus 30% for Trump. And coronavirus is the biggest issue on many voters minds in this election.

Trump's playing into the Democrats hands, when they say he's killed 220,000 Americans by not listening to the scientists. Originally Posted by Tiny
For me, the biggest two problems, and what really killed those 220,000 people is culture, especially the left, buying in on the "Expert Class" bullshit.

People have turned "Science" (capitalized and quotated for emphasis) into a goddamn cult of abject stupidity where the priests are to never be questioned.

Anyone mad at Trump for downplaying the 'rona needs to be at least twice as mad at the so-called experts because the first 4-5 months was total guessing and then political grandstanding. People died by the droves because they wouldn't admit that they didn't know what they were dealing with.

This year has been extremely educational about how full of shit and political academia is.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I agree T R U M P's COVID response was pretty much dog shit, especially his briefings, but I'm not going to say that Dr. Fauci was some kind of beacon of hope or did anything substantially good, either. They were working together, after all.

They were learning as they went along...something Trump cannot do. Many people are saying he is a moron. Originally Posted by matchingmole
The CDC continues to put out bizarre and contradictory statements. Let's hope they get it right some time soon.
matchingmole's Avatar
Hard to argue with those that believe the earth is flat and we never put a man on the moon. Science is science, denounce the scientist, but its still science. Put the scientific advice ( mask wearing, etc) in context with knowledge and situation at the time, then arm chair quarter back IF you are better qualified. Mr. Trump lied to us all, and it is documented in tape, the true scientists did not. The worst, is that they erred on the side of caution. Again, Mr. Trump misled us despite what he knew.
matchingmole's Avatar