A question about postponing the Business Mandate

It was understood from the beginning that the only way Obama Care could really work was if everybody was in it.

The more people that the Administration allows to opt out of the system, the more it will cost those that are required to be in it.

That cannot be a good thing.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you suggesting that the government won't enforce the business mandate in 2015?
LexusLover's Avatar
I suspect it will have a negative effect on the incentive that larger company's might have to hire new employee's due to the year delay. Originally Posted by bigtex
Perhaps, but there is even a worse result as far as the alleged "purpose" of the law, which IS immediate. The law became law in March 2010.

#1: Everyone, including employers and insurers have had AT LEAST 3 plus years to "decide" what to do.

#2: "The Secretary" has had 3 years to promulgate implementing regulations.

#3: People have been hired and as is customary they wait for a period before they get health insurance from the company ... 30-180 days.

#4: Open enrollment was to begin October 1st so companies have been telling new employees they are eligible for insurance and can enroll by October 1st.

#5. Carriers are saying they cannot offer employee group plans for 2014 until The Secretary has completed promulgating the regulations to let them know what they HAVE TO OFFER for employer plans, and they WERE planning on those regs to be in place in time for them to provide employers with "OPTIONS" for their employees ....

#6. Carriers need to have their Plan Option coverages so they can allow "underwriting" to establish a rate that can be charged for particular plans and supplemental components to those plans.

#7. AND if employers begin coverage for employees prior to Jan. 1, 2014, then the carriers have to either begin the REQUIRED coverage now or let employers know that the plans offered in 2013 cannot (will not) be offered effective Jan. 1st 2014, and/or the premiums on the existing plans will be going up substantially for 2014 ..

#8. AND all that was to be in place by October 1st 2013, so the employers/employees could make their decision according to the requirements of the law/regulations (that do not exist at this time).

Is the decision "political" ... because of the upcoming elections. Of course. Because EVERYONE of the dumbshits who voted FOR Obamacare AND who are still saying it is a good deal and beneficial for the country are AT RISK of getting booted out ... IF THE VOTERS find out how they are going to be fucked come January 1, 2014. Pushing it off past mid-terms may save their asses.

This delay ONLY GIVES non-union major companies a reprieve at PROVIDING health insurance for the newly hires who finally got a job and those hired in the next year, who finally got a job, whose COBRA has expired, and are no longer insured. The carriers are CURRENTLY NOT REQUIRED to accept their applications, and if they do it ONLY WILL BE for high risk plans at high risk rates. (What will become known as "the pool")

So the 11 million UNINSURED, the plan was supposed to "COVER" WTIH INSURANCE, will NOW INCREASE to 30 to 40 million at least, ... SO LONG AS THEY ARE NON-UNION, NON-GOVERNMENT, and/or are working for an EXEMPTED EMPLOYER, because The Secretary has been busy passing out EXEMPTIONS to Obaminable supporters (groups) RATHER than spending HER time establishing the regulations.

Like Nancy and Harry told EVERYONE ... pass it and then see what happens.

That's the reason by the original implementation date was AFTER 2nd term elections AND that is reason why the administration is trying to kick the can down the road.

Guess who gets the mess! The next guys.

Just like Obaminable did in the Chicago housing project he was "organizing"! Left it UNFINISHED!
LexusLover's Avatar
Are you suggesting that the government won't enforce the business mandate in 2015? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

YES! Because of the upcoming 2016 elections!

With about 2,500 EXEMPTIONS, what "mandates"?

Besides .. if I have to pay $250 a month for each employee as my part of the NEW RATES, which amounts to $3,000 annually, I am going to pay my $750 a year TAX BULLET per employee to NOT OFFER COVERAGE and save $2,250 a year per employee by NOT OFFERING COVERAGE.

Then if the employee doesn't want to pay $6,000 a year in premiums for health insurance the employee can pay $750 a year for the TAX BULLET and SAVE $5,250 a year out of pocket!

That is ASSUMING that the carriers HOLD premiums for the "average" plan at $500 a month!

So what good is a law that was supposedly designed to insure 11 million people ... if it generates 30, 40, to 50 million uninsured! ..... It generates TAXES .. from businesses AND the MIDDLE CLASS.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Interesting way of looking at it.

People's natural resistance to health care coverage was all a plot to raise money for Obama's treasury.

I can smell the next great bitching point coming.

Pity people occasionally get sick, isn't it?
  • 07-05-2013, 08:20 AM
Perhaps, but there is even a worse result as far as the alleged "purpose" of the law, which IS immediate. The law became law in March 2010.

#1: Everyone, including employers and insurers have had AT LEAST 3 plus years to "decide" what to do.

#2: "The Secretary" has had 3 years to promulgate implementing regulations.

#3: People have been hired and as is customary they wait for a period before they get health insurance from the company ... 30-180 days.

#4: Open enrollment was to begin October 1st so companies have been telling new employees they are eligible for insurance and can enroll by October 1st.

#5. Carriers are saying they cannot offer employee group plans for 2014 until The Secretary has completed promulgating the regulations to let them know what they HAVE TO OFFER for employer plans, and they WERE planning on those regs to be in place in time for them to provide employers with "OPTIONS" for their employees ....

