Here is the deal for the lying idiots.

Next, you took a quote that I never said and promote it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JDIdiot, let's cut to the chase! Are you now saying that the following quote should not be attributed to you:

"I never, and I heard no one else say it on this site, said anything about a small deserted island. There are many landing strips in the Pacific left over from World War II. We built them everywhere and never took them out. They won't be in the best shape but they could be cleared for an operation like this and concealed again with potted trees and cargo netting."

If it was not you who made the above referenced quote, who did?
It seems in today's drive by media world, the most difficult thing for many people to believe is the truth.

In the first day of discussion on this, I said the plane was at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. The big question was, and is, how did it get there?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How did it get to the bottom of the Indian Ocean, Jackie?

Just spitballing here, but maybe it fell out of the sky...

Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out how JDrunk gets off calling EVERYBODY else liars for calling him on his dumbass posts?

If You don't find his rum-soaked fantasies ridiculous, outrageous and universally false, then I guess you'd be a liar.

But who among us doesn't believe that?
  • DSK
  • 08-13-2015, 07:46 AM
Jesus JDrunk! You must have broken out the good Sterno today. You back your ass into a conversation that has been noticeably absent of your admission of stupidity and what do you do? Come up stupid again.

Pretty fucking hysterical.

You'd be better off sticking to asking other members for a picture of their JUNK! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are a sicko - why do you obsess over pictures of the guys junk on here? Isn't your gay porn subscription enough?
southtown4488's Avatar
hahaha, what an idiot. . . this clown probably believes the moon landing was a fake, obamas birth certificate is a fake, death panels are coming to get him. jackass
novacain's Avatar
Here you go Judy............ swallow hard now

Again with the reading comprehension. I'm pretty sure that English in your second language. Or maybe you're just dumb. I want your theory to explain what we KNOW.

Maybe YOU missed the news that the WSJ now has a story that engines continued to run for four hours. They also suggest that the pilots could have turned off the transponders and that it is POSSIBLE that the plane was taken to be used in a terrorist act. Or what I suggested a couple of days ago. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
One thing to think about, the engines were running for four hours so unless they flew an evasive course, they flew straight to their destination to get the plane out of sight. That would put them in Pakistan, India, Mongolia, China, or Indonesia. All are someone friendly to Islam or have an problem with the west. If anyone has any doubts that this plane could be put back in the air undetected remember the USS Vincennes. This US war ship was approached by an aircraft in the Persian Gulf squawking like a war plane. When it did not respond, the Captain ordered a shoot down of the civilian airliner that seemed to contain a bunch of naked corpses. So what happened to the crew and passengers? We still have the phone mystery. I expect that any hijackers were too busy to make sure that everyone turned in their phones or turned them off. They may grabbed what they could and left them in a box somewhere...ringing.

Stevie, aren't you guilty of assuming? How do we know the plane went down? And I don't think anyone has been assigning blame. We're trying to figure out WHO could be responsible. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The airliner was hijacked by Portuguese mercenaries hired by Al Queada. They flew the plane under radar and landed on a small runway in the Myanmar jungle where all the passengers were let out. The hijacker's then took off again leaving behind the passengers. They took it to a Indonesian jungle where it is now being painted to look like Airforce One. It is also being retro fitted into a long range strategic bomber.

The passenger are surviving by eating wild berries. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Malaysia 370 disappeared at about 0740 (CST) on the 7th of March, 2014. I posted the start of this thread at 0030 (CST) on the 9th of March, 2014. So what is that? 41 hours? Do you want to retract your statement now or continue to look foolish?

Lets answer some of your concerns;

1. Flight 370 is either crashed or someone took it. If it crashed then everyone is dead and no further harm will befall anyone. That seems to be what some of you are hoping for. If someone took it then where is it now. Why was it taken? What happened to the passengers?
A. One theory that I have heard is that the passengers were taken by people unknown. Why? A lot of semiconductor engineers on board. No one would acknowledge taking them (taking credit) because that would justify an attack by the United States, Australia, China just to name a few of the countries involved.
B. Another theory is that the plane was taken to be used for a terrorist act someone else in the world. The plane has a working payload of about 15 tons. The passengers could be taken off, the plane filled with Semtex, repainted, the transponder signal changed, and some other target is going to be hit with a flying bomb. No one would acknowledge this because the operation is not complete yet. Why tip off your target by telling the world you took a plane.
C. Another possible theory is that the plane was taken but it crashed somewhere far away from the likely crash site.

