Run into a provider/client in public?

DallasRain's Avatar
I actually had a client "follow me around" at a biker rally

he never said anything to me....he just smiled and nodded!
I was at a mardi gras parade in New Orleans..........with my grown kids who know what i do

One of my client friends was marching in it...he came running over to me,kissing me deeply and saying HI DALLAS

It was all cool with me

But I do know that normally,if I see a client in public,I just glance and smile... Originally Posted by DallasRain
In New Orleans, at Mardi Gras? Could have been a perfect stranger.

But in answer to the OP, it is a strangers passing in the night approach to this.

I have never met a provider I knew in public (well, except when we were supposed to be meeting for lunch). Have seen a few ladies that were obviously providers. What is bad is when my SO notices and comments. But, in any event, a poker face is the best plan of action.

I am not good at picking out faces in a crowd. Some people are. So, if the lady was not wearing makeup, etc. like I am used to seeing her, I could walk right past her with her clothes on and probably never notice her.

I frequently look at pictures a lady has in her showcase or BP ad, and think that there is no way that it is the same lady in any two pictures. So, maybe I have walked right past a provider I have seen BCD and not known it. I will say that most of the ladies I have seen do not live close by me. There is at least one exception, and I think part of my reluctance to schedule with her again is a fear we will cross paths. Known her for 6 years, live within a few miles, but have never seen her in public.

I would think small towns are bad, but the metroplex is so dang large. I rarely run into people I know at random places, hobby or real life.
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Iaintliein's Avatar
I don't get out much anymore, and pretty much always see ladies I've known for a few years, but was (still to an extent) tempted by a new "Girl" who's incall is apparently about 7 or 8 blocks from where I'm sitting. Damn, that would be handy, but damn that's close.
falconbueller's Avatar
e. As we were waiting for our table, I received a text from her: LOL. Surprised? Me, too! See u soon (I waited for the SO's to hit the powder room before retrieving it, of course). Anyway, we had a great laugh over it during our next session. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Damn, I would have not been too happy to get a text when she KNEW I was with my SO.

Of course, nowadays with Google Voice that crap stays on DND until needed.
Mr E's Avatar
  • Mr E
  • 02-04-2012, 05:12 PM
I was walking across a parking lot to go into a store to meet up with lady D when lady K drove past me. While I was with lady D I had a feeling I was being watched for a moment during our short shopping trip. A week or so later when I had lady K over for an hour she asked: "I thought you didn't have a girlfriend?' My reply: "Only short term ones. And that one does not mind being seen in public with me"

I have not had an unexpected in the face encounter but on a number of ladies have seen me here and there. One just happened a few hours ago and we are more than 200 miles away from the last place we last ran across each other. And I have seen a number of ladies that I have seen, and some I have not seen but I am aware off, in places around here and there. One that I never spent any time with but lived nearby for a short period of time I once saw in a store close to us. I just did a double take and went about my business.

One lady that I spent an hour with that lived a mile from me, I don't ever recall running across her at all even though she seems to be still be in the area the last time I looked. Ladies that I went to or came to me from 15 to 30 miles away I end up running across more often.

Actually I just remembered running into lady S when I walked into a store to grab something to drink while hanging out across the street. I just acted like I had seen a very beautiful women. I was also hoping to not run across lady D since she only lived two blocks away.
I walk the other way. lol
FishGuy13's Avatar
Hmm, I have not yet, but would most likely just smile and nod, or treat her like any other pretty lady with discretion of course.
Hey Bueller (btw…love ur avatar) THNX FOR THE THREAD.

Airport Dilemma
Yep….seen a client at the airport on my way back from Chicago once. Funny thing….he was collecting his luggage at the very same carousel ! !
I guess he was on the same plane…LOL!
No SO in sight….but I politely smiled, grabbed my luggage and caught a cab. We DID laugh later…;-)

DANGER! DANGER! Will Robinson…
I was at lunch with a client I’ve known for years. His Sister-in-Law…and SO walked in. Very small restaurant….and they noticed us right away. Of course…came over to the table (uuuugh)! I’ve never had such a hot flash in my life. He introduced me as a marketing representative….and we were discussing my representing his firm. They seemed to buy the story….but there was still a strange look from the SIL.
Stimulating….but don’t think I want to re-live that one…(nor he)!!


p.s. - Oh...Bueller....did you know a re-make of "Ferris Bueller’s Day Off" is coming out soon?
No kidding! Just FYI.
falconbueller's Avatar
WARNING: Thread hijack in progress.

I thought that ended up being a Honda commercial for the superbowl? I know they did one in Ferris Bueller style.

If they did remake it they could NEVER match it.

Oh, and back to the OP, I would pass out if my SO walked in while at lunch with a lovely lady. WOW! You must have played it very cool.
blue3122's Avatar
I have had a few of these experiences at different airports. DFW, Love, IAH, ATL, even ORD. In ORD, I was on a two hour layover and in the bookstore and ran into a provider I knew and we chatted for about 10 minutes, then 2 minutes later ran into a former colleague.

First time was when I was teaching a college economics course. It was a night course and therefore had some non-traditional students as well as younger students. I had seen one provider 3 or 4 times that summer. First night of class, 35 students, calling roll and then looking up. Surprise when I looked up. She came to my office after class and....we decided it would be better if she took another class and we never saw each other bcd again. Unfortunately we both had some sort of academic ethics.

Was at a Christmas show at DSO and saw one of my favorites with her two daughters sitting 2 rows in front of me and my then SO (dumped yesterday). I had not seen her in a year but did call her last week!! Much better than the former SO. We saw each other, smiled, never spoke.

In a grocery store with a former SO. Saw a tall, hot blonde with a great ass. Turned to look at something else and felt a hand on my ass. She put a note in my back pocket. SO was not near. never spoke though.
CoHorn's Avatar
I actually had to perform a pelvic examination in the emergency room on a provider once. She didn't know me, but I thought I recognized her face. After my shift, I looked up her ad and the tattoos matched. Needless to say, I saw much more of her than the typical hobbyist and I was on the donation receiving list this time.
Ran into my local fave at a Discount Tire in my small town. I was with my 18 yr old son and his friends. We made eye contact and nodded. When she was outside getting her car, the sun ouylined her profile and big tits. All the boys were staring and making comments. If they only knew the fun I've been having with her and those beautiful boobs.
Although I thought I saw a BP massage girl once at a local high-end mall (had never seen her, just the ads), I've never ran into a provider in public unless we were purposely meeting up for lunch or something.

I do have an interesting twist to this though if I may -a few years back I was in a casual dating relationship with a provider and we were out in public on the weekend doing normal life activities of lunch, shopping, etc and she clutched me and pointed out a client of hers and detailed his home/family situation, etc. We saw him again briefly and then left that place. On our very next stop we saw him and the entire family and what she had told me was evident after seeing the family. He saw her that 2nd time (as I don't think he did in the first store) and just glanced back down after spotting us. She clutched my hand tightly when we passed that 2nd time which kinda made me feel good, as it was a sign she was mine ha ha. Fun times, I should look her up and reconnect! Sorry for the slight hi-jack.
The only thing that bothers me about running into clients is not looking fabulous when I do! I am always wearing no makeup, hair in a ponytail and my big grey sweatshirt, lol