#6. Carriers need to have their Plan Option coverages so they can allow "underwriting" to establish a rate that can be charged for particular plans and supplemental components to those plans.

#7. AND if employers begin coverage for employees prior to Jan. 1, 2014, then the carriers have to either begin the REQUIRED coverage now or let employers know that the plans offered in 2013 cannot (will not) be offered effective Jan. 1st 2014, and/or the premiums on the existing plans will be going up substantially for 2014 ..

#8. AND all that was to be in place by October 1st 2013, so the employers/employees could make their decision according to the requirements of the law/regulations (that do not exist at this time).

Is the decision "political" ... because of the upcoming elections. Of course. Because EVERYONE of the dumbshits who voted FOR Obamacare AND who are still saying it is a good deal and beneficial for the country are AT RISK of getting booted out ... IF THE VOTERS find out how they are going to be fucked come January 1, 2014. Pushing it off past mid-terms may save their asses.

This delay ONLY GIVES non-union major companies a reprieve at PROVIDING health insurance for the newly hires who finally got a job and those hired in the next year, who finally got a job, whose COBRA has expired, and are no longer insured. The carriers are CURRENTLY NOT REQUIRED to accept their applications, and if they do it ONLY WILL BE for high risk plans at high risk rates. (What will become known as "the pool")

So the 11 million UNINSURED, the plan was supposed to "COVER" WTIH INSURANCE, will NOW INCREASE to 30 to 40 million at least, ... SO LONG AS THEY ARE NON-UNION, NON-GOVERNMENT, and/or are working for an EXEMPTED EMPLOYER, because The Secretary has been busy passing out EXEMPTIONS to Obaminable supporters (groups) RATHER than spending HER time establishing the regulations.

Like Nancy and Harry told EVERYONE ... pass it and then see what happens.

That's the reason by the original implementation date was AFTER 2nd term elections AND that is reason why the administration is trying to kick the can down the road.

Guess who gets the mess! The next guys.

Just like Obaminable did in the Chicago housing project he was "organizing"! Left it UNFINISHED! Originally Posted by LexusLover
YES! Because of the upcoming 2016 elections!

With about 2,500 EXEMPTIONS, what "mandates"?

Besides .. if I have to pay $250 a month for each employee as my part of the NEW RATES, which amounts to $3,000 annually, I am going to pay my $750 a year TAX BULLET per employee to NOT OFFER COVERAGE and save $2,250 a year per employee by NOT OFFERING COVERAGE.

Then if the employee doesn't want to pay $6,000 a year in premiums for health insurance the employee can pay $750 a year for the TAX BULLET and SAVE $5,250 a year out of pocket!

That is ASSUMING that the carriers HOLD premiums for the "average" plan at $500 a month!

So what good is a law that was supposedly designed to insure 11 million people ... if it generates 30, 40, to 50 million uninsured! ..... It generates TAXES .. from businesses AND the MIDDLE CLASS. Originally Posted by LexusLover
For an ambulaxxx lawyer chaser, do you think you qualify too write about this!

LexusLover's Avatar
For an ambulaxxx lawyer chaser, do you think you qualify too write about this! Originally Posted by CJOHN
If I were one, then I wouldn't be qualified to write about it, at least on that basis alone.

Were the noisy fireworks stressful to you last night?
  • 07-05-2013, 08:59 AM
maybe you are a little more qualify, since your employer uses the services ... lol
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-05-2013, 10:07 AM
almost 98% of the businesses in this country have less than 50 employees ... small businesses qualify for subsidies to offset the cost ... if Wallyworld and Mickey D's doesn't want to get with the program, fuckem, they have enough $ to pay the $3k fine for every employee that purchases their own insurance
LexusLover's Avatar
almost 98% of the businesses in this country have less than 50 employees ... small businesses qualify for subsidies to offset the cost ... if Wallyworld and Mickey D's doesn't want to get with the program, fuckem, they have enough $ to pay the $3k fine for every employee that purchases their own insurance Originally Posted by CJ7

the number of employees doesn't matter for Obaminable Care ...

........... it is based on gross revenues of the company, not the number of employees.

Read the fine print. What the hell do you think the IRS was supposed to be doing?

Examining the books, assessing responsibility, evaluating compliance, and then taxing!
LexusLover's Avatar
since your employer uses the services ... lol Originally Posted by CJOHN
Are you addressing me?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-05-2013, 10:33 AM
since the businesses with less than 50 employees are exempt from the mandate and businesses with more than 50 employees aren't, looks like youre going to have to post that FINE PRINT just for CJOHN
Individual's are exempt from the mandate............

Obama is caving into big business interests because he needs their donations for the 2014 election cycle.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-05-2013, 11:16 AM
Individual's are exempt from the mandate............

Obama is caving into big business interests because he needs their donations for the 2014 election cycle. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I bet you can provide a list of big businesses that donate more $$ to the dems than they do the repubs cant you ?

ready set GO !
bojulay's Avatar
The Law, more like a set of guidelines than rules not to be broken.

Another product of big government, the suspension of whatever laws
they don't feel like enforcing at the moment.

Parlay, Captain Jack.