After 9/11 the commission that looked through the data and determined that there was a failure of imagination. That is why they asked several fiction writers to DC to brainstorm what could be done with the proper resources. Though difficult, a plane could be taken (it has been done before), the transponders could be turned off (terrorists are not stupid), and the plane flown on the deck to a new location. No one was looking for it for a few hours and when they did, they were looking in the wrong place. This would give the time for any terrorist to find a safe location, land, and hide the aircraft.

Things that back up the terrorist angle;
Two men with stolen passports from a year apart end up on the same plane at the same time. One hit!
The transponders went off. Hit number two!
The plane was spotted by radar on a different course and heading. Hit number three!
There are reports of cell phones ringing through. Hit number four!
There are reports of the engines flying for four more hours because of telemetry from the engines. Hit number five!
If the plane crashed on land, a black box would start pinging and that hasn't happened. Hit number six!

Any one of these would be cause for suspicion. Two would be cause for concern. Three would be cause for alarm. Four or more... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I never, and I heard no one else say it on this site, said anything about a small deserted island. There are many landing strips in the Pacific left over from World War II. We built them everywhere and never took them out. They won't be in the best shape but they could be cleared for an operation like this and concealed again with potted trees and cargo netting.

I will answer your question for the third time. If this is an ongoing operation then you don't tip your hand by taking credit.

If this is a real crash then some terrorist organization COULD take credit for something they didn't do.

If this is some kind of quasi government op out of say...Pakistan, then Obama becomes very dangerous. Not because he is but because he really needs to change the subject from Russia, Benghazi, Syria. and the ACA. He just orders some guys to attack a compound, try to get back some hostages and he becomes a hero. I am sure that the Chinese would throw in with him as well. We supply the tech (ships, drones, missiles, infor) and China supplies the troops.

Considering how well Iran has hidden some of the sites, you can hide a 777 in the world today. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Philip Holloway on the hijacking (lets call it what it was) of 370. He agrees that the plane could be retasked for use in a terrorist attack, that there are places to land, and the lowering the pressure in the cabin above 40,000 would cause quick deaths to the passengers as they are unnecessary to the plan. Sometimes you hate being right but you heard it here first. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually I just went to Bing and looked up "maps". I found several very straight coast roads running down Indonesia and Malaysia with no houses on them. I also found a few two mile long straight aways with no connecting roads. Runways? You see, I never said it was an island, deserted or otherwise. There are highways in Kansas that you could put a 747 down on with no one around to watch. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Now was that fair LL? This is EVA, using intermediate math is taking advantage of his weakness. Maybe we should start calling him mercury, you can't pin him down with anything...especially something solid like facts. You have to contain him by pushing him towards a destination. He has gone from calling it a crash to accepting that it's terrorism. Now comes the hard part...getting him to acknowledge that some people here have a little more knowledge than he does about some things and that he is only making a fool of himself when he tries prove otherwise.

Having said that, I am just about finished with EVA. I will try not respond to his stupidity and ignorance. I will keep reading what he says (which puts him ahead of FuckZup and WTF) but unless he actually says something relevant, we're done.

So what do we know today (Sunday, 16 March) that we didn't know last week?

The world has accepted that this is terrorism and not a mechanical accident.
Malaysia is either ill equipped or unwilling to lead this investigation.
Most people accept that 370 deviated from it's original course by a huge margin.
It is still being debated but the preponderance of evidence suggests the engines were running for hours after the last radar check point when 370 was flying WSW at low altitude.
We know that the plane climbed rapidly to 45,000 feet. We can theorize why that happened accident or on purpose but I think most of us think it was on purpose in order to kill the passengers quickly. Experts (flight, medical, and intelligence) have said that consciousness would end in about 3 seconds and death would come soon afterwards.

Connect the dots that we have, try to imagine where other dots should be if we had them and we have an act of terrorism in order to get an aircraft intact. The passengers? Unnecessary to the plan. We have a bunch of aeronautical experts who say that the 777 can land or take off in less than 5,000 feet which increases the possible landing spots (not including straight roads) greatly. This was not a Hail Mary operation. Like 9/11 this was well thought out. They probably not one but a few alternate landing sites.

Okay, they have the plane. What are they going to do with it? 9/11 comes to mind again. That plane can hold tons of explosives, radiological material, a WMD, or a biological. It can fly 6,000 to 8,000 miles depending on the payload at 600 knots. So what is the target? Probablly not the US but we would hesitate to shoot down an unknown airliner sqawking a friendly code. No, they went after the financial center of the western world and now they can go after the one for the eastern world (Tokyo, ShangHai, Hong Kong, or Mumbai)

Obviously everything is subject to change if, and when, we get more concrete information. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why do you think it has be an isolated area with no living people around. Ever been to Iraq or Afghanistan? I don't think you have. It does not need to be that isolated for the people to realize that if they talk (if they are inclined to or have the ability to) then they die along with their families. As for the bodies, this was a well thought out plan and you seem to think there is only one or two people involved. Why are you so stupid? How do you get 3200 rounds off a navy ship? One at a time. How do you get 239 bodies off a plane? The same way.

I think you had better engage your brain and read about operations such this. Transporting fuel is not a problem. Getting enough without arousing suspicion is the problem. How to get around that. Buy it or steal if smaller quantities from airports where no one will notice. Answer me this; how did drug dealers fly into the US and LAND their planes to deliver drugs and then take off again without anyone noticing? I'm not talking Cessna single engines. I am talking about twin and other multi-engine planes and Mena, AR. How did we land inside enemy lines during Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan without anyone noticing? Try to use that brain you lug around. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I will tell you what is going to happen. There will be a call for drone technology in the airlines. Some will be radical; no pilots on the plane at all. They will be on the ground and flying by tech. I don't know how many would trust that (I sure don't) but there will be that call.

A more measured response would be an override of the on board pilots. Unbeknownst to the public and the pilots the airlines will install a system that can take total control from the pilots in the event of an emergency and the aircraft will be landed from the ground. So you still have pilots unless something goes wrong (suicidal pilot, loss of pilot, pilot compromised, etc) then the drone tech takes over with the turn of two keys on the ground. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Have you really not been paying attention? Haven't you heard about the UFOs, Black Holes, and Men in Black on CNN? Maybe you missed the six other airfields programed into the senior pilot's flight simulator of airports in the vicinity. Maybe you missed my post where I pointed out at least two places a plane could land within 500 miles of the last checkpoint? You need to pay attention more. Also those experts that said the plane could land in about 3500 feet (isn't that what I wrote about 4 or 5 days before they said it?) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How do you know? We're taking the word of the Malaysians now? Everyone seems to be hiding something over there.

You asked if I could identify ANY runways like I described. I did and the people did as well. I never said that I knew where the plane was. You said that.

As I have said two times previously, if this is an ongoing terrorist operation then it is not time to take credit is it? Actually potted trees. Ever see a movie set or even a landscapers supply center? You can get numerous 10-20 feet trees already balled and ready to move. You need to get out more. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

This is how it's done. I've seen much larger (you've probably heard that before CJ). Now place them on a cart to be wheeled off and on a makeshift or abandoned runway. It only has to fool satellites and only long enough to paint over the logo and change the transponder code. You don't even have to create a jungle. It just has to look like someplace a plane can't land safely. The plane leaves and heads for a regular airport with the fuel left in the tanks. This is so simple and yet somehow beyond you.....sad.

Face it, by the time anyone started looking for this plane a day later it could have already been repainted and moved. It just needed a place to sit down for a few hours. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This is a theory, repeat, this is only a theory. It is not supported by any proof yet but it also DOES NOT ignore anything that we already know. As we find out more facts (if we find out more facts) then the theory will change.

0041 (local time): Flight 370 departs from Kuala Lumpur. Destination is Beijing in about six hours.

0119: The copilot radios "All right, good night".

0121: The last know position of Flight 370.

0122: Transponder contact lost.

Unspecified time: Malaysian military radar reports that 370 descended to 12,000 feet from 35,000 during a hard left turn at course WSW.

0130: Another aircraft pilot attempted to contact 370 to relay instructions from Vietnam and got nothing by mumblings and static.

0215: Malaysian military radar reports "a plane" though to be 370 traveling NW.

0630: Flight 370 fails to arrive at Beijing.

0830: Flight 370 is reported missing.

Then it gets confusing. Corrected data, incorrect data, late to arrive data, speculation reported as fact and in general jumping to conclusions make if difficult to create a timeline. You might get three things listed as happening at the same time or three different times for the same occurrence

One theory is that 370 was taken by either one or both pilots supported by the two men with stolen passports. The plane ascended to 45,000 and the cabin was depressurized rendering the passengers unconscious or dead. The plane then descended to 12,000 feet and changed course a second time. In the six hours before the plane was declared missing it found a makeshift runway and landed. People waiting cleared out the bodies by dumping them unceremoniously along the runway. The Malaysian air symbol was painted over along with the word Malaysia. It was not necessary to repaint the entire aircraft just parts of it. Another symbol was added and the transponder signal was changed.

Six hours after landing Flight 370 took off again with a small fuel load and empty cabin. The engine telemetry was turned off. Following a flight plan filed a week before Flight XXX (something for EVA to get excited about) landed at a normal commercial strip for refueling. Since no one was aboard there was no need for a customs check and the aircraft was not boarded. At this time Flight XXX could take off for any location with a full load of fuel while the world was looking for wreckage hundreds of miles away.

Now we have the Malaysian Prime Minister calling the game because of darkness. No proof of anything as no ship has reached the wreckage (?) so we don't know what they found. Things fall off ships and they float for a long time.

Frankly I'm tired of this whole thing. We need to wait for some real information. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Listening to Headline News and they were somewhat suggesting that it is convenient that they find what may be the signal "just in time" before the battery runs out. If they fail to find the plane (if it is there) before the signal goes away then they can all say that they plane DID go down even if they didn't find it.

Sounds like part of the plot of the movie Wrong is Right. At the very end of the movie the head of the CIA (John Saxon) is accompanying the President (George Grizzard) to the UN building to resign under threat of a nuclear holocaust. While flying over Manhattan they see a couple of aluminum suitcases dangling from a flag pole. They land and the director of the CIA disarms the bombs with only about two minutes to spare. The intrepid reporter with them (Sean Connery) is a witness to an obvious assassination attempt as the threat guaranteed the presence of the President in New York City. All so convenient! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You really have some serious trouble with English. Habla English? This is the theory advanced by Headline news not me and the movie was not about hijackings but the "in the nick of time" theory. So tell me, what happens if they never find the boxes? Since we don't know what they found will you accept that the plane crashed and those are the boxes? Or will you wait for some actual proof. Those boxes are supposed to only have hours left. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually it was a Sean Connery movie with John Saxon, George Grizzard, Robert Conrad, Katherine Ross and Henry Silva. And nothing is "quoted". What a numbnuts...

It was one of the first "false flag" movies left over from the Carter years. It also had a black, female vice president which proves Bill Clinton to be lying ass whenever he claims that he got Glen Close the job as the first female VP.

Shouldn't have to be said but FuckZup is lurking around. Yes, it was released in 1982 but all the prep work started when Carter was president prior to 1981. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Nazi Baby Killer, you're really something. You're way too stupid to understand humor or Airplane. Which is very sad... Next, you took a quote that I never said and promote it. Finally, it is obvious that you were here last year and you're using a different name because you're a coward and a shit. You belong in the democratic party, and they deserve you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You NEVER said that? You better be goddamn sure, because you're fitting to get your ass burned, son. I'm a coward? You're fixing to meet up with the truth and it won't be pretty. Secondly, don't call me Surely/Shirley is humor, not misspelling someone's last name. And Leslie NIELSEN knew that and probably thought you were a tool. Too stupid to understand Airplane? You're too stupid to live, but somehow you manage.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please direct your attention to post #73 in this linked thread page and you will see that the exact quote I gave was copied and pasted exactly from JDbarelynuts post

"I never, and I heard no one else say it on this site, said anything about a small deserted island. There are many landing strips in the Pacific left over from World War II. We built them everywhere and never took them out. They won't be in the best shape but they could be cleared for an operation like this and concealed again with potted trees and cargo netting.

I will answer your question for the third time. If this is an ongoing operation then you don't tip your hand by taking credit.

If this is a real crash then some terrorist organization COULD take credit for something they didn't do.

If this is some kind of quasi government op out of say...Pakistan, then Obama becomes very dangerous. Not because he is but because he really needs to change the subject from Russia, Benghazi, Syria. and the ACA. He just orders some guys to attack a compound, try to get back some hostages and he becomes a hero. I am sure that the Chinese would throw in with him as well. We supply the tech (ships, drones, missiles, infor) and China supplies the troops.

Considering how well Iran has hidden some of the sites, you can hide a 777 in the world today."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't have time to spank you all tonight (you know you love it) but time is up and no one had the guts or character to tell the 100% truth. I see a lot of omission which is a from of lying. Later butt plugs.
I don't have time to spank you all tonight (you know you love it) but time is up and no one had the guts or character to tell the 100% truth. I see a lot of omission which is a from of lying. Later butt plugs. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You coward-ass pussy. I posted your exact words. How much more truth do you want. Those are the words you said. Own them. You said you never said anything about hiding it with bushes and stuff, when plainly you did say that. Just own up to it and it would all be over. You prolong it by continuing to deny the truth of it, when it's out there for all to see for anyone who can fucking read, which apparently rules you out.
  • shanm
  • 08-13-2015, 05:36 PM

It's allright Judy, you had no integrity on this board in the first place.
novacain's Avatar
Just as I expected Judy, owned again by me and everyone else here, all the posts were in by your "24 more hours" deadline, all the posts are yours, directly quoted from that thread, I have no reason or need to twist your quotes. The only quotes of yours I didn't post were not related to "your theory" they were you going off on a tangent against someone in the thread. Since you have now proven yourself a bitch for all to see, your ass best be on the corner making my money!
I don't have time to spank you all tonight (you know you love it) but time is up and no one had the guts or character to tell the 100% truth. I see a lot of omission which is a from of lying. Later butt plugs. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There you have it folks, JDIdiot has transformed himself into a cowardly cut and runner.

It's allright Judy, you had no integrity on this board in the first place. Originally Posted by shanm
Just as I expected Judy, owned again by me and everyone else here, all the posts were in by your "24 more hours" deadline, all the posts are yours, directly quoted from that thread, I have no reason or need to twist your quotes. The only quotes of yours I didn't post were not related to "your theory" they were you going off on a tangent against someone in the thread. Since you have now proven yourself a bitch for all to see, your ass best be on the corner making my money! Originally Posted by novacain
There you have it folks, JDIdiot has transformed himself into a cowardly cut and runner. Originally Posted by bigtex
He has been utterly shamed and humiliated for all to see. He laid down the guantlet with this stupid ultimatum and he was handed his ass, not once, but twice. Now get thee to a corner and start swishy-walking that ass and make some goddamn money, bitch
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't have time to spank you all tonight (you know you love it) but time is up and no one had the guts or character to tell the 100% truth. I see a lot of omission which is a from of lying. Later butt plugs. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Oh really?

Why don't YOU tell us what you think the 100% truth is? That way we can punch holes in whatever new lie you come up with.

You were quoted accurately above. That IS 100% truth.

So, the burden of proof now shifts to your to rebut what has been said about you.

We're listening.